Personal Transport Software In-Vehicle Monitoring System (PTS IVMS) Assistant job at True North Consult Ltd
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463 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Personal Transport Software In-Vehicle Monitoring System (PTS IVMS) Assistant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Human Services , Category: Computer & IT ]

Jobs at:

True North Consult Ltd

Deadline of this Job:
Wednesday, December 06 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, November 29 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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True North Consult Ltd jobs in Uganda

The position holder is responsible for the following.
• Centralize and register on time and with accuracy the previsions of personnel movements from/to the site.
• Register on time and with accuracy the personnel data & profile (such as HSE training, medical fitness to work) within the PTS data base and ensure the updates in line with COMPANY requirement.
• Proper utilization of PTS / Da Vinci by all users and coordinate with LSO HQ the implementation of the system.
• Participate to the development, the implementation, and the maintenance of the logistics share point.
• Register, record and publish the daily POB of various sites in Uganda.
• Register the vehicles fuel data in PTS tool within the fuel management module and provide daily, weekly and monthly reports.
• Register vehicles maintenance records within the vehicle maintenance module and provide monthly reports for the maintenance performed, per fleet, per location and site.
• Ensure that the tracking units installed on vehicles are active at all time.
• Perform periodic vehicle fleet online tracking for overspeed, location, driving hours and all parameters included in the IVMS (In Vehicle Monitoring System) and generate reports accordingly.
• Manage RFID keys and ensure they are configured to the correct users and vehicles.
• Generate weekly and monthly reports for the fleet performance.
• Participate in the incident investigation by providing analysis of data for the concerned vehicle.

Education, Training, Skills & Experience
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, telecommunication, Information Systems
• or equivalent.

• A minimum of 3 years’ experience and in-depth knowledge of in Vehicle Management Systems, On Board Computers and systems for vehicle tracking, Motor vehicle operations, Operating tools and software development, Supervisory

Control & Data Acquisition System.
• Good command of English knowledge and experience in database management and reporting including MS access, word, project, excel. Multicultural awareness, environmental awareness, organization, adaptability, and anticipation skills

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
You can apply by submitting your cover letter and CV to with subject line Personal Transport Software In-Vehicle Monitoring System (PTS IVMS) Assistant by 6th December 2023.

Please note: “Females are highly encouraged to apply”

All applicants should share their CV's and Cover Letters in PDF or MS Word STRICTLY

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Job Info
Job Category: Computer/ IT jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, December 06 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 29-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-11-2077
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