International Consultant job at UNICEF Uganda
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Vacancy title:
International Consultant

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
13 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, August 02, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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UNICEF Uganda jobs in Uganda

International Consultant – Support Uganda Country Office Mid Term Review (MTR) of the Country Programme 2021-2025
UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.
Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.
And we never give up.
For every child, a fair chance.
How can you make a difference?
UNICEF Uganda Country Programme Document (CPD) 2021-2025 was developed in late 2019 through an elaborate consultative process and submitted for the Executive Board approval in early 2020. At the same time Uganda reported its first COVID-19 case in March 2020 with an immediate nationwide lockdown being imposed. As such the CPD fails to address the double burden of the impact of COVID-19 and the recent war in Ukraine having unprecedented consequences for the world economy, including in Uganda.
The World Bank June 2021 Uganda Economic Update underlines that the COVID-19 shock caused a sharp contraction of the economy to its slowest pace in three decades with household incomes falling as a result of job loss, and the urban informal sector being hit the hardest. The country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 1.1 percent in 2020. The war in Ukraine and resulting economic sanctions affected Uganda through commodity prices, which were already on the rise. Petrol inflation has been increasing since March 2021 and as of January 2022, the petrol inflation increased sharply, now standing at 45.9% as of June 2022. The price of consumer goods, such as maize, tomatoes, cooking oil, also increased considerably with some of them seeing up to 10% increase. Such economic environment will inevitably impact recovery, with the WB projecting that the real GDP growth could fall below the expected recovery path, to an average 4.7 percent in FY22. With lower consumption growth due to reduced remittances, limited credit, and job losses, poverty increased from 27.5 to 32.7 percent after the first lockdown in 2020. The impact of COVID-19 had also devastating social dimensions. An early 2022 study assessing the impact of COVID-19 on young people concluded that youth, especially females, suffered from multiple deprivations, including lack of access to medical care; increased food insecurity as a result of job loss; and an increase in domestic violence and psychological stress was observed. Children were deprived from education (the longest period of closure of school in the world), resulting in increased teenage pregnancies, delinquency, drug abuse and mental health problems. The application of the nationwide lockdown increased vulnerabilities as it was not accompanied by a related strong mitigating social protection measures and the lockdown measures effectively disrupted existing safety nets by disconnecting people from their extended families, religious groupings and similar networks from which they usually draw support in times of hardship. The contracting economy prompted a consecutive downward trend in social sector investments, coupled also with a declining overseas development assistance (ODA) as a result of the Ukrainian crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated also the thinking on how UNICEF is doing business. Building on previous efficiency and effectiveness initiatives for business modernization and simplification, the Reimagine UNICEF aims to identify new and improved ways of working that will support UNICEF to transform and evolve into a more agile, creative and efficient organization.
Such changes in the macro-economic and organization wide environment prompted the initiation of an early Mid Term Review (MTR) of UNICEF’s Uganda CPD and the need to reflect on agile way to respond to emerging needs, such as the learning loss, the increase in gender based violence and violence against children and the increase of teenage pregnancies. The MTR will provide opportunity to re-assess in realistic way the country program results’ ambition and identify focused and accelerated ways to achieve country programme results within a rapidly changing context. It will also provide the opportunity for review of the four organizational improvement objectives – Programme Acceleration, Cutting Edge Business Innovation, Partnerships Strengthening, and Investments in People and Culture in incorporating also lessons learnt and efficiencies gained during the pandemic lockdown. The MTR consultancy will support the UCO efforts in bringing an external perspective and strategic inputs to internal reflections around changing programme and operational priorities and suggested ways to achieve accelerated results for children. It will contribute to a process seeking a focused approach in identifying impactful and transformative programme results, a realistic, unbiased estimation on required skills and capacities to deliver these results and will offer and additional independent opinion to proposed strategies for achieving such results.
Objective and specific deliverables of the consultancy
A. Critical review of Uganda CPD strategic intent and sought results:
The consultant, after familiarizing her/himself with key programme documents, will:
• Support and facilitate Programme and Operation sections’ level discussion to reflect on changing priorities; provide critical inputs and challenge assumptions; support the identification of realistic results and related actions that will bring transformative results for children by 2025, including identifying accelerators towards achieving such results, in taking into consideration the country programme context and the status of national development and social services support systems, including their ability to deliver sustained results.
• Support the identification of key accelerators, enablers, and strategies to achieve impactful and transformative results for children in Uganda by 2025.
• Ensure discussions encompass and identify critical cross-sectoral issues, such as early childhood and adolescent’s development and wellbeing, gender considerations, mobilization of communities in support of transformative change for children (including in behaviors), accountability to affected populations and climate change considerations.
• Assist the office in reviewing and re-designing, as necessary, the role of and the engagement with different partners (national/ international NGOs, government at national and sub-national level, including in the context of the new Parish Development Model vision) in implementing the Country Programme.
• Support Operations level discussions around modernization and simplification initiatives, related enablers, and support joint Operations and Programme reflection around recalibration of functions between Programmes and Operations.
The consultant will work in close collaboration with the Deputy Representatives Programme and Operations (DRP/DRO), MTR Task Force, Section Chiefs and the Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PPME) unit to facilitate inclusive discussions and reflections around key topics by ensuring broad participation both form central and zonal office side as well as from cross-sectoral sections. Specifically for Operations, the consultant will support reflections around innovative and cost effective and efficient ways to support the planned programme delivery.

