Project Management Specialist (HIV) job at U.S. Embassy in Uganda
559 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Project Management Specialist (HIV)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Healthcare ]

Jobs at:

U.S. Embassy in Uganda

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, September 04 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, August 25 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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U.S. Embassy in Uganda jobs in Uganda

1) General Statement of Purpose of the Contract.

The US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) represents the U.S. Government (USG) response to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and is the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease in history. Thanks to American leadership and generosity, alongside the work of many partners, PEPFAR has saved millions of lives, averted millions of infections, and changed the course of the epidemic. As countries progress towards HIV/AIDS epidemic control, the point at which new HIV infections have decreased and fall below the total number of deaths among HIV-infected individuals, PEPFAR is now undertaking the challenge of controlling the pandemic. This position is in Health
HIV/AIDS Office (OHH). OHH is the largest Strategic Objective Team in USAID/Uganda and manages an annual budget of $284.5M portfolio. In addition to the office leadership group, there are six technical units in the OHH, namely (1) Health System Strengthening Unit (HSS), (2)HIV & TB Unit (HIV/TB), (3) Malaria Unit (PMI), (4) Global Health Security and Emerging Pandemic Threats Unit (GHS/EPT) (5) Family Health Unit (FHT), (6) Strategic Information Unit (SI). This position is in the HIV/TB-Prevention sub-unit.

This is a mid-level professional position responsible for providing programmatic expertise and technical leadership in comprehensive biomedical, behavioral, and structural HIV prevention. The PMS ensures that the mission has the necessary technical and management expertise to handle and successfully implement HIV/AIDS programs and activities in USAID/Uganda’s portfolio; demonstrates experience in planning, implementing, monitoring of HIV/AIDS prevention including: HIV testing and counselling, voluntary medical male circumcision, pre-exposure prophylaxis, condom promotion, the DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe) initiative, social and behavior change communication, gender based violence prevention, care and mitigation as well as targeted key and priority population programming; provides strategic direction and technical guidance to HIV/AIDS prevention programs and linkages to the USAID Mission, other USG agencies, the Government of Uganda (GOU) and donor and other implementing partners (IPs); provides full COR/AOR oversight and professional management, implementation, and direction to programs/projects/activities conducted by IPs under Contract, Cooperative Agreement, and/or Grant. The assignments include responsibility for the monitoring and evaluation of existing prevention programs/projects/activities and for developing and implementing new programs/projects/activities, as required; working across OHH and other offices in the Mission to support a coordinated, strategic approach to HIV prevention programming; providing expertise in organizational capacity strengthening, entailing transfer of knowledge and skills to local partners in HIV prevention programming and institutional development including leadership and governance, management, fiscal responsibility and sustainability.

The PMS identifies opportunities for maximizing USG investments in HIV prevention through fostering strong partnerships with the GOU and other development partners to ensure that the Mission’s HIV prevention interventions are coordinated with, complement, and leverage the efforts of government and its partners; exercises considerable judgment and discretion in dealing with senior-and mid-level partners in other USG agencies and with the GOU, donors, other local organizations, IPs; performs emerging duties necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of USAID/Uganda; and reports to the Senior HIVAIDS Prevention Advisor and has no supervisory responsibility.

2) Statement of duties to be performed.

1. Project Planning and Management (65 percent of time)

Provide expert guidance in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention programs.

Support USAID IPs both within the public and private sectors to develop strategic work plans with realistic and measurable targets to support effective implementation of the Mission’s and PEPFAR HIV prevention program.

Engage actively as the Mission’s HIV prevention expert in the preparation of key annual and mid-term planning and reporting documents including the Country Operational Plan, Operational Plan, Congressional Budget Justifications, Technical Notifications, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Progress Reports.

Contribute to and where applicable participate in HIV/AIDS related program reviews and evaluations with aim of documenting and scaling up good practices.

Serve as C/AOR on designated HIV/AIDS and other health programs.
Provide expert guidance in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HIV prevention programs.

Participate in Mission Reviews of technical proposals to potential grantees, to ensure that proposals are technically sound, realistic, and meet the needs of the target beneficiaries and communities.

Prepare quality documents including Concept Papers, Action Memoranda, Scopes of Work, and budgets for assigned activities in a timely and efficient manner and consistent with USAID regulations and policies.

Ensure quality and efficacy of HIV prevention services at facility and community-level through monitoring compliance to national and international guidelines, approaches and tools and provision of supportive supervisions to IPs.

Perform site visits to USAID supported programs to assess the progress of services, provide expert advice and guide IPs on newly emerging and highly efficacious approaches to HIV prevention program implementation.

Monitor program resources allocated for HIV prevention activities to ensure that they are being used rationally and that there are no cost overruns.

Report implementation obstacles to relevant OHH team members and make appropriate recommendations to resolve them.

2. Coordination (35 percent of time)

Participate in consultations with USG implementers and other key stakeholders, including civil society groups, involved in improving HIV prevention services in Uganda both in the public and private sectors.

