Vice Chancellor job at Mbarara University of Science and Technology
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Vacancy title:
Vice Chancellor

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Admin & Office ]

Jobs at:

Mbarara University of Science and Technology

Deadline of this Job:
Tuesday, April 30 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Mbarara, East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, April 02 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Mbarara University of Science and Technology jobs in Uganda

Tenure of Service:
The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed on terms and conditions determined by the University Council for five years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for one more term.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
In line with Section 31(1) of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act (2001), the ViceChancellor shall be responsible for the academic, administrative and financial affairs of the University; and in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at ceremonial assemblies of the University and confer degrees and other academic titles and distinctions of the University.

Additionally, the Vice Chancellor shall:
• Lead the development and review of the University’s Strategic plan in line with the University’s pursuit of academic and professional excellence.
• Promote an understanding of the vision, mission and core values of the University.
• Initiate and co-ordinate the development and review of policies, plans and programs of the University in line with the University strategic plan.
• Supervise the Senior Management Team responsible for the academic, financial and administrative functions of the University and ensures that they are facilitated to deliver the planned outputs.
• Mobilize and solicit for resources necessary for the implementation of the University plans and programs.
• Monitor all University financial expenditures.
• Be Responsible to the University Council for the effective management of the Institution and for the efficient use of human and fiscal resources in compliance with the University Regulations and Strategic Plan.
• Present University Management’s policy initiatives, programmes, activities and recommendations to the University Council for consideration.
• Submit reports to the University Council on policies, programs and activities of the University.
• Be Responsible to the University Council for the general conduct and discipline of staff and students.
• Chair Senate and presides at all meetings of the Senate at which he/she is present.
• Coordinate, organize, control and direct the academic affairs of the University.
• Promote awareness and understanding of the University’s mission, policies and programs and is accountable for resources entrusted to the University.
• Be Spokesperson of the University on all matters that affect the general operations of the University.
• Spear head building strategic partnerships and networks for the university.

Key Deliverables
• Leadership to the development and review of the University strategic plan provided.
• Annual Status Report on the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan produced and submitted to stakeholders.
• Annual Communications and visibility Plan of the university produced.
• Senate Reports on academic affairs of the University produced and submitted to the University Council timely.
• Initiation of review of policies, plans, program undertaken.
• Mobilization and solicitation of resources for the implementation of University plans and programs done.
• University Financial expenditures monitored.
• Effective management of the institution and efficient use of Human and fiscal resource of the University undertaken.
• Strategic partnership and networks for the university built.
• General conduct and discipline of staff managed.
• Direction of the academic affairs of the University provided.
• Business plan for the mobilization of resource developed and implemented
• Performance assessment conducted and performance agreements signed with Senior Managers by the timeframes specified by the University Council.

Person Specification
• Hold an earned PhD or Masters in Clinical discipline.
• Possess a good University education and should be a proven, successful manager of human and material resources.
• Having a background in Science and Technology is of an added advantage.

Specifically, the candidate shall be expected to:
• be a highly distinguished scholar of the rank of Associate Professor or Professor
• possess a minimum of seven (7) years’ experience at the level of senior management in a reputable Academic/Corporate/Private Institution and demonstrate ability to provide academic and administrative leadership;
• be a person of proven integrity;
• be in the age range of 40 to 60 years at the date of possible assumption of duty on 25th October, 2024;
• command the respect of the national and international academic communities through his/her track record;
• strengthen the bridges between staff, students and other members of the University community;
• be a person with a clear vision for the development of a growing University
• Attract resources into the University.

Administrative Attributes/Competences:
• High level of maturity;
• Experience of strategic leadership and management in a reputable University or equivalent government or private organization;
• Possess excellent interpersonal skills and competences;
• Demonstrate evidence of negotiation skills;
• Excellent communication skills and public relations;
• Demonstrate evidence of ability to understand and manage the teaching process;
• Demonstrate evidence of team leadership;
• Proven ability to manage student communities;
• Knowledge of Higher Education Policies and Operations;

Financial Attributes/Competences:
• Ability to comprehend and implement the Strategic Plan of the University;
• Good financial track record;
• Evidence of involvement in leadership of investment projects;
• Evidence of experience in planning and budgeting;

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 84

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure

i) Each application should be accompanied by copies of the candidate’s curriculum vitae, duly signed and dated. The curriculum vitae must contain the candidate’s name in full, date of birth, district of origin, marital status, educational attainment, and nationality, professional and academic achievements.
ii) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates, national identity card or bio-data page of their passport.
iii) Each application should include the names and addresses of three referees. Each referee should be contacted by the applicant to forward direct to the Academic Registrar/Secretary to the Search Committee, a confidential report in a properly sealed envelope marked: “Post of Vice Chancellor: Referee’s Report”, at the top left hand corner of the envelope.
iv) Each application must be accompanied by copies of statement of the candidate’s Vision for the University in the twenty-first century.
v) All applications shall be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to Chairperson of the Vice Chancellor Search Committee. The envelope should be marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF MUST VICE CHANCELLOR (VC)”.
vi) Inquiries can be made through the email indicating subject as “INQUIRY” during working hours.

Deadline for Submission
This advert runs Monday 1st April, 2024 and closes on Tuesday, 30th April, 2024 at
5.00pm East African Time.

Submission of Application
Sealed applications should be addressed to:
The Chairperson Vice Chancellor Search Committee c/o The Academic Registrar
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
P.O. Box 1410, Mbarara, UGANDA

Hard copy applications should be delivered to:
The Office of the Academic Registrar,
Mbarara University of Science and Technology,
Town Campus - Kabale Road, Mbarara

Or Sent by Post Office to:

The Chairperson Vice Chancellor Search Committee, c/o The Academic Registrar,
Mbarara University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 1410, Mbarara, UGANDA

Electronic applications can be sent to 
Electronic applications having all the required documents in one (1) folder should be scanned and emailed with the subject clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION of Vice Chancellor” to 

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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 April 2024
Duty Station: Mbarara
Posted: 02-04-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-04-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-04-2068
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