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 Regional Coordinator job at ICWEA
The Regional Co-ordinator will be the head of the Regional Secretariat and is accountable to the CLM consortium partners-ICWEA, SMUG and HEPS-Uganda. The Regional Coordinator will directly report and account to ICWEA and will be under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator stationed at ICWEA. The Regional Coordinator will coordinate all CLM activities in the districts in the region working closely with a team of community monitors under his/her direct supervision. The position is responsible for the strategic implementation of the Regional CLM Programme and ensuring coordination of CLM activities for improved quality of HIV/TB car across the region.

Key responsibilities
Management, Governance and Coordination (10%)

• Be responsible for the management and administration (including human resources management) of the Regional Secretariat, in collaboration with the project coordinator;
• Report to the secretariat and or the national project coordinator on the progress of the CLM activities with quarterly reports (both narrative and financial);
• Supervise the works of Community Monitors
• Ensure that bi-monthly data collection takes place and is uploaded into the online system
• Support Community Monitors through written communications and direct engagement with facilities, communities and duty bearers as needed including editing state of clinic reports regularly;
• Ensure that all Community Monitors keep sequential and excellent records of all meetings, correspondence, community engagement events that are uploaded to a central place;

• Edit stories written by Community Monitors, and provide feedback to national project team; and where possible link national project team with key individuals willing to speak out about challenges;
• Ensure that Community Monitors adhere to the requirements of data collection including using informed consent scripts;
• Develop, strengthen and nurture effective working relationships and synergies with allies in the region (donors and lead regional partner institutions) network members of people living with HIV and Key and vulnerable people in the districts of operation in the region;
• Ensure effective networking, communication and information sharing among Partners the region, which includes the promotion of lessons learnt across the region.

The Regional Coordinator will ensure program quality standards are properly understood and applied across all programs. S/he will promote programmatic learning to improve the quality of the CLM program, focus on strengthening internal and external coordination and robust information management in the region while building capacity of staff to for improved program quality.

Specifically, the Regional Coordinator will:
• Ensure that relevant CLM program models and approaches are well understood and properly applied during the implementation of respective programs;
• Promote regular program reflection and learning through quarterly refresher trainings and or mentorships focused on specific CLM (in areas of advocacy, research, community mobilisation and engagement, PEPFAR Minimum program requirements etc.) topics;

• Provide leadership, oversight and quality assurance for all baselines, mid-term reviews, end-lines and impact evaluations. Build capacity to do research and evaluations in-house;
• Support the Program Director to organize annual partnership review conference to reflect on the partnership and review annual program performance;
• Analyse & track findings of monitoring across the region to inform district level engagement & advocacy;
• Monitor the implementation of agreed action plans in order to assess if the quality of services improve. Where issues remain unresolved or unchanged, escalate upwards to district level or with further advocacy;
• Work with and build the capacity of district level PLHIV Sector structures to engage in local advocacy and district level engagement activities;
• Provide feedback to community members and partners on engagement efforts with duty bearers;
• Consolidate reports on facility and district level activities and update the national project team accordingly;
• Carry out peer review and verification of data collection at facilities to improve consistency and strength data collection;

Support external engagement and evidence-based advocacy

The Regional Coordinators will support CLM’s strategic external engagement including evidenced-based advocacy and work relating to influencing policy at regional and national levels.

Specifically, the Regional Coordinator will:
• On a quarterly basis, bring credible knowledge from programs to inform CLM’s strategic engagement and discourse across various platforms including working groups, sub-district health teams, regional health sector committees, implementing partners’ performance review platforms;
• Quarterly bring credible evidence including CLM findings, publications and reports from programs to inform regional level CLM advocacy and policy engagement;
• Support on mapping out strategic external engagement platforms and monitoring and feedback mechanisms of key takeaways from these platforms;
• Support communications team in CLM content creation for communication, visibility and influencing policy;
• Organise district accountability/advocacy meetings with support from the national project team;
• Identify where upcoming advocacy and campaign plans require communications, media, and/or social media intervention and ensure that the national project team has the relevant information in a timely manner.

