Invitation To Tender For Sanitation And Hygiene Facilities At Selected Institutions In Northern Uganda tendering at GIZ
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209 Days Ago
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Name of Project: Sanitation for Millions
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh is the German ederal company for technical cooperation and has been operating in Uganda since 1964 to promote sustainable development on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economo Cooperation and Development (M4)

Invitation to Bid
GUganda through Sanitation for Millions(4M) Programme, invites qualified Construction Engineering companies for construction of Sanitation and Hygiene facilites at selected institutions in Northern Uganda as per detailed specifications provided in the bidding document

The following information and documents will be required during evaluation on pass al bass and non-compliant bids will be eliminated
Specific registered powers of attorney for this tender authorizing signatory representative of the firm to sign bios/tenders on behalf of the firm
• Current and valid income tax clearance certificate addressed to GZ Company registration cenficate, tax registration, current PPDA certificate, and current valid trading Licence
• Company profie incuong a minimum number of 10 permanent stat and a minimum for key employees including a construction manager with a minimum of 10 years of expenence, with 2024 ERB practicing certificate and a sne manager with a minimum of 10 years of experience, include CVS)
• Specific previous experience in construction of sanitation and hygiene facines at least 03 cenfied in 3 years with a good track record in Uganda and proof of completion certificate(s) must be attached
• A minimum of 03 previous local infrastructure contracts of not less than UGX 250 milion in construction of public hygiene and sanitation infrastructure undertaken with an international development organization in the past 3 years and venfiable by both copies of contract and completion certificate
• If previously or currently engaged on a GIZ project a due diligence check with a particular programme(s) will be undertaken to confirm positive performance in quality and completion time.
• MUF and excel sheets priced sou format must be submitted for easy arthen check
• Certified Audited Accounts for 2024 2023 and 2022 with minimum annual turnover of UGX 1 bilion for the past 3 years together with verifiable bank statements
• Contractors (UNABSEC)
• Bid validity penod of 120 working days & Heference

Request for Bidding/Tendering Documents and detailed Terms of interested and eligible bidders can obtain detailed bidding tender documents in soft copy form only. To request the bidding tender documents please send an email to starting from the date of the first publication of this tender Ensure that you include the tender reference number 834/0/22 in the subject line or your email 5. Seaking Clarification Regarding the Bidding Documents, Tender
Terms and Conditions

All requests for clanfications regarding this tendering process must be submitted in writing and addressed to GIZ Uganda via email at at least 5 days before the b submission deadline. Please include the tender reference number 83470722" in the subject line of your email
Bids Offers Submission Deadline

interested bidders should submit their bidsofers electronically by 22 August 2024 at 4.00pm (EAT) to UG Quotation@gizde Mease indicate the tender reference number 83470722" in the subject line of your email Important information to Note indicate the tender reference number in the subject line of all your electronic communication
Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted
Bids submited with GIZ staff or other GIZ emails in copy will not be accepted

Ony submissions sent to UG Quotation@giz de will be acceptable eBids should only be submitted in PDF and ZIP folders to ensure compatibility with GI software. Do not encrypt your offers Use one email to submit the technical and francal proposals Only use GiZ's file transfer service at http://trananer.gz.ow for submming documents that exceed the default mail size of 30 MB Alternatively, use the two separate emails option, one for submitting the eligibility documents along with the technical proposal offer, and another for the financial proposal offer

Should you use the file transfer service, ensure you provide the password before the submission deadline and reference the tender number associated with me password. Failure to provide the password will result in automatic disqualification of your offer The financial offer should be submitted in Uganda Shilings in both PDF BOOS and excel versions BOOS

A minimum of A-4 Class of Registration and subscribed for 2024ailure to follow all the above instructions may result in your oner with Uganda National Association of Bulding and Civil Engineering being encrypted and/or rejected

GL reserves the night to cancel this process at any stage without informing the providers and without any obligation to refund the providers who will have participated in this tender process
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 August 2024
Duty Station: Northern Region
Posted: 08-08-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-08-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 08-08-2068
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