Medical Director job at Future Options Consulting Ltd
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737 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Medical Director

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Professional Services , Category: Doctors & Other Health Professionals ]

Jobs at:

Future Options Consulting Ltd

Deadline of this Job:
10 March 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, February 27, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Future Options Consulting Ltd jobs in Uganda


Overall Job Purpose
The Medical Director is responsible for leading the medical directorate to ensure that all patients requiring treatment at CoRSU are seen promptly and treated appropriately with the best quality of care.
He/she shall participate in nurturing the strategic vision for the hospital, quality assurance and implementation of high medical care standards. He/she will take on responsibility of Medical Directorate budget planning and management; and a definitive action plan to help all the medical departments achieve their goals.
The position holder shall oversee all patient care processes and hospital operations, participate actively in the senior management team (SMT) meetings; developing, updating, and approving programs for medical and institutional policies, protocols, and procedures.

Specific Job Responsibilities
Strategic Leadership; As a member of the Senior Management Team, participate in the development and implementation of the strategic plan for CoRSU by:
1. Contributing insights drawn from experience both at CoRSU and elsewhere to the implementation of a visionary strategic plan
2. Cascading the strategic plan into operational plans and budgets for the medical departments being supervised ensuring effective participation and engagement of HoDs and Team leaders
3. Attending Board meetings in order to provide medical insight into strategic direction and problem resolution for the hospital.
4. Engaging the SMT in continuous quality improvement of medical services offered at CoRSU; proving regular feedback on day to date progress and any problems arising.

Operational Management; Coordinate the day to day working of the medical operations of the Hospital, ensuring efficient patient flow and cost-effective services and high-quality care by:
1. Monitoring patient flow – ensuring appropriate scheduling and good, fair, and timely treatment for both outpatients and inpatients
2. Seeing that all medical departments are well-coordinated, and patient care effectively and efficiently delivered
3. Making sure that key departments in the medical directorate well-coordinated, and patient care effectively and efficiently delivered.
4. Ensuring that arrangements are made with Head of Operations and Procurement office for the timely availability of the resources required for the regular review of equipment inventory and preventive maintenance with Estates department.

Budget Management; Monitor expenditure and income against the annual budget for the medical directorate, and take appropriate action where necessary by:
1. Providing periodic plans and budget preparations; and monitoring the provision of medical care services.
2. Carrying out regular review and alignment of work plans with budgets in the medical directorate

Quality Assurance; Ensure the provision of high standards of evidence-based patient care and professional best-practise essential for maintaining quality standards in the hospital by:

1. Ensuring evidence based care – understanding emerging best practice and translating it into something realistic for CoRSU.
2. Overseeing clinical peer reviews, Scientific research, publications, congresses, in-hospital medical teaching, Continuous Medical Education (CME) and ensure professional development of the medical team
3. Directing the development and regular review of medical and clinical policies for relevant medical departments on an ongoing basis Ensuring that quality standards (SOPs) developed and regularly updated for Medical Care Services, in collaboration with CEO’s office and relevant external authorities
4. Ensuring that all medical policies and strategies developed and updated regularly reviewed, for medical Care Services.
5. Overseeing the development and implementation of mechanisms for assessing technical quality/standards of the medical practitioners employed at CoRSU (i.e. patient appointments, delay time, service time, timing with regards to medical treatment and surgery quality)

People Management and Development; Manage the Medical team in a manner that will motivate medical professionals to achieve high standards of patient care and technical excellence by:

1. Developing and/improving on the KPOs with quantitative and qualitative objectives
2. Carrying out performance reviews and management to all team leaders of the medical departments within the Medical Directorate.
3. Liaising with professional councils such as UMDPC, Nursing Council and Allied Health Council to provide regular CPD for practitioners at CoRSU.
4. Meeting regular with SMT members to align and approve strategic decisions and address any upcoming challenges and needs.

Medical Practice; Carry out clinical responsibilities, as per professional specialisation by:
1. Maintaining a professional diary for certifications (with continuous medical education credit points) delivered upon completion of an education or training that is mandatory to keep professionalism up-to-date for oneself

Key Result Areas (Output):
2. Regular monitoring meetings and work plan formulation and evaluations to ensure review and execution of key performance indicators (KPIs)
3. Departments have operational plans and budgets that are aligned to strategic plan
4. KPIs tracked by 31st January of each year
5. Quarterly feedback from Board that indicates satisfaction with the advice and input provided
6. An updated APL for CoRSU and self; Medical Team collaborates in problem resolution
7. Quarterly report on corrective actions taken provided to Board; SMT provided with bi-monthly reports
8. Reducing number of patients turned away at OPD; Reduction trend & patient complaints measured.
9. Monthly meetings with medical Heads of department and Team Leaders; Two monthly meetings with VVF project coordinator, Research, Paediatrician.
10. Weekly meetings with key departments i.e. Nursing, Head of Rehabilitation, Orthopaedic, Plastic Surgery, Anaesthesia, Medical Diagnostics and Pharmacy
11. Zero surgeries cancelled due to non- functional equipment; No lists cancelled due to medical staff shortages
12. No sending patients out for laboratory, x-ray and other tests due to non-functional equipment/lack of reagents.
13. No or minimal drugs and medicines refill outcry
14. Medical departmental budget management tracked
15. Early alerts of any extraordinary expenses identified and action proposed.
16. Clinical guidelines and protocols merged and harmonised into a final document; regularly updated and peer reviewed
17. Bi-monthly documentation review
18. Annual CPD plan developed by 31st January; CPD diaries all medical professionals updated.
19. Medical SOPs for all different departments and annual timetable for review completed
20. No quality issues raised during external audit or organizational review.
21. Quality measurement metric and continuous improvement - total quality management (TQM) approach nurtured
22. Patient needs and expectations (best possible care) met or exceeded through continuous service improvement.
23. Patients' satisfaction maximized and achieved through higher productivity and better service
24. Meaningful appraisals completed by 31st December each year using the set KPOs
25. No unexplained absences, excuses or habitual late coming towards patient care
26. Medical capacity building; workshops or training regularly approved; 70% staff happy with level of qualification/professional development
27. An evolutionary behaviour maintained to pursue a continuous training; related remuneration and benefits expectations presented and discussed at SMT

1. MMed and MBChB qualifications are essential
2. MBA or MPH or its equivalent are an added advantage
3. Any other sub specialisation such as General Management, Project Management, Health Care Management is desirable

Details of experience
1. 8 year’s post graduate experience at senior management level in a medical setting

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 96

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure

All interested and qualified persons are encouraged to apply online at  or by email:  enclosing their CV and cover letter. Please indicate the Position Title in the email subject line. Application Deadline: 5:00 pm (EAT) on Sunday 12th March 2023.
Application deadline: 2023-03-12

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Job Info
Job Category: Health/ Medicine jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 March 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 27-02-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 27-02-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-02-2066
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