Request For Expressions Of Interest For The Upgrading Of Luwero-Butalangu Road (29.7km) From Gravel To Paved (Bitumen) Standard At Uganda National Roads Authority
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819 Days Ago
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1. Background:

 The Government of Uganda (GoU) has received credit from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) and OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) towards the financing of the Luwero-Butalangu road (29.7km) project. The Design Review and Construction Supervision for the Civil Works Contract shall be undertaken by independent Construction Supervision Consultants. The Government of Uganda through Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) now seeks to recruit a Project Driver to form part of a dedicated Project Implementation Unit (PIU) responsible for the planning, coordination and management of these projects.

The terms of reference and scope of services for the above assignment can be obtained from UNRA website:

The Uganda National Roads Authority now invites Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing this service. Interested consultants must provide/ submit information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by submitting the following information:

a. Capability statement detailing the applicant's general qualifications, adequacy for the post and illustrated personal experience in similar assignments and conditions;

b. Copies of testimonials;

c. Detailed curriculum vitae showing previous positions held; and

d. Postal address and day telephone contacts of applicants.

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Uganda National Roads Authority jobs in Uganda

2. Eligibility criteria; Establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the Procurement Guidelines under Loans Extended by the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) Vienna, Austria as approved on November 2, 1982, which is available on the Bank's website at

 Interested consultants/applicants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (weekdays from 0800hr to 1700hr EAT, excluding public holidays).

3. Contract Duration; This assignment is for a duration of 30 months. You will find on the UNRA website, the Terms of Reference (TOR) indicating the scope of this assignment and services to be rendered by the Project Driver. The preferred performance criteria/key milestones will be agreed upon during contract negotiations. Salary of successful Individual Consultant will also be subject to negotiation before contract signature.

4. Selection criteria; The proposals from the shortlisted consultants shall be evaluated based on the level of education and qualifications and the relevant experience as detailed in the Terms of Reference.

The Shortlisted Consultants shall be subjected to an Interview and the Consultant with the highest score shall be selected for the position.

The selected Individual Consultant will bear the cost for insurance and medical examinations required for the duration of this service.

Expressions of Interest, in English and in sealed envelope clearly marked "Expression of Interest for Project Driver" should be submitted to the address below before or on 30th December, 2022 by 12:00Hrs (EAT=GMT+3).

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 17:00hrs

Director/Head Procurement

 Uganda National Roads Authority,

 Plot 3-5, New Port Bell Road

First Floor Block D

UAP Nakawa Business Park

 P.O. Box 28487, Kampala, UGANDA.


"Any form of canvassing or lobbying shall lead to automatic disqualification."


Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 30 December 2022
Duty Station: 
Posted: 08-12-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-12-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-12-2066
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