National FMNR Scaling Evidence & Learning Specialist job at World Vision
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Vacancy title:
National FMNR Scaling Evidence & Learning Specialist

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

World Vision

Deadline of this Job:
19 June 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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World Vision jobs in Uganda

Purpose of the position:
The Farmer managed Natural Regeneration National Scaling Evidence & Learning Specialist will provide technical guidance and leadership in line with effective Programme/Project design processes, facilitate research and documentation, manage and conduct assessments, baselines and evaluations and foster evidence-based learning and reflection in line with the WVU National FNMR scaling strategy. This role will also aggregate data and lessons from across multiple projects and evaluation studies. The role will be critical in monitoring the progress of implementation of the National FMNR Scaling Strategy for Uganda with a goal to bring 882,288 hectares under restoration using FMNR by 2033. This strategy supports World Vision’s global vision to restore 1 billion hectares of degraded land over the next 10 years. The position will also ensure technical oversight mainly focusing on quality of documentation of successes, profiling and promoting FMNR among strategic partners including government line ministries and departments. The job holder will work closely with the Evidence and Learning manager & Specialist based at the National office, Refugee response and R&L technical programme officers based at the regionals. The job holder will work under the direct supervision and reporting to the Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability & Learning Manager.

Key Outputs/Responsibilities.
National FMNR Scaling Strategy
• Develop the Monitoring, Evidence and Learning component of World Vision Uganda’s National FMNR Scaling Strategy (2023-2033).
• Co-lead the development of six-monthly progress reports against annual work plans (together with the National FMNR scaling Specialist and resilience and livelihood technical Lead).
• Co-lead the development of an annual FMNR scaling report card against the National FMNR Scaling Strategy (together with the National FMNR scaling specialist and Resilience and Livelihood technical Lead).
• Strong evidence of FMNR scaling strategy programming and outcomes in Uganda
• A database of FMNR achievements including most update baseline and evaluation data
• FMMR profiled and promoted as a key regreening approach within Uganda stakeholder groups, including government and UN agencies

Technical Support to FMNR Project M&E staff
• Provide tools, training, and systems to improve project mapping and monitoring of FMNR training, adoption, sites, and tree cover change in line with the Global FMNR Monitoring, Evidence and Learning Guidelines and any relevant National Government Restoration Monitoring initiatives.
• Provide technical support and guidance to relevant programmes and projects on methods and approaches for monitoring and evaluating FMNR scaling, in line with the Global FMNR Monitoring, Evidence & Learning Guidelines.
• WVU staff and partners’ capacity to effectively monitor FMNR using the Global FMNR monitoring, evidence & Learning tools and framework.

Partnerships and External Engagement
• Support partner organisations to monitor and report on FMNR activities in relevant national and/or global restoration platforms.
• Contribute to the design and/or implementation of National Restoration Monitoring and Reporting processes with national governments to ensure that the contribution of FMNR/ANR is visible.
• Co-design and lead learning and reflection events with partner organisations to enhance scaling activities and identify evidence of changes in enabling environment (together with the National FMNR Scaling Lead).
• Engage or collaborate with relevant research partners to address key evidence gaps related to FMNR & scaling, including evidence of organic spread.
• Strategic partners mapped and clear working relationships developed with them to support promotion of FMMR scaling.
• WVU is viewed as a strong influencer at the local, national, regional and global stage.
• Major donors convinced about supporting the FRMNR scaling strategy as a result of the evidence of programming provide to them.
• New opportunities identified, pursued and leading to new funding streams in line with FMMR scaling strategy.223-

Evidence based Learning and Reflection
• Develop and monitor the implementation of the organizational learning agenda
• Promote evidence based learning through data driven or evidence based reflection and learning in line with reflection and learning guidelines
• Support all programs and or projects in documenting, disseminating innovations, best practices and new research findings related to MEAL
• Support programs to generate Most Significant Change evidence in form text i.e. magazines, or digital videos.
• Promote and facilitate processes for identifying, documenting and disseminating good MEAL practices at a Programme and National Level
• Design and implement a system to identify, analyze, document and disseminate lessons learned
• Increased evidence based reflection and learning engagements to support FMNR scaling
• Clear learning agenda in place to support FMNR scaling
• MSC stories documented for learning purposes to support FMNR scaling

World Vision partnership engagement
• Contribute to and align with World Vision’s global FMNR scaling frameworks and processes, including regular meetings with World Vision Australia and other National FMNR Scaling Teams across the region
• Relationship with key stakeholders within WVU, WVA and other NOs maintained, that focus on promoting FMNR to scale in Uganda and the region
• Team effectiveness and administration
• Participate in departmental team meetings,
• Support the resilience and livelihood sector in E&L technical issues and as when required
• complete necessary administration tasks, support team and organisational tasks as needed, complete all necessary training and compliance activities
• Strong relationships built across sectors and departments

Qualifications: Education/Knowledge/Technical Skills and Experience.
• Minimum of five years of work experience in data intensive programs in designing, monitoring, and evaluation methodologies is highly desirable.
• Master’s degree in Natural Resources, Environmental Sciences, Forestry, Agro-Forestry, Agriculture
• Experience in proposal writing and development, grants management, report writing, research, monitoring and evaluation skills
• Experience with the collection, management or analysis of spatial data including GPS & GIS Ability to work with inter-disciplinary teams and a wide range of program/project activities
• Strong report writing and communication skills
• Strong skills in capacity building and training
• Experience in Programme Design, Assessments, Monitoring & Evaluation.
• Acquaintance with donor relations and evidence based programming
• Good interpersonal skills, strong communication skills, both verbal and written.
• Proven conceptual & analytical skills, ability to take an evidence-based approach to program design.
• Proven facilitation skills and track record demonstrating high integrity, innovativeness, creativity, reliability and dependable
• Proactive personality, self-driven and strongly motivated.
• Experience with qualitative and quantitative M&E data collection and analysis methods, including tracking and aggregation of outcome indicators, is desirable
• Demonstrated experience in analyzing, interpreting, and reporting on M&E results so that lessons can be learned and incorporated into programming is desirable.
• Being a member of the Uganda Evaluation Association or any other Evaluation Association is an added advantage.
• Knowledge of designing and managing M&E systems at a national level for effective generation of monitoring data used in tracking programme and improved service delivery and support related to development programming
• Experience in designing M&E methodologies and tools, and the ability to coach and train others in their use is desirable.
• Excellent command of MS Excel, and working knowledge of at least two data sytems

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 19 June 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 14-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-06-2067
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