Specific deliverables will include:
• Propose and develop a relevant well-coordinated calendar allowing broad participation in discussions in the period 15 August – 10 September.
• Provide regular updates on various consultative processes and milestones, that will feed into all staff information updates.
• Present key findings and recommendations for proposed CPD strategic shift, including, but not limited to:
o Summary of proposed strategic country programme shifts per programme component
o Summary cost of doing business – findings and recommendations for adjusted operational support to country programme implementation, including proposed recalibration of functions between Programmes and Operations
o Proposed revised CPD Result Matrix
o Identification of methods for successful mainstreaming and delivering on cross-sectoral results
o Proposed strategic shift in partners’ engagement
• Develop and consolidate related documents and summary reports in support of the MTR documentation process
B. Assessment of possible implementation advantages or bottlenecks (including stemming out from the country level/ country wide structure) and identification of mitigation measures
Drawing from the identified new strategic shifts and adjusted results, the consultant, in close collaboration with Kampala and Zonal office teams will facilitate discussions seeking to identify possible sub-national level opportunities and/or bottlenecks for the implementation of the newly set results. The discussions will need to take into consideration specific sub-national contexts and propose adjustments to the planned results (variance in ambition). Stemming from adjusted CPD results and, in reviewing the current Uganda Country Office (UCO) Accountability Framework (August 2021) outlining roles and accountabilities between Kampala and Zonal Offices, the consultant will guide reflections around recalibrating of functions, roles and responsibilities between Kampala central office and the three zonal offices with focus on improved decentralization processes.
The consultant in close collaboration with Zonal Office Chiefs will:
• Facilitate Zonal office discussion and reflections around the implementation of the set CPD results within the sub-national level context in bringing forward specifics of the context (e.g. Karamoja region) and in taking into consideration the national Parish Development Model vision.
• Support joint Zonal Office / Kampala office reflection around key opportunities and bottlenecks to implementation at sub-national level, including reflection on innovative ways of decentralization and value added of field presence.
• Ensure discussions are focused on the one CO and one CPD principle of implementation
Specific deliverables will include:
• Provide regular updates on various consultative processes and milestones, that will feed into all staff information updates
• Develop a vision on strategic shifts related to recalibration of roles and responsibilities between Kampala office and zonal offices with a one Country Programme context supported by clear Accountability Framework.
• Present key findings and recommendations (incl. power point presentation in support of the Strategic Moment of Reflection-I/ SMR-I)
• Develop and consolidate related documents and summary reports in support of the MTR documentation process
C. Organizational improvement initiatives (business modernization and simplification)
Drawing from the global Reimagine UNICEF – Organizational Design and Improvement initiatives, as well as local modernization and simplifications pre- and mid-pandemic, the consultant, in close collaboration with Kampala and Zonal office teams will facilitate discussions seeking to identify opportunities and/or bottlenecks for the further streamlining of business approaches, modalities and overarching processes, in Programme and Operations. The discussions will need to take into consideration the changing programme requirements and corresponding evolution of needed enablers for delivery. The consultant, in close collaboration with the Deputy Representatives, will:
• Facilitate Section and Zonal office discussion and reflections around opportunities for streamlining, simplification and modernization of ways of working, as well as real and perceived bottlenecks;
• Support identification of gaps in the enabling environment, and where necessary feed into item D below;
• Facilitate review of recalibration of Programme and Operations functions, roles and responsibilities in support of modernization and simplification
Specific deliverables will include:
• Provide regular updates on various consultative processes and milestones, that will feed into all staff information updates
• Present key findings and recommendations (incl. power point presentation in support of the Strategic Moment of Reflection-II/ SMR-II)
• Develop related documents and summary reports in support of the MTR documentation process
D. Objective assessment of required skills and competencies to deliver results
The role of the consultant will be supportive in regard to this stream, which is captured under different consultancy. The consultant will collaborate with the Deputy Representative Operations, HR team and additional consultants to bring together the reflection from the programme and operations adjustments reflection processes and from the skill assessment consultancy and will support section level reflections around appropriate and fit for purpose staffing structure. In supporting this deliverable, the consultant will also take into account the funding environment outlook (affordability and donor environment analysis).
Specific deliverables will include:
• Support preparation of regular updates on various consultative processes and milestones, that will feed into all staff information updates
• Support the presentation of key findings and recommendations (incl. power point presentation in support of the Strategic Moment of Reflection-II/ SMR-II)
• Support the development of related documents and summary reports in support of the MTR documentation process, as required.

