Terms of Reference for a consultant to undertake the development of the National guidelines for Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity tendering job at Joint Clinical Research Centre
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1. Overview


To develop the national Biosafety and Biosecurity guidelines to be used by personnel in Laboratories and all institutions collecting, analyzing, storing, disposing, and transporting biological agents, toxins, dangerous chemical, and radioactive materials.  



Desk review of the available International and national standards, policies, Acts and guidelines, treaties, and resolutions from conventions (OSH Act 2006, NEMA Act 2019, Public health Act 2021, The laboratory policy alongside the 2021 national laboratory waste management guidelines). A review of the ISO 35001:2019, ISO 15190:2020, WHO Biosafety Manual 4th Edition:2020, WOAH/OIE guidelines, The Cartagena protocol, Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)* Treaty, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540), and the Convention on Biological

Diversity. Stakeholder’s engagement meetings to discuss country context will be critical and the review of the national BRM audit report 2022 to understand status, Document writing, sharing and finalization.


Joint Clinical Research Centre

Project Title

Strengthening Public Health Laboratory Systems in Uganda


30 days including weekends

Expected Start 

1st July to 31st July 2023

The Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) is an autonomous organization that was established in 1991 as a limited liability not-for-profit joint venture between the Uganda Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Defense and Makerere University Medical School (now Makerere College of Health Sciences). The Centre conducts Medical Research and training, provide equitable and Sustainable HIV/AIDS care and other health care services in Uganda and internationally.   

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The Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) jobs in Uganda

Strengthening Public Health Laboratory Systems in Uganda (SPHLS) is a five-year project awarded to JCRC by PEPFAR-CDC. This grant is intended to support government of Uganda through the department of National Health Laboratory Diagnostic services (NHLDS) to strengthen laboratory systems and establish Sustainable diagnostic optimized networks and partnerships for integrated HIV related testing, disease surveillance and outbreak investigations in Uganda.

The project is implemented through a consortium of two partners led by JCRC as the prime partner responsible for the management of the grant and Biolabs Red Services (BLS) responsible for providing capacity development to public Health facilities towards achievement and sustenance of international accreditation.

The Strengthening Public Health Laboratory Systems project has four strategic objectives.

I.             Strengthen the Quality of laboratory Services by supporting NHLDS implementation of quality management system using SLMTA and SLIPTA tools and processes to ensure accreditation of laboratories to ISO 15189: 2012 & ISO 17025.

II.            Capacity building for equipment maintenance and biosafety cabinets at the regional and national levels to ensure uninterrupted service delivery due to equipment breakdown.

III.           Support NHLDS to implement laboratory waste management policy and implementation plan, including surveillance of laboratory waste management practices, proper segregation of infectious waste, and waste disposal.

IV.          Support HIVDR testing/validation Laboratory and support NTRL to implement the TB National EQA scheme.

To achieve these strategic objectives, there are several activities designed but specifically to address objective III, there is need for the development of the national guidelines for Biorisk Management (BRM) -Biosafety and Biosecurity to provide harmonized national one health guidance for establishment and implementation of containment systems for institutions dealing with these dangerous agents. 

JCRC seeks to recruit a consultant with subject matter expertise in Biorisk Management as well as guidelines development. 

3.            Background

Uganda is implementing Biosafety Biosecurity under the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) action package 3 with implementation guidance based on international standards ISO 35001:2019, ISO15190:2020, the WHO Biosafety risk based manual 4th edition and the World Organization for animal health (OIE). Whereas Biosafety and Biosecurity is a fairly new concept to many institutions, recent global trends experiences from emerging and re-emerging disease outbreaks like COVID-19, Ebola virus disease, Marburg, bird flu, Anthrax and Monkey pox virus has highlighted an urgent need for Uganda to build robust Biosafety and Biosecurity (Biorisk Management) systems that are able to detect, avert and effectively respond to any of these biological threats and hazards. 

To fast-track improvement in Biosafety and Biosecurity across the country, MOH assigned the department of National Health Laboratory and Diagnostic Services (NHLDS) through its unit of Biosafety Biosecurity to lead efforts in capacity building on BSBS. To date the department has worked in collaboration with the other One Health partners (Human, Animal, Water and Environment) to develop a uniform training, mentorship and audit curriculum and tools to guide capacity building efforts across all these sectors in BRM. A pool of multisectoral BRM trainers, BRM auditors, BRM mentors and Risk management experts have been trained. 

Relatedly, government is in advanced One Health legislative process on Biosafety and Biosecurity bill that will provide an enabling environment for BRM implementation. Despite all these efforts, the country currently has no harmonized guidance on the implementation of BRM interventions which has led to scattered, silo and uncoordinated implementation leading to wastage of the meagre resources and delivery of sub-standard services with no clear leadership and reporting structures for Biosafety and Biosecurity related events.

4.            Scope of Work

4.1. Time scope

The project must be implemented within thirty (30) days/ one month.

4.2. Scope of services

The scope of services will include but not limited to the following:

I.             Perform document review of the policy, guidelines, and other relevant documents to guide development of the guidelines as described in section 1- Work Description.

