Technical Project Manager (Prosthetics and Orthotics Practitioner) job at Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)
960 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Technical Project Manager (Prosthetics and Orthotics Practitioner)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)

Deadline of this Job:
31 July 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation)
Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International Federation) jobs in Uganda


Salary: UGX 6,000,938 – 6,808,872 /=
Reports to: Operations Manager

About US:
Handicap International Federation (operating under the name Humanity & Inclusion) is an independent and impartial aid and development organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside disabled and vulnerable people to help meet their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

About Project:
Since June 2019, HI has been implementing an innovative 3D printing and telerehabilitation project in the Rhino Camp Settlement in West Nile, Uganda, to address refugees’ unmet rehabilitation orthopedic device needs with physical and functional disabilities. The funding of the current project was concluded in June 2021. However, the need for assistive technology among refugees and host communities remains extremely high. Therefore, HI with funding from Symphasis Foundation and MAELux, is due to implement the second phase of the project seeking to provide orthotic and prosthetic devices to more refugees with disabilities expanding coverage to the Imvepi Settlement. It is a one-year project starting in July 2021 through June 2022. The second phase will also build capacities of local orthopedic and physiotherapy professionals, and strengthen collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MoH) supporting the definition of Technical Standards for 3D printing. It will build on the existing partnerships with two local hospitals (Arua Regional Referral Hospital and CORSU Hospital) and the established infrastructure. Furthermore, this 2nd phase will conduct a comprehensive research on a cost-benefit analysis of 3D printing technology in service delivery.

The Goal of the Project is to Improve access to rehabilitation care for the refugees with disabilities through the digitalization of healthcare pathway combined with additive production (orthotics) in Uganda
The Specific outcome is “To develop effective digital solutions combining tele rehabilitation, Computer Added Design-Computer Added Manufacturing (CAD-CAM), and 3D printing to provide and increase access to orthotic devices for use in emergencies and remote settings”.

Job Summary: The Technical Project Manager oversees the technical implementation of the 3D PETRA Project in Omugo Extension in Rhino Camp and Imvepi Settlements in Terego District for refugees with physical disabilities. Besides, the TM will gradually take responsibility of leading the project team. The Technical Manager is responsible to oversee the whole process of assessment, design, assembly, and fitting P&O 3D Printed devices with the rehabilitation team and partner colleagues in the ARRH Orthopedic Department. S/he will utilise a multidisciplinary team approach with the project team and partners. S/he will manage, provide technical guidance to, and builds the capacity of the project team to improve and ensure quality service delivery according to HI technical standards. S/he will be under the supervision and responsibility of the Operations Manager, West Nile and will receive technical support from the Rehabilitation Specialist (HQ) as well as from the Regional Rehabilitation Specialist in country.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
Responsibility 1: Project implementation: definition, planning, monitoring and evaluation and Reporting
• With the support of Operations Manager, WN, define and formalize project methodologies, project organogram, work-plan and monitoring plan.
• Oversee the Implementation of activities in order to achieve the expected results and follow up qualitative and quantitative indicators (working closely with the Regional Rehab Specialist and the MEAL Officer).
• Monitor the activities implemented by the 3D Team to ensure adherence to the technical frameworks of HI with close coordination with HQ Rehab Specialist.
• Ensure the project staff comply with project management and administrative processes
• Ensure all reporting requirements are complied with and with the expected quality including ensuring evidence-based reporting.
• Ensure all logistics and procurements matters are done accordingly to HI’s procedures

Responsibility 2: Build Technical Capacity of Team and partners:
• Conduct technical & clinical training needs assessment to ARRH P&O staff and partners if necessary
• Prepare all necessary training materials according the needs assessment
• Conduct face-to-face refresher capacity building sessions in the field of prosthetics and orthotics to the 4 P&O staff from Arua Hospital. Those trainings will be coordinated with the Regional Rehab Specialist who will also provide refresher trainings. The sessions aim at having updated clinical P&O practices and approaches, defining a standardized protocol of treatment for each orthopaedic appliance (identification of beneficiaries, clinical evaluation, measurement, fitting, delivery) prescribed to beneficiaries
• Conduct face to face refresher capacity building sessions in the field of prosthetics and orthotics to HI PT and Arua Hospital PT. Those trainings will be coordinated with the Regional Rehab Specialist who will also provide refresher trainings for the same persons. The sessions aim at having updated clinical practices and approach, defining a standardized protocol of rehabilitation treatment for each orthopaedic appliance prescribed and delivered to beneficiaries;
• Conduct remote and face-to-face evaluations of the trainings provided through case review, presentation, etc.
• Conduct updated trainings on 3D Scanning as a tool for measurement including 3D processes in orthotic digital design to the technical team in HI and ARRH.
Responsibility 3: Provide technical and management support to project team, local professionals and collaborating actors
• Provide remote and face to face follow up of the treatment process for each beneficiary of the project: from the clinical evaluation until the delivery of the devices and the control session.
• Ensure that the scans are take properly according to the prescription and clinical recommendations,
• Manage the complete process of the digital design of the orthopaedic appliance, using the OrtenShape software.
• Coordinate with HQ Rehab Specialist and the Regional Rehab Specialist all technical support and follow-up,
• The P&O TM will validate each beneficiary’s discharge.
• Participate in the fitting when possible, to provide hands-on demonstration and support to the technical team of PT, PO technicians.
• Manage with his/her clinical team the follow-up of beneficiaries with 3D printed devices.
• Provide the necessary tools or processes for the HI team in the settlement and for ARRH Orthopaedic Department P&O and PT;
• Provide answers to the technical questions of the project team.
• Design the process of fitting and design of the necessary tools, forms, communication processes for the protocol of test, in strong collaboration with the Regional Rehab Specialist and HQ Rehab Specialist,
• Manage the 3D Printing Technician for the printing process of the orthoses ensuring timeliness, quality of scans and print outs (orthotic devices).
• Ensure documentation requirements for each beneficiary are done on time by the technical team and partners; and archived
• Collaborate with MEAL officers in documentation and reporting of data for the projects reports and presentations and lesson learning including highlighting success stories.
• Provide support to the administrative and logistic team for the control and monitoring of stocks, and timely purchase and shipment of project needs