Summary of key deliverables

1. Present proposed methodology and timeline for the consultations to the MTR TF and Country Management Team (CMT) – PowerPoint presentation
2. Develop a relevant well-coordinated calendar allowing broad participation in discussions in the period 15 August – 10 September (for both programme and operations related discussions under workstream A and C) – Calendar of meetings
3. Summary updates on various consultative processes and milestones, that will feed into all staff information updates (for all streams) – Weekly bulletins
4. Present to MTR TF and CMT key findings and recommendations for proposed CPD strategic shift including, but not limited to:
o Summary of proposed strategic country programme shifts per programme component
o Summary cost of doing business – findings and recommendations for adjusted operational support to country programme implementation, including proposed recalibration of functions between Programmes and Operations
o Proposed revised CPD Result Matrix
o Identification of methods for successful mainstreaming and delivering on cross-sectoral results
o Proposed strategic shift in partners’ engagement
o Develop short document with proposed programme strategic shifts per programme component (to include as well proposed renewed partnership engagement)
• Develop short document with proposed recommendations for adjusted operational support to country programme implementation
• Revised CPD Result Matrix
• Cross sectoral strategies (key strategic shifts and mainstreaming entry points) on ECD, Adolescents, Child Marriage and Teenage pregnancies, District System Strengthening, Gender action, Accountability to Affected populations, Climate change action for children
5. Present to MTR TF and CMT key findings and recommendations from Zonal Office discussions and the assessment of possible implementation advantages or bottlenecks
• Develop short document with proposed CPD implementation modalities (the paper should observe the one CO – one CPD approach and reflect new proposed recalibration of roles and responsibilities between Kampala office and zonal offices with clear Accountability Framework.
6. Present to MTR TF and CMT key findings and recommendations from Zonal office discussions around opportunities for streamlining, simplification and modernization of ways of working, real and perceived bottlenecks and identified gaps in the enabling environment along with proposed recalibration of Programme and operations functions.
• Develop short document with proposed strategic shifts and new way of working together, including recalibration of Programme and Operations functions, roles and responsibilities in support of modernization and simplification of CO processes.
7. Prepare and support SMR-I reflection (half a day workshop)
8. Together with other consultants, support section level discussions around skill sets
• Support the preparation of the SMR-II (half a day workshop)
9. Final MTR report consolidating together key elements from all workstreams into a comprehensive vision for accelerated delivery (with agility, effectiveness and efficiency of processes) of transformative result for the children in Uganda by 2025.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