Program Planning, Monitoring and Reporting
The Regional Coordinator support national level and or secretariat planning, monitoring and reporting by adopting tools that support project planning monitoring and reporting that shall be designed by the project coordinator. S/He will ensure that all activities and or tasks of Community Monitors are tracked.

Specifically, the Regional Coordinator will:
• Review existing CLM planning and reporting tools to assess what is working, what is not working and unmet needs related to planning and reporting;
• Manage regional level planning and reporting mechanism, ensuring that planning and reporting across all Sub-National Units under Her/his scope happens on schedule and is of good quality;

• Support content creation of quarterly newsletters focused on human interest stories from the field, key program events like launches and important program news like new wins;
• Support production of country level annual reports, based on Program/Project Information
• Produce quarterly project progress reports;
• Develop clear agendas, minutes and action points and file up for each meeting in the online system.

Education Requirements
Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent in Social Science, Development Studies, Education, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation and Development Planning or a related field from a recognised University of Institution.

Core Competencies and Experience
Desired Experience

• A minimum of 3 years of program management experience with local NGO including supervision, monitoring, evaluation and program design;
• Experience in strengthening community level systems and supporting service recipients to engage duty bearers;

• Expertise in engaging stakeholders spanning local/community, national and global levels;
• Experience in project management i.e. project inception, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and knowledge management;

Essential Competences and Skills
• Strong conceptual and research/analytical skills, with the ability to think strategically and to rapidly analyse and integrate diverse information from varied sources into conclusions and recommendations
• Seeks and applies knowledge, information and best practices inside and outside ICWEA
• Ability to lead effectively, and possesses mentoring and conflict resolution skills
• Strong skills in knowledge management and translation;
• Excellent leadership, supervisory and team building skills;
• Excellent communication and facilitation skills;
• Public/Interpersonal Relations/skills;
• Training and Coaching Skills – and ability to transfer skills/knowledge;
• Excellent/Good report writing skills;
• Community mobilization skills;
• Good collaboration and team participation skills; and
• Knowledge of the diversity of PLHIV and KPs;
• Appreciation and substantial knowledge in community engagement, human rights, gender consideration and programming is required;
• Experience in community data collection (is of added advantage);
• Demonstrable experience in organising, advocacy and/or mobilisation at a community level Self-motivated and able to work without direct supervision
• Good written and verbal communication skills in at least one local language and English (is desirable);
• Able & willing to travel frequently within the region and at times across the country;
• Fluency in the local language in a region will be an added advantage

Communication Officer job at ICWEA JOB DETAILS:

Main Purpose of the Job
Responsible for providing strategic and operational oversight of the CLM’s advocacy, communications, and campaign activities and lead the development and execution of a Regional Advocacy Strategy for ICWEA, that derives its mandate from the Regional Strategic Plan & in the context of Sustainable Development Goals

Duties and Responsibilities
• Give communication advice regarding the development of relevant messages, use of appropriate media channels and providing strategic solutions to communication challenges.
• Provide advice and analytically input into programme proposals, and assist with designing and implementing programme activities or concepts regarding communications activities;

• In liaison with programme staff, coordinate inter and intra-programme communication to facilitate access to information on core programme activities, status, output, achievements and challenges.
• Facilitate communications with all ICWEA members, regional offices and partners using all appropriate channels (website, newsletters, email, campaigns, social media etc). Including preparing and updating content, review content requests, and coordinating updates.
• Produce compelling news stories/press releases, internal newsletters, media briefs, training documents, presentation materials and other communications products;
• Participate in communications planning and briefing, including press conferences and media interviews; Liaise between the organisation and networks and stakeholders;

• Enhance the public image of ICWEA through strategic communications and developing media relations with local, regional and International media;
• In liaison with relevant staff members, developing or assisting with the development of technical papers and policy papers, submissions, written reports and briefings on policy, legal or research issues, as applicable;
• Oversee the production of internal and external IEC materials and publications
• Oversee and maintain the membership database in liaison with the Programme staff in charge;

• Oversee the production and publication ICWEA quarterly and annual reports, and in consultation with the management team and program officers, develop the report structure;
• Strengthen staff skills in communications, social media