II.            Converge a multisectoral one health team led by NHLDS to seek their input. 

III.           Present developed draft guidelines to the stakeholders such as NHLDS the Laboratory Technical Advisory committee and senior Management- Ministry of Health.

IV.          Input suggestions and recommendations from the consultative meetings, review and finalize the document.

5. Objectives

The primary objective is to develop an all-encompassing one health Biosafety and Biosecurity guidelines that will be used by laboratories and institutions as a guiding framework for establishment, and implementation of robust containment measures while handling biological agents, toxins, chemicals, and radiological materials within the facilities.

Specific Objectives

➢           Map-out specific BSBS guidelines for collection, transpiration, analysis, disposal, and storage of dangerous biological, chemical, and radioactive agents. 

➢           Develop guidance on the proposed structure of implementation of the BSBS framework in the country.

➢           Provide an improvement/implementation plan or framework that will ensure well structured implementation geared towards continuous quality improvement. 

6.            Methodology

Through stakeholder mapping and meaningful engagement, the consultant will develop a draft Biosafety and Biosecurity guidelines that will be used by all one health partners during implementation of health services in the country. The consultant will develop a document that is well structured with clear step by step implementation guidelines for all relevant stake holders. The consultant will be contracted by JCRC. However, the SPHLS project manager and BRM advisor will follow through every step of this guidelines development. It’s strongly advisable that the consultant works very closely with the MOH/NHLDS team on this assignment. 

7. Duration and Timeframe

This consultancy assignment will take thirty working days, on a full-time starting from the date of signing the contract.

8. Inputs

➢           Stationery and Communications: The Consultant will be required to manage their own local communications and/or internet. These costs should be included in the lump sum fee in their financial proposal.

➢           Accommodation: All accommodation costs and other living expenses will be covered within the consultancy fee

➢           Office space and facilities: The consultant is expected to work at the JCRC project offices or remotely using his/her own computer and other means of communications and will have access to printer to print only documents related to the assignment.

9. Deliverables

➢ Fine draft Laboratory Biosafety Biosecurity one-health implementation guidelines  ➢ Activity report detailing the process, challenges, and recommendations. 

10. Reporting

The consultant will report directly to the Project Manager- JCRC-SPHLS project.   The consultant shall provide weekly progress reporting of activity to the PM. The project manager will in turn update the principal investigator of the project, funder, and other stakeholders at Ministry of Health.

11. Requirements for Experience and Qualification

1.            Demonstrate knowledge and experience in development of national policies and implementation guidelines. 

2.            Excellent writing, editing, and oral communication skills. 

3.            Fluency in writing and speaking in English.

4.            Over 8 years of prior work experience in the field of Biosafety Biosecurity and supporting national programs in IPC and outbreak response.

5.            Demonstrated experience and skills in managing stakeholders and holding consultative meetings.  

6.            Good knowledge of local International and national government(s) operations, laws, treaties, and guidelines on Biosafety and Biosecurity

7.            Good understanding of the one health concept and its implementation 

12. Required documents.

When submitting the technical Proposal, the applicant shall, in particular ensure to attach the following: Profile of the consultant (max 1 page) explaining why they are the most suitable for the work, relevant experience (max 3 pages) detailed methodology, conceptual framework with expected deliverables and timelines, man days required (3-5 pages) and recent CV.

13. Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount (including a breakdown of costs for fee, travel, and number of working days). Payments will be made in instalments based upon key outputs, i.e.

upon delivery of the services specified in the TORs.

60% on signing the contract and submission of an initiation report including work-plan and methodology for the assignment (in English).

20% on completion review and update of stakeholder inputs following a series of stakeholder consultative meetings.

20% on submission of final document (soft and printable copy) plus reference documents

14. Evaluation

The weighted average basis will be applied to evaluate the applicant, the award of the contract will be made to the consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

➢           Responsive/compliant/acceptable

➢           Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Qualification (100 points) weight; [70%], Financial Proposal (100 points) weight; [30%]

15. How to send Bid or proposals

Interested eligible bidders may submit their proposal through email (only technical and financial proposal) detailing the individual costs for carrying out the assignment as well as the consolidated cost along with documents to support qualification and experience.

16. Language of bid

The bid plus all correspondence and documents relating to the bid shall be written in English language. 

17. Currencies of bid

All financial information should be provided in Uganda shillings.

18. Period of validity of bid

Bids shall remain valid for the period of 30 days after the date of bid submission. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Purchaser as non- responsive.

19. Bid Format and Signing

The Bidder shall prepare one original and one copy of the bid, clearly marking each one as"ORIGINAL BID" and "COPY OF BID," as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. 

20. Bid Sealing

The bids, both original and the copy is expected to submit electronically to JCRC procurement unit on dnakabiri@jcrc.org.ugnclaire@jcrc.org.ug or ntege@jcrc.org.ug if any more information is required.

21. Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bids must be received by JCRC procurement department at the email address specified above not later than – 23rd June 2023

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 23rd June 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 14-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-06-2077
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