936 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Sociologist - piu

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Public Administration, and Government , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

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Deadline of this Job:
31 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Scope of Services
i. Supervise and monitor the development of the Terms of Reference (TORs)
for Environmental and Social Assessments, including but not limited to
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), RAPs,
Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), Environmental and
Social Audits for EASP.
ii. Support the implementation of all social risk management activities;
facilitate the preparation and implementation of action plans and review
documentation of social risk management activities required by the funding
agencies to ensure that social issues have been adequately addressed and
that the project is in compliance with the safeguard policies, particularly
those on involuntary resettlement, refugee specific issues and social
iii. Support the development of RAPs, stakeholder consultation and, ensure
the quality of the required reports and supporting documents;
iv. Review reports produced by the RAP preparation and implementation
consultant to ensure that they adequately address the social dimensions of
the project, including gender issues and women's empowerment;
v. Support the RAP implementation processes.
vi. Promote and contribute substantively to analyses of strengthening social
aspects such as gender, child protection, HIV/AIDs, social inclusion,
grievance management, land acquisition and compensation of the EASP;
vii. Provide advice on major or sensitive matters relating to social impacts and
risks during preparation and implementation;
viii. Advise and/or provide quality operational support on safeguards and non-
safeguards related social development issues at both the design and
implementation phases, including advice on identification of social impacts
associated with the environmental assessment process in close
collaboration with Environmental Officers;
ix. Advise and/or participating in the design and implementation of operational
mechanisms that take into account social opportunities, impacts,
constraints and risks under the programme;
x. Support the mainstreaming of social issues in project design and
implementation in accordance with agreed safeguard instruments
(Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP), Resettlement Policy
Framework/Resettlement Action Plan (RPF/RAP) and Vulnerable and
Marginalized Groups Framework (VMGA) and how they are applied in
RHDs in liaison with refugee stakeholders (OPM, UNHCR and INGOs);
xi. Support and facilitate stakeholders including district and community
members in identification, prioritization and mitigation of social, equity and
gender issues during the project design and implementation, as well as
monitoring and evaluation of social impacts of the EASP;
xii. Identify potential sources of grievances, design and implement appropriate
grievance redress mechanisms with special attention to land related
xiii. Continuously monitor social, equity, gender and refugee issues concerning
the project and participate in assessment and evaluation of the social impact
of project interventions;
xiv. Ensure continuous stakeholder engagements as per provisions of the
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and the RAP; including relevant
government agencies, Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic
Development, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (Attn:
Chief Government Valuer) and other local officials are well informed on
issues related to the preparation and implementation of RAP/s.
xv. Conduct awareness creation and sensitization of the communities on social,
equity and gender dimensions of the project along with suggested
xvi. Ensure that all social issues including safeguard implementation are
assessed and reported in the periodical reports, midterm reviews and
completion Reports;
xvii. Support the operationalization of the social safeguards instrument including
Resettlement Policy frameworks and support preparations of the
resettlement actions plans including instituting appropriate mechanism of
consultations and information relay on rights and legislation on involuntary
land acquisition, stakeholder engagement, complaint handling
mechanisms, etc;
xviii. Integrate social inclusion (with respect to refugee status, gender, age,
ethnicity or any other relevant factor) into analysis, policies, institutions and
xix. Undertake project site visits to assess and enforce compliance and make
the necessary remedies.
xx. Generate periodical reports and continuously assess capacity gaps in
implementing social issues and recommend relevant capacity development
xxi. Carry out any other duties as assigned by the Social Development
Specialist provided these duties contribute to achieving the development
objectives of the EASP project.

1.4 Personal Specifications
a) Qualification

i. Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and Social Administration,
Sociology, Anthropology, Applied Social Sciences from a recognized
ii. Master’s degree in Social Work and Social Administration/sociology,
Anthropology, Social Sciences/ Natural Resources Management/
Public Administration from a recognized University/Institution;
iii. Demonstrated knowledge of the World Bank best practices and/or
guidelines and procedures on social safeguards, social assessment,
social analysis, effective stakeholder engagement and participation
and complaint resolution systems, and the regulations and legal
framework governing environmental and social management;
b) Experience
i. At least eight (8) years of relevant professional experience in social
safeguards management;
ii. Demonstrated experience in conflict resolution in the context of
development projects as well as the experience in at least two
projects financed by the World Bank or, any development partner
having the same standards in terms of safeguards.
iii. He or she should have experience in Land Acquisition for
infrastructure development projects and in managing issues related
to involuntary resettlement.

c) Competencies:
i. Technical
a. Human Resource Management
b. Strategic thinking
c. Analytical skills
d. Results oriented
e. Problem solving and decision making
f. Information communication technology
g. Financial Management
ii. Behavioural
a. Assertiveness and Self confidence
b. Ethics and Integrity
c. Problem Solving and Decision Making
d. Communication skills
e. Self-control and stress management
f. Concern for quality and standards
1.5 Reporting Obligations
The Sociologist will report to the Social Safeguards Specialist, EASP-PIU.
1.6 Duration of the Assignment
The Sociologist shall undertake the assignment on a full-time, EASP project-
exclusive basis for a period of three (3) years, renewable subject to satisfactory

1.7 Duty Station
The Sociologist shall be based in Kampala and stationed at the MEMD with travel
to the project implementation sites / areas for monitoring or as and when need

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 48

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
If your qualifications and experience match the requirements for any of these roles, please complete and submit your application via this link EASP Project Staff Recruitment Application Form.
• All applications must be submitted to KPMG via the online application form at the link above.
• Closing date for receipt of applications will be August 31, 2022.
• Each individual can only apply for a maximum of two (2) positions.
• Any candidate who tries to influence the recruitment process shall be immediately disqualified.
• All applications will be selected on merit and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews. For any questions regarding the application process please contact the Executive Selection Division, KPMG on +256 312 170080 or +256 312 170081.

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Job Info
Job Category: Public Relations jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 August 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 13-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-08-2065
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