Responsibility 4: Demonstrate ethical and professional practice:
• Respect beneficiary confidentiality.
• Address needs and requests in a professional manner following HI guidelines and support from the different technical referent
• Report through HI communication channels any incident or act that could cause any harm to beneficiary or to others.
• Always interact with children with the presence of their parents or caregivers
• Always ask for permission to touch or to apply any treatment or exercise on beneficiaries.
• Always respect a refusal of treatment and/or access by a beneficiary.
• Show abilities and competences to execute an efficient prosthetic and orthotic & rehabilitation intervention to people with disabilities in both the refugee and host communities.

Responsibility 5: Coordination and reporting
• Develop the appropriate 3D project design to ensure effective roll-out in the community
• Alert for any issues regarding the plan of action to the line manager and other relevant team member involved in the project implementation.
• Coordinate with the HQ Rehab Specialist and the CAD CAM supplier, ensuring that the tools and communications are according to standards and aligned with the existing processes in place.
• Ensure regular contact with the Regional Rehabilitation Specialist and the HQ Rehab Specialist, proposing joint regular meetings to ensure that all departments have the necessary information to be disseminated at mission level and other persons involved outside the Uganda mission.
• Coordinate with CORSU for the good organisation of the missions.
• Manage CORSU missions during the entire Process (identification, clinical assessment, scanning assured by HI team, and CORSU are in charge of manufacturing, assembly and delivery of the prosthesis) with proper planning for initial visits and follow-up
• Report data, follow-up cases and organize daily and weekly activities
• Write and submit any reports as may be requested by the line manager (case studies, monitoring reports…) and prepare and present reports for quarterly ISPR, including monthly Management Information Sheet (MIS)
• Represent HI in technical meetings, coordination meetings in the settlement or partners meeting within the scope of his/her project and expertise

Responsibility 6: Respect HI identity, rules and policies
• In coordination with the Human Resources Manager and Operations Manager:
• Know, understand, apply and respect HI code of conduct and ethics, HI mandate and values, HI rules and operating procedure, HI policies (child protection policy, policy and mechanism for the prevention of and fight against bribery, the protection of beneficiaries from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment policy) and make sure they are known, understood, applied and respected by the team
• Know, understand, apply and respect HI security rules and regulations and make sure they are known, understood, articulated and applied by her/his team

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
• Diploma in Protheses & Orthoses Science (Cat I)
• Degree in orthopaedics and with Post graduate diploma in Prothesis & Orthosis
• At least 5 years of professional experience as a Prosthetics and Orthotics practitioner
• Experience in clinical or project management
• Basic knowledge in CAD technology & software’s adapted to orthotics & prosthetics
• Experience in training, design and delivery
• Experience in humanitarian field Experience of working in West Nile
• Experience with 3D printing technology
• Experience in team management
• Experience in representation

Personal Skills & Technical Competencies required
• High skilled Computer and ICT tools
• Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
• Ability to work under extreme pressure
• Flexibility to travel to the field frequently
• Strong organisational skill
• Report writing skills
• Communication and facilitation skills

Starting Date: As soon as possible
Length of contract: Until September 2022
Gross salary: UGX 6,000,938 – 6,808,872

Application Process
Humanity and Inclusion is an Equal Opportunity Employer, we encourage females and persons with disabilities to apply to become a part of our organization. HI staff must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the Code of Conduct. In accordance with these values, HI operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti-fraud, bribery, and corruption. HI does not solicit funds in exchange for employment opportunities.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure

If you feel you meet the requirements, please send an updated CV (3 pages max, including three professional referees current and/or past line managers) with a cover letter to HR department at  indicating the position applied for and preferred duty station.
Any efforts to influence the recruitment process will lead to automatic disqualification.
Deadline: Sunday 31st July 2022
Disclaimer: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Due to the urgency of this role, HI reserves the right to fill it before the deadline.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 July 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 20-07-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 20-07-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-07-2066
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