Monitoring & Evaluation Officer job at Justice Centres Uganda
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Vacancy title:
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Justice Centres Uganda

Deadline of this Job:
03 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Sunday, January 29, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Justice Centres Uganda jobs in Uganda


Job Purpose:
Under the strategic direction and supervision of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist (MES), the Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (MEO) will support the Monitoring and Evaluation section in all matters related to activity performance, monitoring, evaluation, accountability, learning, and reporting. This includes regular monitoring visits to JCU Centres, as well as collection, consolidation and analysis of field monitoring data with respect to the M&E plan and log frame outcome and output indicators and activities. In addition, MEO will be responsible for support to Programmes in the preparation of monitoring reports as well as interim monthly and quarterly reports.
Generic Responsibilities:
• Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, relationships and accountabilities within JCU and its staff, partners, stakeholders and donors.
• Work towards the achievement of project goals through effective output and outcome level monitoring of activities paying due attention to the quality and impact of JCU interventions.
• Uphold the principles of JCU Policy Guidelines and the Code of Conduct.
• Offer IT support to the Centres in relation to; exploring the best network option for a given Centre and make recommendations to the National Coordination Office accordingly, ensure installation and usage of official email programs at all Centres and; support staff training on the Information and Case Management System (ICMS).
• Perform other work-related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the supervisor.

Specific Responsibilities:
• In liaison with the MES, the MEO will actively participate in the planning and conducting of regular monitoring at the different JCU Centres, according to the approved monitoring plan; and in close coordination with Justice Centre Managers and other project Officers where need be.
• In consultation with the MES, the MEO will support in reviewing development and implementation of the monitoring tools for output and outcome level indicators in the M & E plan.
• Collect, consolidate, analyse and generate quantitative/qualitative reports with respect to project progress and Logical Framework Approach (LFA) outcome and output indicators;
• Participate in the preparation of regular monitoring and quarterly narrative reports, in close collaboration with the MES and the Manager Programmes (MP); and other project staff, in accordance with JCU’s internal reporting schedules.
• Verification of documented success stories, challenges and their impacts on targeted communities during your regular monitoring visits to enhance evidence reporting.
• Identify and formulate lessons learned from project implementation, document and share best practices for scaling up, replication or integration into future projects.
• Coordinate and participate in M&E activities such as the internal and external monitoring visits by JCU’s senior management and/or Donor visits to the Centres.
• Aggregate and submit project data on a monthly basis for regular activity reporting according to JCU’s reporting schedule.
• Participate in at least least two activities during the regular Centre visits, to monitor compliance with JCU’s Programme Implementation (PI) handbook and M&E Plan.
• Support development of training concepts and TOR in line with M&E framework requirements, train staff and partners in M&E and conduct post-training evaluation of the impact of the trainings.
• Undertake data quality assessments to ensure that the project data meets the data quality requirements as per JCU guidelines.
• Participate in the development and review of the JCU performance appraisal tool to support the Annual Performance Management exercise at the National Coordination Office.

Qualifications and Working Experience:
• Minimum of a Bachelors’ Degree in Statistics, Economics, Project Planning and Management, or a related field that has a bias in data management /analysis from a reputable institution; And/or a Postgraduate qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation, Statistics, Economics, Project Planning and Management from a reputable institution.
• Minimum of 2 years’ relevant working experience in a similar position with monitoring responsibilities and/or relevant experience in project management and reporting.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

Candidates with the necessary qualifications, skills and experience should submit an application letter, updated CV including contact details of three professional referees and copies of your academic/professional certificates. Applications should indicate a daytime telephone contact and email address.
Applications should be hand delivered and addressed to the National Coordinator, Justice Centres Uganda, National Coordination Office, The Registry of Planning and Development, Plot 6, George Street. P.O Box 26365 Kampala Uganda.
Please mark the envelop with the position applied for.
Deadline for submission of application: 3rd February, 2023 at 5pm

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Job Info
Job Category: Data, Monitoring, and Research jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 03 February 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 30-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 30-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 30-01-2067
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