Survey- Conduct Hydrographic Study to Ascertain the Impacts of Rehabilitation and Restoration Works done on Sweswe Dam In Kyaka II Refugee Settlement tendering job at Oxfam Novib
615 Days Ago
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Oxfam with funding from EUTF is implementing a project “Strengthening Resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities” in Isingiro and Kyegegwa districts. The project is expected to increase environmental protection in and around the settlement to avoid total deforestation; rehabilitate the degraded forest, land and water resources and rationalize the use of natural; improve natural resource management to address the insatiable demand for natural resources and promote peaceful coexistence between refugee and host to avert possible conflicts over natural resources. The project builds on the ongoing peaceful existence activities under DG ECHO action in Southwest (Kyegegwa, Isingiro and Kikuube). The main objective is to reduce the potential negative environmental and socio-economic impact on local systems of the current and future displacements in southwest Uganda. Specifically, the project will strengthen local preparedness and resilience of refugees and host communities through improved natural resources management, disaster risk mitigation and early warning systems.

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Recently Oxfam conducted a restoration and rehabilitation of Sweswe dam in Kyegegwa district specifically in Kyaka II refugee settlement in order to allow the dam to perform its ecological and hydrological functions. This was done because the dam is the main source of water in Kyaka II settlement supplying water to over 120,000 refugees built with funding from two donors, with the EU as main contributor through DG ECHO and UN-CERF in Kyaka II refugee settlement. Before the commence of the Strengthening Resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities project, Oxfam had conducted hydrographic study on the dam and the finings forecasted that a complete depletion of the water in the dam will take place during the dry seasons in the next 5-7 years and a result which would have severe humanitarian consequences with more than 120,000 refugees and 30,000 host community members depending on this water source. It is from this back that Oxfam would like to conduct another hydrographic study after conducting the rehabilitation and restoration activities around the dam to see the impact of the work done.

Study area

The study will be conducted on Sweswe dam located in Kayak II refugee settlement. Sweswe dam is the main water source in Kyaka II refugee settlement. It serves Sweswe water system that contributes more than 60% of the water supplied in the settlement. The system serves the zones of Sweswe, Itambabiniga, Kaborogota, Mukondo, Byabakora, Kakoni and Buliti plus the nearby host community.

Objectives of the Action

The overall objective of the study is to carry out the second hydrographic study on Sweswe dam upon the completion of restoration and rehabilitation works.

The specific objective of the action is to.

  • Determine current volume of water (capacity of the dam)
  • Determine recharge and discharge rates and map drainage areas
  • Assessment on the dam and the entire catchment area to ascertain the impacts of the restoration works done.
  • Analyze the impact of the improvement works on the dam and restoration works on the catchment area.
  • Recommend catchment improvement works including flood control measures.


Oxfam will outsource a qualified institution/ Individual through a competitive approach to conduct the consultancy work. The consultant will use sensor systems/ bathymetry survey and other recognized methods to determine the water levels of the dam and other impacts of the improvement and restoration works. The consultant will work together with The Disaster Risk Management & Public Health teams and other stakeholders during the study and recommend practical measures that will ensure the achievements of restoration and rehabilitation work can be sustained.

Expected outputs.

  • A detailed inception report explaining understanding of ToR, the methods of work and a clear work plan
  • A draft study report describing the assessment on the dam and the entire catchment area to ascertain the impacts of the restoration works done.
  • Final study report
  • Three hard copies of the final report and a soft copy to Oxfam office report
  • Reporting and Proposed Time Frame
  • The consultant will direct all the communications to the Oxfam Disaster Risk Management coordinator and Oxfam Public Health Team and will be expected to complete the assignment in one week.

Mode of Payment.

100% payment will be effected upon submission of approved final report and any agreed upon products of the work & invoice. The professional fees applicable will be subject to statutory 6% withholding Tax.

Terms and conditions

Code of Conduct: Oxfam work is based on deeply held values and principles. It is essential that our commitment to humanitarian principles is supported and demonstrated by all staff. Oxfam code of conduct sets out standards which all staff must adhere to. The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of the Oxfam Code of conduct.

Contract: A contract will be signed by the successful consultant upon commencement of the survey which will detail additional terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.

Required Skills and Competences

The consultant / Institution should indicate the relevant experience in doing similar work and should have the following qualifications.

At least 5 years’ experience in conducting assignments of a similar nature.

Have Knowledge of conducting hydrographic surveys and other water surveys.

Provide work plan/ lead time.

Oxfam reserves the right to amend the scope of the ToR

How to apply

Submission of Technical and Financial Proposal:

Interested applicants (Only Nationals) should submit their proposal (inclusive of the following) to email address by 7th July 2023.

  • A technical proposal detailing; your Understanding of the TOR, Previous/ current experience in supporting a similar kind of work, clear methodology of the work, examples of organizations similar assignments are/ have been undertaken for,
  • Profile, CV(s) and copies of academic documents for the consultant(s)
  • A financial proposal outlining overall quotation in local currency categorized into:
  • An all-inclusive day rate for each team member (professional and administrative)
  • Any other costs (indicate nature and justification for such costs).
  • Summary of the total costs for the services proposed.
  • Contact details for three references OXFAM can contact.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 7th July 2023
Duty Station: Kyegegwa District
Posted: 29-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-06-2077
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