First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) job at Busitema University
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Vacancy title:
First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Teachers & Education ]

Jobs at:

Busitema University

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, September 04 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Tororo, East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, August 14 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Busitema University jobs in Uganda

Busitema University is a Public University established by Statutory Instrument No.
22, 2007 enacted by Parliament of Uganda on May 10, 2007. Busitema is a Multi Campus University located in Eastern Uganda. The Vision of the University is to be ‘A Centre of Academic and Professional Excellence in Science, Technoogy and Innovation’ and its Mission is ‘To provide high standard training, engage in quality research and outreach for socio-economic transformation and sustainable development”. The University is seeking suitable and competitive applicants for the two (2) high management position of: 1) First Deputy ViceChancellor (Academic Affairs), and 2) Second Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance and Administration).

1) First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Title: First Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Salary Scale:
5 Year Contract
Reports to:
Station: Busitema University

Position Overview
Busitema University seeks to recruit a creative, knowledgeable, and accomplished academic leader, with strong multi-disciplinary relationships and experiences, to serve as the First Deputy Vice Chancellor in-charge of Academic Affairs (DVCAA). The DVC-AA is a senior academic and administrative appointment. The incumbent shall assist the Vice Chancellor to provide leadership towards the University Vision and to lead the University-wide strategic and operational efforts to support and enhance academic life and promote academic excellence. The University runs skill-based short courses, undergraduate and post-graduate programmes in various academic fields. The First DVC-AA directly supports atleast six academic faculties together with other Directorates, Institutes, and Centers of Excellence. The First DVC-AA will superintend over all matters of academic administration, policy, and planning so as to shape the implementation of strategic university initiatives for academic excellence. He/ She works with Faculty Deans and other senior leaders, as well as with the University Council and Senate. The First DVC-AA reports to the Vice-Chancellor and serves on the University Top Management Team.

Job Purpose
To provide leadership and coordination of teaching, research and outreach including policies and standards.

Duties & Responsibilities:
In line with the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001, as amended, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs shall be the First Deputy Vice-chancellor and shall:
a) Assist the Vice-Chancellor in the performance of his or her functions and in that regard be responsible for the Academic Affairs of the University.
b) In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor perform the functions of Vice-chancellor.
c) Initiate, obtain approval of and promote policies, plans and programs that enhance the academic and professional excellence of the University.
d) Oversee the development, implementation and review of the policy framework for monitoring the quality, standards and management of the University’s academic programs.
e) Establish systems for the planning, development and review of undergraduate, postgraduate, research programs and any other academic programs of the University.
f) Oversee the selection, admission, and progress of students.
g) Initiate and coordinate the development and review of curricula for academic programs offered at the University.
h) Monitor compliance in setting, administering, and grading all assessments in accordance with the established regulations.
i) Establish systems for students’ timely completion of academic programmes.
j) Promote partnerships and networking for academic growth and development in the University.
k) Perform such other functions that may be delegated to him or her by the Vice-Chancellor or assigned by the University Council.

Key Outputs
a) Comprehensive and sound academic policies, plans and programs developed and implemented.
b) Framework for monitoring quality, standards and management of academic programs developed, implemented, and adhered to.
c) Undergraduate, postgraduate, research programs, innovations and other academic initiatives of the University planned, developed, implemented, reviewed and continuously improved.
d) Students admitted and graduated on merit and in accordance with existing regulations.
e) Distinguished scholars recruited and retained, and suitable Assessors appointed.
f) Academic staff mentored and promoted on merit and in accordance with existing regulations.
g) Research projects and innovations conducted according to national priorities, laws and regulations
h) Partnerships, networks and community engagements initiated and sustained

Academic Qualifications and Relevant Experience:
a) Should have a PhD from a recognized University or Institution of higher learning.
b) Should have at least twelve (12) years of proven experience in teaching, research, leadership, governance, and administration, four (4) of which should have been at least at the rank of Dean of Faculty, Director, or Deputies respectively, or Head of Department or equivalent in a reputable institution of equal standing or higher (annual budget, number of programmes, and number of students) as Busitema University.
c) To submit at least five (5) most recent publications attached in both soft and hard copies
d) Should demonstrate a record as a tenured academic scholar through research and publications, with at least 20 publications in peer reviewed journals.
e) Should demonstrate strategic academic leadership through teaching, grant writing, research publication and community outreach.
f) Have an understanding of the relevant legal framework for management of higher education in Uganda.
g) Should have been at least a member of a University Senate/ Council or equivalent body in a reputable institution of higher learning of the same ranking as Busitema University or above.
h) Should not have reached 55 years of age by deadline for submission of applications.
i) Be a Ugandan Citizen.

Required Skills & Competencies
Core Skills
i. Demonstrated good leadership, decision-making, teambuilding, and selfmanagement skills
ii. Good negotiating, networking, facilitating, and people skills
iii. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to liaise effectively with relevant stakeholders
iv. Excellent written and oral communication skills
v. Strong analytical and communication capabilities

Leadership Competencies
i. Strategic insight
ii. Developing others
iii. Change management
iv. Managing Risk

Core Competencies
i. Building Relationships
ii. Foster Accountability Culture
iii. Learning Orientation iv. Communicating with influence
Functional Competencies
i. Conceptual thinking
ii. Job Knowledge and Information Sharing
iii. Drive for Result
iv. Continuous Improvement Orientation


An attractive remuneration package. Additional benefits as determined by the University Council.

Tenure Of Appointment
Five-year contract, renewable once, subject to good performance.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 144

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Electronic (email) OR hardcopy applications shall be accepted. Candidates should send:
1. Hardcopy: by courier, a sealed application pack containing six copies of the following:
a) Signed application letter.
b) Detailed up-to-date curriculum vitae signed and dated by the candidate including current working contact details.
c) A written motivational statement not exceeding 500 words about the candidate’s vision for a competitive university in the 21st Century
d) Certified copies of academic transcripts and certificates, copy of national identity card or bio-data page of their passport.
e) Names and contact details of three referees who should be advised to send confidential references directly to the Search Committee address below. The references should cover the following areas; the candidate’s academic credentials, experience in leadership, managerial and administrative skills and personal integrity not later than Monday 4th September, 2023.
f) Envelope should be clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF DVC F&A”.
2. Electronic applications should have all the above documents scanned and emailed with the subject clearly marked “APPLICATION FOR THE POSITION OF DVC F&A” with the exception of 1 (e) above which should be sent directly.
3. Applications SHOULD reach the addressee below by Monday 4th September, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
Secretary to the Search Committee
Busitema University, Busitema Campus
Jinja - Malaba Road
P.O.BOX 236, Tororo
4. Shortlisted applicants SHALL be contacted in person.
Busitema University is an Equal Opportunities Employer and women are encouraged to apply.

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Job Info
Job Category: Education/ Academic/ Teaching jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Monday, September 04 2023
Duty Station: Tororo
Posted: 14-08-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 14-08-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 14-08-2077
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