• A Masters university degree from an accredited academic institution in two or more of the following fields: Development Studies; Strategic Planning, leadership and innovations; Human Resources Development and Management, Organizational Change Management and Leadership; Business Administration or similar disciplines. Additional professional qualifications in related field of studies and/or a PhD degree is an advantage.
Work experience:
• Ten to fifteen years of progressively responsible work experience in international development and/or humanitarian context with bilateral or multilateral organizations.
• Experience in leading strategic planning processes, including with national governments
• Experience in leading and setting the direction for large teams
• Proven track record in leading / guiding change management and organizational design processes ensuring team collaboration and reaching a consensus
• Strong work planning and time management skills
• Proven experience in training and development, with interventions focusing on alignment to strategic direction and objectives will be an added advantage.
• Working experience with the UN will be considered a strong asset.
Language proficiency:
• Excellent written and verbal communication in English

Other Skills:
• Strong organizational, interpersonal, and people management skills
• Strong communications skills and ability to lead with empathy
• Ability to hold difficult conversations
• Demonstrated good judgment, high sense of responsibility, tact and discretion.
• Demonstrated cultural sensitivity and ability to work in a multicultural environment
• Strong values including care, integrity, trust, accountability, and respect.
• Excellent analytical, research and project management skills.
For every Child, you demonstrate…
UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, Accountability, and Sustainability (CRITAS). To view our competency framework, please visit here.
Evaluation Method
Each applicant will be evaluated based on the cumulative analysis methodology (weighted scoring method), where the award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant or vendor whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
• Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
• Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of technical skills and financial proposal specific to the solicitation.
Technical Criteria weight: [70%]
Financial Criteria weight: [30%].
Qualified and experienced candidates are requested to submit a letter of interest including a Technical Proposal addressing how the expected deliverables would be achieved, outlining a road map for review and an implementation timeline and a Financial Proposal separately outlining the total costs for this consultancy with payment linked to the main deliverables outlined above. The financial proposal should indicate an all-inclusive lumpsum fee composed of consultancy fees, travel costs and subsistence/living allowances (where applicable).
UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.
UNICEF offers reasonable accommodation for consultants/individual contractors with disabilities. This may include, for example, accessible software, travel assistance for missions or personal attendants. We encourage you to disclose your disability during your application in case you need reasonable accommodation during the selection process and afterwards in your assignment.
UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles and will therefore undergo rigorous reference and background checks. Background checks will include the verification of academic credential(s) and employment history. Selected candidates may be required to provide additional information to conduct a background check.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process.
Individuals engaged under a consultancy or individual contract will not be considered “staff members” under the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and UNICEF’s policies and procedures, and will not be entitled to benefits provided therein (such as leave entitlements and medical insurance coverage). Their conditions of service will be governed by their contract and the General Conditions of Contracts for the Services of Consultants and Individual Contractors. Consultants and individual contractors are responsible for determining their tax liabilities and for the payment of any taxes and/or duties, in accordance with local or other applicable laws.
The selected candidate is solely responsible to ensure that the visa (applicable) and health insurance required to perform the duties of the contract are valid for the entire period of the contract. Selected candidates are subject to confirmation of fully-vaccinated status against SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) with a World Health Organization (WHO)-endorsed vaccine, which must be met prior to taking up the assignment. It does not apply to consultants who will work remotely and are not expected to work on or visit UNICEF premises, programme delivery locations or directly interact with communities UNICEF works with, nor to travel to perform functions for UNICEF for the duration of their consultancy contracts.
Deadline: 13 Aug 2022 E. Africa Standard Time

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 August 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 02-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 02-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 02-08-2065
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