Individuals Consultancy Services For Development And Dissemination Of Knowledge And Learning Materials On Climate Change Under Sacriac Project tendering job at Ministry Of Water And Environment
468 Days Ago
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GRANT No.: 5550155001901 PROJECT ID No.: P-UG-AB0-006
The Government of Uganda (hereinafter called "Recipient") has received financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the African Development Bank (AfDB) in the form of a grant towards the cost of Strengthening the Adaptive Capacity and Resilience of Communities in Uganda's Watersheds -Awoja Catchment Project (SACRIAC) in Eastern Uganda. The Ministry of Water and Environment, the Executing Agency and the Client for this service intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for Consultancy Services for Development and Dissemination of Knowledge and Learning Materials on Climate Change under SACRIAC Project.

The services under this consultancy include undertaking the Development and Dissemination of Knowledge and Learning Materials on Climate Change under SACRIAC Project. The primary objective of this initiative is to develop and disseminate knowledge and learning materials on climate change, rural infrastructure and ecosystem management to the target communities within the four watersheds of the project area.
of appropriate skills, etc.). To qualify for shortlisting the individual consultant must have carried out at least three (03) assignments that are similar in nature and scope in the last 5 years.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank's "Procurement Policy for Bank Group Funded Operations, dated October 2015" which is available on the Bank's website at
Interested individuals may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (0900 to 1700 hours).

Sealed Expression of Interest (02 copies sealed in a single envelope) must be delivered to the address below by 7 December, 2023 at 11:00 am Local Time. Envelopes must be clearly marked "Consultancy Services for Development and Dissemination of Knowledge and Learning Materials on Climate Change under SACRIAC Project".

The Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit Water and Sanitation Development Facility-East
The assignment will be executed over a period of 12 Plot 14 Works Road, Mbale
calendar months.

The Ministry of Water and Environment now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate interest in providing these services. Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability
P.O. Box 1324 Tel: +256-35-2275817 Mbale, UGANDA
Branch Manager
Water and Sanitation Development Facility-East
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 07 December 2023
Duty Station: Mbale
Posted: 23-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-11-2067
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