Terms of reference for translation of REAL Fathers + ECD training materials job at Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC)
686 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Terms of reference for translation of REAL Fathers + ECD training materials

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC)

Deadline of this Job:
1 May 2023

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, April 20, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC)
Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC) jobs in Uganda

1. Introduction
Impact and Innovations Development Centre (IIDC) is a not-for-profit technical assistance organisation that promotes evidence-based impactful interventions that improve the wellbeing of vulnerable groups. IIDC is leading a consortium of six organisations to promote and scale up the Responsible, Engaged, and Loving (REAL) Fathers intervention in six subregions of Uganda namely Buganda, Busoga, Bunyoro, Lango, Teso and Ankole.
Responsible, Engaged and Loving (REAL) Fathers is an evidence-based, community-led mentoring program for fathers of toddler-aged children that teaches positive parenting, nonviolent disciplining and home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD). REAL Fathers is endorsed by Uganda’s government for a national scale-up and adaption in Uganda’s regional cultures.
IIDC is seeking for bids from translation firms to translate REAL Fathers + ECD materials from English to seven Ugandan local languages namely; Runyankore–Rukiga (For Ankole); Runyoro (For Bunyoro Sub-region); Luganda (For Buganda region); Lusoga (For Busoga region); Ateso (For Teso region) and Langi (For Lango region) and Swahili (For some communities in
Kiryandongo and Isingiro – refugee host communities).

Materials to be translated
No Document Document size in Microsoft word

• REAL Fathers + ECD Mentor Training Manual 140 pages (35,000 words)
• REAL Fathers + ECD Home Visit & Group Meeting
• High Literacy Protocol
• 76 pages (16,000 words)

REAL Fathers + ECD Home Visit & Group Meeting

• Low Literacy Protocol
• 60 pages (10,000 words)
REAL Fathers + ECD Mentor Resource Sheets 33 pages (6,000 words)
REAL Fathers + ECD Teaching Aides 30 pages (1,300 words)

Note: IIDC will provide a soft copy of the materials (in word version) to the selected translation firm(s) to be used for over writing during translation.


• The translation firm or entity should have a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in translation of training materials. Expertise with translation of texts on parenting and early childhood development will be an added advantage.
• Technical competencies and qualifications of proposed translators should be demonstrated, including CVs, certifications or membership with relevant associations of translators.
• Proven ability and capacity to deliver translations to meet tight deadlines, such as the flexibility to assign additional translators to complete the assignment within a limited timeframe.
• Proof that they have time to commit to a time sensitive assignment and deliver with quality and no third party delegation.

The translation firm should submit a technical and financial proposal that includes the following:

• Company profile demonstrating evidence that the translation firm has executed similar jobs before. This evidence must be for the firm not individual consultants. The firm should provide, list of previous assignments and contact of the referees for the previous assignments.
• Brief understanding of the assignment and proposed methodology including timeline for translating the materials.
• List of translators with each possessing atleast a University degree in a relevant field of study but preferably a degree in Education or language studies. Please indicate the specific language(s) to be translated by each translator.
• CV of each translator, specifying the person’s relevant experience in translating training materials.
• CV of team leader and/or person who will be responsible for proof reading and signing off the translated materials before the firm submits them to IIDC.
• Financial proposal with clear costing. It should take into consideration the various steps that the translation firm deems to be necessary in order to translate the materials within a limited timeframe, and as specified in the proposed methodology by the translation firm.
• Uganda registered firm
• Proof of tax compliance
• Copy of last audited books of accounts
• Valid Trading license

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure

The technical proposal must be in English and submitted electronically to tenders@iidcug.org 
The closing date for submission of bids is 1st May, 2023 by 5:00pm (Ugandan time).

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 01 May 2023
Duty Station: KAMPALA
Posted: 20-04-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 20-04-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 20-04-2067
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