Qualification and Experience
• Must have a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism/Mass Communications, Public Relations, Information Science, Communications Science, Media Studies or ICT and proven experience in public relations, publicity, and media relations;
• At least 3 years practical experience in mass communication and public relations in an NGO setting or reputable organisation
• A general appreciation of the issues concerning the INGO’s sector and networks of women living with HIV with an in-depth knowledge in communications, advocacy or fundraising;
• Substantial experience in an INGO’s environment, networks of women living with HIV, with experience in successfully leading the development and implementation of communication strategies for a humanitarian organisation;

• The ideal candidate should possess a very good command of written and spoken English (knowledge of Swahili and or French will be an added advantage);

• Demonstrable experience in Microsoft Office suite of programmes and design programmes;
• Demonstrable experience in publishing, website and communication product development and design;
• Visionary, with strong initiative and ability to work without supervision;
• Excellent oral, presentation and written communication skills;
• Proven knowledge and experience of HIV/TB program
• Knowledge of resilient community systems for health and or global/regional/national health issues
• Demonstrated experience in coordination communication and advocacy activities in NGO related contexts.
• Results-oriented approach and proposes ways to innovate and continuously improve our communications products, practices, channels, and messaging
• Global, regional and national policies and legislations relating to HIV&AIDS and gender
• Rights of people living with HIV, with a focus on women and young girls living with HIV
• Practices and trends in HIV&AIDS prevention and care in the region and globally
• Knowledge in gender audit and analysis, policy analysis and Research
• Bi- lingual applicants (English, French and Swahili) will be given priority.


Establish and maintain a robust MEAL System (20%)

• Responsible for establishing, managing, and ensuring effective utilization of the MEAL system by all programme staff and partners.

• The MEAL system should cover the whole program cycle and include learning, monitoring, evaluation, research and learning, accountability, and reporting.
• The MEAL system is able to provide real time data for adaptation of existing programs and decision making and should hence be digital to the extent possible.
• The MEAL system should include critical elements of operations, finance, grants, logistics and human resources performance data for decision making.
• The MEAL system should enable ICWEA to data-driven and evidence-based, pushing boundaries for data for decision making.

Program QUALITY and LEARNING (30%)

• The MEAL Manager will be responsible for ensuring that Program Quality and Learning (PQL) is prioritized throughout all ICWEA’s programs/projects.
• Ensure programs embrace and embed quality markers using established PQL reporting system including the quarterly program dashboards, Advocacy, and Influencing Impact Reporting (AIIR) tool and the Projects and Program Information and Impact Reporting System (PIIRS).

• Maintain a solid PQL field footprint and consistent presence where projects are being implemented in the region.
• The MEAL Manager will ensure quality, transparency, timeliness and consistency of reports and the reporting mechanism.
• Ensure credible evidence is used by the program to engage in PQL platforms including Review Meetings and PQL learning workshops.
• Research, Evaluation and Knowledge Management (20%)
• Responsible for baseline, mid-line, and end-line evaluations.
• Ensure programs invest in research and evaluations to generate new knowledge (learning) and credible evidence.
• Work with programme team to ensure that research and evaluations budgets are sufficient (in the range of 5-10% of total budget)
• Ensure knowledge management is effective and efficient, whereby knowledge products and credible evidence are accessible, shareable, transferable, and used by relevant people in real time.
• Team Leadership and Capacity Building for Staff
• Promote continuous learning and professional development of the MEAL team through on-job learning, relevant exposures, and appropriate stretch assignments.
• Ensure transparent and visible workflow through appropriate digital platforms.

• Ensure that annual performance goals and regular evaluations of supervised staff are concluded in time.
• Ensure that staff are properly oriented on the MEAL system, tools and processes and that staff continue to receive technical support and accompaniment for new or complex MEAL tools and processes.

