Human Centred Design Experts and Coaches job at Aga Khan Foundation
930 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Human Centred Design Experts and Coaches

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Education ]

Jobs at:

Aga Khan Foundation

Deadline of this Job:
31 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Moyo and Obongi , East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, August 19, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Aga Khan Foundation jobs in Uganda

Purpose of the AGFY Gender Equity Campaign
It is expected for between 20-30 AGFY to be part of the core design team to undertake a HCD process to engage with their diverse experiences and other evidence assets (for example a situational analysis and rapid gender assessment) to explore and converge on a narrow campaign focus around gender equity issues in their communities. From this, the AGFY with lead, in collaboration with a communications and other experts as needed (e.g. graphic designer) to design, test, and iterate campaign strategies and materials to launch the campaign in October 2022. By launch, it is expected for there to be approximately 100 AGFY across Moyo and Obongi who lead and champion the campaign with a local ‘inner circle’ of other AGFY, boys, men, and community allies. The campaign is central to enabling target communities to actively address deep-rooted socio-cultural norms that serve to maintain and exacerbate gender and social inequity, including AGFYs’ access to education.

Scope of Work
The team of HCD experts and coaches will be expected to:
• Lead the design and delivery of the HCD processes with 10 community and 10 school design teams including, but not limited to:
o Face-to-face workshops
o On-going support
Recognising it is NOT expected for all solutions to be successful (as is the nature of these processes) critical to this will be supporting these teams to embrace learning from ‘failure’, funnel solutions, and effectively collaborate across communities to distil approximately three high impact community and three school-based solutions.
• Co-design the ‘incubation strategy’ to enable the high potential solutions to be further tested across communities in Moyo and Obongi in 2023
• Lead the design and delivery of the HCD process with between 20-30 AGFY to identify a narrow campaign focus and design and test campaign strategies and materials to maximise impact of the campaign. This campaign should:
o Be AGFY led from the start to enable the campaign to enable AGFY to start owning the narrative around issues that affect them most
o While focused, enable diverse narratives to be expressed through the campaign to recognise the diverse realities of different AGFY and the communities they live
o Resonate with and allow inclusion of boys, men, and broader community allies and members
o Go beyond ‘raising awareness’ and be action orientated to impact on broader community attitudes and behaviours to initiate societal change
• It is NOT expected for this team to be communications experts, graphic designers, etc., rather to collaborate with additional experts AKF will engage as greater clarity on who these may be becomes clear.
• It is expected that the HCD processes engage AKF, WUSC, Windle, and CSO partners in the process to support these team members to develop their knowledge and understanding of HCD.

Expected Qualifications and Experience
• Clear and deep understanding of HCD
• Demonstrated examples of delivering HCD in low-resource settings that have enabled design teams to collaborate and design high potential solutions for social change
• Ability to deliver HCD processes in contexts with a high linguistic diversity
• Working with AGFY and similar social issues
• A demonstrated legacy of working for positive social change
• Experience in complex and crisis affected geographies is an advantage
Commitment to respect safeguarding of vulnerable populations including children, women, the elderly, and people living with disabilities.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Interested Design Expert and Coaching team will be required to:
• Develop a technical proposal (not more than seven pages) clearly demonstrating how the team would deliver these HCD processes
• CV of all design experts (max. 2 pages)
• Include three references from similar processes
Criteria for selection
All submissions will be assessed on the following criteria
• Technical proposal 40%
• Technical experience 30%
• Value for Money 30%
Please e-mail all required documents with ‘Human Centred Design Experts and Coaches’ in the subject line to  Submissions must be received by AKF no later than midday on 31st August 2022. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 August 2022
Duty Station: Moyo and Obongi
Posted: 19-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 20-08-2065
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