Engage with other PEPFAR agencies, technical counterparts in Ministry of Health and other national stakeholders to shore up the Mission’s leadership in key HIV prevention interventions.

Represent USAID and PEPFAR as needed at designated national, regional, and international meetings that relate to HIV prevention.

Maintain regular contact with professional counterparts at the district, regional, and national level regarding HIV prevention service delivery.

Arrange for and procure outside technical assistance as needed to ensure that USAID-funded partners are transparently and effectively managing USG investments and that partner systems are developing and improving enough to eventually sustain themselves without USAID support.

Ensure that USAID successes, best practices, and approaches are shared widely with partner country officials, private sector, civil society, and other donors.

Provide on-going technical assistance to USAID supported local partners to ensure that their activities are evidence-based; services offered are transparent, equitable and responsive to current needs and priorities; that partners practice sound management and robust accounting and that local partners are well-prepared to assume and sustain leadership of the HIV response.

Work with the Office of Financial Management to undertake routine reviews and assessments of local partners aimed at identifying internal control weaknesses and taking remedial action.

3) Supervision Received.

The PMS works under the general supervision of the Senior HIV/AIDS Prevention Advisor. Assignments are made orally and in writing. Assignments occur in the normal course of the work, but the PMS is required to determine those that must be coordinated with the supervisor. The supervisor provides a review of the assignment, the goals, and objectives to be achieved, and the results expected. The PMS will seek advice and assistance as required. Work is reviewed in terms of results achieved.

4) Supervision Exercised.

Continuing supervision of other Mission staff is not contemplated. However, the PMS has responsibility of local capacity building by coaching and mentoring local partners on HIV prevention programming, institutional development, fiscal responsibility, and sustainability.

12. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands.

Offers will be initially screened for compliance with application instructions and eligibility in accordance with the minimum qualification criteria listed below. To ensure compliance with the entire set of this solicitation instructions (please see page 7 to 10 – III. EVALUATION AND SELECTION FACTORS and IV. SUBMITTING AN OFFER sections), the offer package must be completed and signed (hand or electronic signature) where indicated - and offerors must include in their offers information to demonstrate that they:

(1) have attained the required education level; and
(2) meet the experience requirements, etc.

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Medicine, Public Health, International Development, or other closely related field required.

Prior Work Experience:

Five (5) years of progressively responsible, professional experience in HIV/AIDS with USAID and/or other multi-lateral or bi-lateral organization Increasingly responsible experience in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives in developing countries.

Demonstrated experience with developing, implementing and assessing of institutional processes and systems particularly in local organizations.

Experience with PEPFAR programming and reporting.

Language Proficiency:

Level IV (fluent) English language proficiency, speaking and writing, is required.

Job Knowledge:

Knowledge of Health and HIV/AIDS service delivery in the public and private sector in Uganda and in other sub-Saharan African countries, including health promotion and a sound understanding of the social, economic, and cultural determinants and implications of the HIV epidemic in Uganda.

An understanding of other donor involvement in supporting HIV/AIDS prevention efforts; and knowledge or demonstrated or ability to acquire USG and PEPFAR policies, regulations, procedures, and documentation is required.

Demonstrated knowledge or ability to master PEPFAR processes through which HIV/AIDS programs are planned, reviewed, approved, implemented, and evaluated.

Demonstrated understanding of state-of-the-art HIV/AIDS combination prevention initiatives including HIV counseling and testing, gender-based violence prevention and mitigation and post violence care, targeted key and priority population programming, condom promotion, social and behavior change communication, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and voluntary medical male circumcision.

Sound understanding of the social, economic, and cultural determinants and implications of the HIV epidemic in Uganda.

Demonstrated experience in local organization capacity development focusing on governance, accountability and service delivery in public, faith-based, non-governmental, civil society, and community institutions.

Skills and Abilities:

Demonstrated technical expertise in HIV prevention, health promotion and behavior change communication.

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with IPs, private sector partners, other donor partners, and both central and district level GOU counterparts.

Ability to work effectively with team and interagency environments, and to train, mentor, and coordinate well with others.

Ability to interpret regulatory directives and related guidance and apply them to activity design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Excellent computer skills including in Microsoft Office, web-based databases, and electronic filing, including the ability to help others and to learn new programs quickly.

Strong management skills, including financial management, administrative, and monitoring skills used to track performance of IPs and activities.

Ability to present information, analyses, and recommendations in clear written and oral formats.

Demonstrated skills in mentoring and building technical and institutional capacity of local organizations including faith-based, non-governmental, community based and civil society organizations.

Ability to travel to regions and districts within Uganda.
Excellent analytical, technical and project management skills to review and provide substantive feedback on concept papers, proposals, program descriptions/scopes of work, performance reports, and other technical and programmatic documents.


