Terms of reference for the development of the Aflasafe commercialization strategy for Uganda at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
815 Days Ago
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Aflatoxin, a highly toxic compound produced by Aspergillus fungi, naturally contaminates crops especially maize, groundnut, and sorghum. It’s a major food safety concern for consumers worldwide. People are exposed to the toxins when they consume contaminated grains or foods prepared with such grains or through consumption of milk or meat of livestock that have been fed with contaminated feeds. The toxins suppress the immune system, retard growth, cause liver cancer, and may cause death in both humans and domestic animals. Aflatoxin is a barrier to trade, limits access to premium grain markets, leading to loss of income for the farmer & traders, disrupting food & industrial raw material supply system

Scope of Work

Working collaboratively with the Aflasafe team at IITA & NaCRRI, the Consultants will develop a robust Aflasafe Commercialization Strategy to address at a minimum, and by no means exhaustive, the following


The following are the deliverables of this assignment:

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Application and submission information

The following documents are required for this application

Eligibility Information
This opportunity is open to pre-selected Offerors that are deemed capable of implementing the scope of work, that have a solid record of integrity and business ethics, and that meet the eligibility requirements stated in this Section. All Offerors must certify that the organization or firm, and the firms’ principals, are not debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment. IITA will not award a subcontract to any firm that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment, or who proposes to do business with firms or firms’ principals who are debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment, in the performance of the requirement of this activity. Offerors that submit proposals in response to this consultancy opportunity must meet the following requirements:

Evaluation Criteria and Basis for Award

IITA will make award(s) to an eligible, responsive (one that complies with all the terms and conditions in the ToR without material deviation) and responsible Offeror(s) that presents the best value (as determined by the technical/cost trade-off analysis) to IITA. Offerors may not modify non-responsive offers after the proposal deadline in order to make them responsive. However, IITA may request an Offeror to clarify its offer as long as no material deviation exists.

IITA will evaluate proposals in accordance to the following criteria:

  • Qualifications, experiences, and expertise of key personnel to be involved in this assignment.
  • Past experience in conceptualizing and implementing similar works.
  • Ability to work in a multi-institutional and complex environment.
  • Timeliness and ability to meet proposed timeline.
  • Institutional financial strength and assignment costing structure.
  • Clarity of documentation and clear plans to achieve the desired results.

IITA decision is final.

Questions & clarifications

To view full details of the tender, Click here

Consultants are advised to send questions or seek clarifications regarding this assignment via email to J.W.Kamau@cgiar.org  not later than 16th December 2022

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 16 December 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 12-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-12-2066
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