Contribute to Program Design (10%)
• Responsible for supporting review of program logic model including Theory of Change, Logical Framework, and Results Framework or Results Chain.
• Ensuring that the results statements and indicators are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound) and gender transformative.
• Ensure that the targets and impact groups are well defined.
• Program design embrace and embed critical indicators from the quality (gender, resilience, and governance) markers in all program designs.
• Global Fund/TASO Funded Specific Responsibilities (10%)
• Responsible for work plan development, and implementation together with the project team
• Responsible for monthly, quarterly, and annual reporting
• Responsible for project performance plan monitoring and including reporting on any weak areas
• Responsible for supervising implementation of action plans – developed during review meetings
• Responsible for supporting partners/CBOs to develop and implement their M&E planning
• Build capacity and support reporting
• Educational Requirements
• Masters in Monitoring & Evaluation, Economics, Quantitative Economics, Statistics or relevant field of study from a reputable university. Equivalent post-graduate studies will be considered.

Core competences
• A Minimum of 7 years of relevant experience with reputable organizations in similar roles.
• Experience in networking and strategic relationships management and engagements.
• Experience in research, analytical writing, advocacy, and policy influencing.


• Use of quantitative data Analysis software like SPSS or STATA or Excel is required.
• Conceptual abilities, strategic thinking, and analytical writing skills.
• Leadership and interpersonal skills.
• Good communication, presentation, discussion, and negotiation skills.
• Good research, learning, evidence-generation, policy debate and advocacy skills.
• Organizing skills and capacity to multi-task in rapidly changing & fast-paced environments.


Job Purpose
Responsible for providing support in the various human resources and functions, which include recruitment, staffing, training & development, performance monitoring etc.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:
• Assess human resource needs in the organization and advise on human resource optimization.
• Review and implement organizational administrative infrastructure, and human resources management policy and procedures in accordance with statutory requirements.

• Develop, oversee and advise management on a staff performance management system, including annual appraisals.
• Lead in handling staff conduct and discipline, and grievance handling procedures.
• Oversee the personnel management that includes maintaining personnel files and staff leave management system.
• Planning and ensuring systematic induction for all new staff and induction plans
• Preparing job descriptions, advertising vacant positions, and managing the recruitment process.
• Orienting new employees and training existing employees.
• Monitoring employee performance.
• Ensuring that all employees are organized and satisfied in their work environment.
• Overseeing the health, safety and wellness of all employees.

• Implementing systematic staff development procedures.
• Providing counseling on policies and procedures.
• Ensuring meticulous implementation of payroll and benefits administration.
• Communicating with staff about issues affecting their performance.
• Act as a key source of support, guidance and expertise on safeguarding and human resources related matters in the organization.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
• The ideal candidate must hold at least Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Human Resources, Business administration, Bachelors of Industrial and Organisational Psychology from a reputable institution. Post Graduate Diploma or a Masters degree is desirable.
• At least three years of working experience in a HR generalist setup, preferably in an NGO.

• Excellent knowledge of various HR functions such as pay & benefits, recruitment, onboarding, evaluation, training & development etc.
• Good understanding of labour laws, HR functions and best practices
• Experience working with Human Resource Information Management systems
• Ability to analyse and interpret complex information.
• Ability to handle highly confidential matters professionally & discreetly.
• Excellent communication skills with an ability to liaise effectively with a range of departments to effectively implement company policies
• Advanced interpersonal skills, demonstrated in the ability to develop strong working relationships with colleagues and employees
• High degree of flexibility to work extra hours and travel occasionally under strenuous conditions

• Outstanding organizational and time-management skills
• Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment and meet all set deadlines
• Professional and confident with excellent diplomacy and negotiation skills
• Strong ethical and relations standards Outgoing and proactive personality
• Proven ability to work as a member of a team
• Ability to work independently and with minimal direction or supervision Interest in alternative care and child protection issues
• Excellent command of the English language, both written and spoken

Job application procedure

Interested candidates should submit their resumes, motivation letter, copies of academic documents, and testimonials to  and a copy to  no later than 28th October 2022. The subject of the application should include; the Last name of the applicant and the position being applied for.

Applications can also be hand-delivered to ICWEA Offices Plot 1106, Ssenge – Kawanda Road, Off Kayunga, Kampala – Hoima Road, Wakiso District

Job Info
Job Category: Several Jobs in one Advert jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 28 October 2022
Duty Station: Several Locations
Posted: 17-10-2022
No of Jobs: 4
Start Publishing: 17-10-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 21-10-2066
Apply Now
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