Project Officer, Strengthening of Local government emergency preparedness and response job at World Vision
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Vacancy title:
Project Officer, Strengthening of Local government emergency preparedness and response

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

World Vision

Deadline of this Job:
09 October 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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World Vision jobs in Uganda

Purpose of the position:
To support the EPR project to Strengthen district and sub-county capacity to enable timely preparedness and response to disasters and reduce the impact on reduce the impact on boys and girls, especially the most vulnerable, children with disabilities and their families in selected districts.

Key Outputs/Responsibilities.
Project planning and management:
• Establish a robust EPR implementation framework and a performance monitoring plan for all the districts of implementation.
• Develop and administer performance-monitoring tools to track project outputs and outcome indicators in line with the Project/Programme implementation plans
• Quality project Documents [Log-frames, M&E Plans, ITTs and DIPs]
• Project monitoring tools developed
• Planning, monitoring, evaluation, and communication
Project Monitoring, Documentation, Learning and Reporting:
• Compile progress reports (Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual and Annual) for management decision making in line with the project implementation plan and donor requirements.
• Promote utilization of data/information from progress reports, needs/vulnerability and risk assessments at project level through reflection and learning forums such as validation/follow up workshops, quarterly review meetings and management meetings or conferences for project partners.
• Documentation of project learnings, project most significant change stories, best practices etc. in profiling the projects performance to stakeholders
• Plan and conduct project output and outcome level monitoring across all the four districts of project implementation as per the MEAL plan and share through monitoring reports on progress of the project in line with the results framework
• Perform quarterly data quality assessments to ensure validity, integrity, precision, reliability and timeliness of all performance data through organising quarterly reflection meetings.
• Presence of detailed and quality reports and project plans
• Minutes/reports of reflection and learning Meetings/for a
• Project monitoring reports with action plans (Output and outcome)
• Documentation of success stories, project learnings, best practices, challenges and recommendations etc.
Capacity Building
• Provide technical support to the project staff, beneficiaries and other stakeholders on Emergency Preparedness and Response according to World Vision Uganda Disaster Management Strategy and donor requirements.
• Develop capacity of representative members of the DDMCs & SDMCs secretariats in the targeted districts trained in EPR Management skills and reporting in line with the donor guidelines including coaching and mentoring for project staff, partners and other stakeholders on EPR.
• Lead of the design and delivery the trainings, validation, Dissemination workshops, simulation exercises and other capacity building activities, for all stakeholders (i.e. District Local Government DDMCs, SDMMCs, communities, as well as to WVU staff
• Support the DDMCs & SDMCs to undertake the vulnerability and Risk mapping of their respective districts.
• Based on the analysis undertaken, vulnerability assessment and risk mapping, in coordination with the implementing partners, support the DDMCs and SDMCs to develop a one-year contingency plan taking into consideration the specific hazards within that geographical context.
• Support the development, validation dissemination of the District Contingency Plans.
• Support the development of the ToR and designing of the simulation exercise to project focus Districts and communities.
• Capacity of DDMCs & SDMCs to enable timely preparedness and response to disasters like floods, drought, and disease outbreaks among others are strengthened.
• Minutes, Reports and work plans
• Undertake any other duties as assigned by the Disaster Management Manager.
• Activity reports and or minutes

Knowledge/qualifications for the role
• Ability to work with inter-disciplinary teams and a wide range of program/project activities
• Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree Qualification in Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change and Adaptation (DRR/CCA), Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and any related field.
• At least 4 years working experience in DRR & CCA assessments, designing and implementation of programme interventions is essential, sustainable agriculture, etc. experience in working with vulnerable people especially Women is desired.
• Excellent project management and team leadership skills
• Demonstrated skills and experience in report writing, budget management
• Knowledge and dynamic in working with Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies at National level and Lower District Local governments.
• Experience and commitment to work with vulnerable communities especially Women, men, boys and girls
• Experience in partnerships with external organizations including Government Agencies.
• Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills, with ability to work with people from diverse cultures
• Proven computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft software including MS Word processing, Power point presentation, Excel spreadsheets, e-mail and web based research
• Understanding and experience of programming and advocacy in the development sector, and in particular on DRR, CCA, livelihoods, resilience building or social protection.
• At least three years prior experience of managing partnerships as well as implementing donor projects through demonstrated collaborative / networking skills and experiences including proven experience of working with Government officials with good negotiation skills, diplomacy and tactics
• Excellent understanding of relevant government policies, strategies, programme and structures related to CCA, DRR, Agriculture, gender and planning processes.
• Proven experience in multi-stakeholder coordination and collaboration
• Proven experience in research and design of management, base line, information collection in DRR, CCA, Agriculture resilience
• Fluency in spoken and written English;
• Must be a national of Uganda.
• Proactive personality, self-driven and strongly motivated
• Capacity/potential in leadership, relationship management/networking, and coordination.
• Spiritual maturity, interfaith knowledge and a biblical worldview – ability to articulate and model our Christian identity and mission in an inclusive way.
• Good interpersonal skills, team player, facilitation skills and strong communication skills, both verbal and written
• Proven conceptual & analytical skills, ability to take an evidence-based approach to programming
• Excellent knowledge and experience of Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction cycle management, and Results-logical framework.
• Excellent conceptual, analytical, and critical thinking; Strong good communication skills, both oral and written, including the ability to write clearly and concisely on technical, socio-economic and financial issues.
• Proven ability to analyses and communicate complex Emergency Preparedness and Response information at a simpler level to a wide audience.
• Excellent organization, problem-solving, teamwork and coordination skills and strong ability to manage demanding and complex programmes;
• Excellent knowledge of the public and private Actors in Emergency Preparedness and Response in Uganda and Internationally.
• Capacity/potential in leadership, relationship management/networking, and coordination with Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies at National and Sub National level.
• Good interpersonal skills, team player, facilitation, networking skills and strong communication skills, both verbal and written

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 09 October 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 25-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-09-2065
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