The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.2151. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at

The technical evaluation committee may conduct reference checks, including references from individuals who have not been specifically identified by the offeror, and may do so before or after a candidate is interviewed.

Offers will be initially screened for compliance with the solicitation instructions and eligibility in accordance with the qualification criteria below.

To ensure compliance with the entire set of this solicitation instructions (please see page 9 to 10, IV SUBMITTING AN OFFER section), the offer package must be complete, and signed (hand or electronic signature) where indicated - and offerors must include in their offers information to demonstrate that they have attained the required education level and meet the experience requirements, etc.

Offerors will be evaluated and ranked based on the information provided for the four Quality Ranking Factors (QRFs) that must be addressed as required in the supplemental document – Item IV – Submitting an Offer 1 (iv).

Offerors must, therefore, address each of the four Quality Ranking Factors (QRFs) in their offer. Top ranked Offerors who meet the minimum qualification will be invited for an interview and given a written evaluation.

Management may consider the following when determining successful candidacy: nepotism, conflicts of interest, budget, and residency status.

Current employees serving a probationary period are not eligible to apply. Current employees with an Overall Summary Rating of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory on their most recent Employee Performance Report are not eligible to apply.

The four Quality Ranking Factors (QRFs) that must be addressed as required in the supplemental document – Item IV – Submitting an Offer 1 (iv) are:

1. Skills and Abilities (50 points):

Demonstrated technical expertise in HIV prevention, health promotion and behavior change communication. 10 points

Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with IPs, private sector partners, other donor partners, and both central and district level GOU counterparts. 5 points

Ability to work effectively with team and interagency environments, and to train, mentor, and coordinate well with others. 5 points

Ability to interpret regulatory directives and related guidance and apply them to activity design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 5 points

Excellent computer skills including in Microsoft Office, web-based databases, and electronic filing, including the ability to help others and to learn new programs quickly. 2 points

Strong management skills, including financial management, administrative, and monitoring skills used to track performance of IPs and activities. 5 points

Ability to present information, analyses, and recommendations in clear written and oral formats. 3 points

Demonstrated skills in mentoring and building technical and institutional capacity of local organizations including faith-based, non-governmental, community based and civil society organizations. 5 points

Ability to travel to regions and districts within Uganda. 5 points

Excellent analytical, technical and project management skills to review and provide substantive feedback on concept papers, proposals, program descriptions/scopes of work, performance reports, and other technical and programmatic documents. 5 points

2. Job Knowledge (40 points):

Knowledge of Health and HIV/AIDS service delivery in the public and private sector in Uganda and in other sub-Saharan African countries, including health promotion and a sound understanding of the social, economic, and cultural determinants and implications of the HIV epidemic in Uganda. 10 points

An understanding of other donor involvement in supporting HIV/AIDS prevention efforts; and knowledge or demonstrated or ability to acquire USG and PEPFAR policies, regulations, procedures, and documentation is required. 5 points

Demonstrated knowledge or ability to master PEPFAR processes through which HIV/AIDS programs are planned, reviewed, approved, implemented, and evaluated. 5 points

Demonstrated understanding of state-of-the-art HIV/AIDS combination prevention initiatives including HIV counseling and testing, gender-based violence prevention and mitigation and post violence care, targeted key and priority population programming, condom promotion, social and behavior change communication, pre-exposure prophylaxis, and voluntary medical male circumcision. 10 points
Sound understanding of the social, economic, and cultural determinants and implications of the HIV epidemic in Uganda. 5 points

Demonstrated experience in local organization capacity development focusing on governance, accountability and service delivery in public, faith-based, non-governmental, civil society, and community institutions. 5 points

3. Prior Work Experience (10 points):

Five (5) years of progressively responsible, professional experience in HIV/AIDS with USAID and/or other multi-lateral or bi-lateral organization Increasingly responsible experience in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives in developing countries. 5 points

Demonstrated experience with developing, implementing and assessing of institutional processes and systems particularly in local organizations. 3 points

Experience with PEPFAR programming and reporting. 2 points

4. Education and Professional Qualifications (Pass/Fail):

Offerors will be given a passing score if they have a relevant level of education. Offerors without a relevant level of education will not be considered for award or proceed forward in the evaluation process. Pass/Fail

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences, Medicine, Public Health, International Development, or other closely related field required.

Evaluation Factors have been assigned the following points:

Skills and Abilities– 50 points
Job Knowledge – 40 points
Prior Work Experience – 10 points
Education – Pass/Fail

Language Proficiency - Pass/Fail

Satisfactory Professional Reference Checks– Pass/Fail

Evaluation Factor Total – 100 points, and Pass for Education, Language Proficiency, and Reference Checks. Offerors invited to an interview and written test will be evaluated based upon the same criteria described above. In addition, offerors determined to be competitively ranked may also be evaluated on interview performance, written evaluations and/or satisfactory professional reference checks.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Health/ Medicine jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, September 04 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 25-08-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 25-08-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 25-08-2077
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