Provision of Videography and Photography Services for The African Biodigester Component (ABC) Project in Uganda tendering job at Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited (BSUL)
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Provision of Videography and Photography Services for The African Biodigester Component (ABC) Project in Uganda

1. Background/Context
Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited (BSUL) is a dynamic and fast-growing social enterprise that focuses on improving vulnerability and standards of living through the power of biodigester technology. The goal of BSUL is developing and nurturing the biodigester sector in Uganda through the dissemination of information to households both in rural and peri-urban areas, ensuring the construction of quality biogas plants and building capacities of various stakeholders. BSUL grows the biogas sector through a market-based approach that prioritizes commercial viability to ensure sustainability.

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Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited jobs in Uganda

1.1 The African Biodigester Component Project

The African Biodigester Component is a five-year project (2021- 2025) funded by the
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) that aims to support the growth and sustainability of a commercial biodigester sector across five countries across sub-saharan Africa. The ABC takes a market-based approach, focusing on developing and strengthening demand, supply, and the enabling environment. In Uganda, ABC is implemented by a consortium of SNV, GIZ, Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited (BSUL) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. BSUL is the national implementing partner for the project.

As a preselected partner, Biogas Solutions Uganda Limited (BSUL)’s role is to pioneer demand activities on biogas awareness and spearhead supply activities by supporting the growth and development of Biogas Enterprises (BE) and prefab entry that will drive hub activities aimed at increased biogas uptake and overall sector growth. BEs are private sector companies with a key role in creating biogas awareness in households and in the construction of biodigesters. The target market is households with animals (cows, pigs and chicken in cages) for the domestic biodigesters. The key outputs of the biodigester are biogas for clean cooking and bioslurry used as an organic fertiliser, feed supplement for animals (pigs, local chicken and fish) and an organic insect repellant.

To increase awareness of the benefits of the biodigester technology as well as best user practices among the farmers, BSUL is seeking to hire the services of a professional photo and videographer to develop content that will be used by the project for sensitisation. Activities for profiling will include; biogas production and impact stories, productive use of bioslurry in different farming activities like crop farming, animal feeds etc, biogas for clean cooking, productive use of biogas in water heating, brooding, chaff cutting etc. and the business case. It will also include some partner support activities like mason training, BDS training, digital marketing training and others in different areas as will be highlighted.

2.0 Purpose of the consultancy
The overall objective of the consultancy is to develop high-quality photos and video content on different thematic topics to be disseminated across various digital platforms to raise awareness of the benefits of biodigester technology. This is intended to improve biodigester
uptake and contribute to the ABC goal of providing energy access to 40,000 people through the installation of 8000 small-scale biodigesters in Uganda and further drive more awareness of the end-user business case.

2.1 Specific undertakings/scope of the assignment
This activity will be carried out in Central, Western and Eastern Uganda on different farms applying bio-slurry in different farming activities and those with productive use of the biodigester technology. The specific tasks to be undertaken include but are not limited to:
• Initial engagement of the different BSUL staff and farmers for preparation.
• Interviews with selected participants
• Shoot high-quality videos with audible, clear sound
• Edit the videos using a highly compelling video script to create short stories
• Produce short animation videos where required
• Take and produce high-quality professional photographs
• Document key activities implemented under the program such as mason training, BE digital training, Business Development Support training, Renewable Energy exhibition, promotion and marketing training etc

2.2 Expected participants
The consultancy will include video and photo documentation of the project stakeholders below:
• ABC Project implementers in Uganda
• Farmers
• Biodigester Private sector
• ABC project activities

2.3 Duration of the assignment.
The total working days for the assignment will be 45 days from the award of the contract. However, the service provider will propose a detailed work plan schedule to be approved by BSUL.

3.0 Responsibilities of BSUL
• Coordination of the different stakeholders where video coverage will take place.
• Provide clear terms of reference (TOR) to the service provider
• Provide input to the draft videos and final copies
• Making payment to the service provider as agreed.
• Providing any additional information deemed necessary to the service provider to carry out this exercise.

3.1 Deliverables/ Outputs for the Consultant
The service provider will be expected to prepare the following deliverables:
• Inception Report which details among others, the approach and methodology, timelines and milestones for the implementation of the assignment.
• Draft and final high-quality videos of not more than 3 minutes. Maximum of 10 short videos including: Biogas production process and impact, how bio-slurry facilitates circular agriculture in dairy farming, bio slurry in bananas, bio slurry in coffee, bio slurry as animal feed in poultry farming, bio slurry in kitchen gardens/vegetable farms, ABC intervention to commercialise bioslurry, productive use of both biogas and bioslurry), private sector support,
• 1 5-minute video on the Program and partner activities.
• 1-minute how-to animation videos on biogas production/best practices. How to apply bioslurry as a fertiliser and as an insecticide and how to troubleshoot common biodigester system failures.
• Videos shot in local languages must be translated to English in the subtitles.
• BSUL retains the rights to all raw footage.
• High-quality still professional photographs of the activities/processes

4.0 Qualifications/Competencies/ Experience of the service provider
The firm/individual should possess and demonstrate the following:
• Proof of relevant work experience in photo and video documentation in energy and or agriculture fields
• Experience in digital marketing is an added advantage
• Excellent video scripting skills
• High level of creativity
• Graphics and animation skills
• Flexibility to travel to remote areas

5.0 Payment Terms
Payment will be made in two instalments. 40% payment will be made at the commencement of the assignment while the balance of 60% will be paid upon successful delivery and approval of the final expected outputs.

6.0 Reporting and Supervision
The consultant shall work closely with the ABC project communications officer and report to the BSUL Business development manager.

7.0 Application timelines
Both technical and financial proposals should be submitted to:, no later than 14th November 2023. Any applications past the deadline shall not be received. Only successful applications shall be contacted.
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, November 14 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 14-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-11-2077
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