External Evaluator for Project Baseline Study job at Aga Khan Foundation
489 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
External Evaluator for Project Baseline Study

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

Jobs at:

Aga Khan Foundation

Deadline of this Job:
Wednesday, November 15 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, November 03 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Aga Khan Foundation jobs in Uganda


The Madrasa Early Childhood Programme in Uganda (MECPU) in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation and the ELMA Foundation will be implementing the Quality Responsive Care and Early Learning (QRCEL) project in Mukono, Wakiso and Luweero districts of Uganda. MECPU will implement interrelated approaches that focus on enhancing community support, improving access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) services, and strengthening systems for service provision and policymaking.

This Terms of Reference (ToR) outlines a request for conducting a baseline study (open to qualified firms and individuals) of the project to help the programme to focus on achievement related to a set of expected outcomes; and to empower them to collaboratively measure progress towards them, as well as review them as needed and appropriate.

2.Project Background
QRCEL project aims at improving the quality of ECD support and services in Mukono, Wakiso and Luweero districts. MECP will use interrelated approaches that focus on improving access to ECD services and strengthening systems for service provision and policymaking. Specifically, QRCEL will aim to:
1. Enable sub-national and national leaders to develop their knowledge and skills to support quality ECD service provision.
2. Strengthen the institutional capacity of sub-national government to support the delivery of quality ECD service provision.
3. Collaborate with ECD centres to design cost-effective solutions for improving the quality of early learning environments and services for children.
4. Co-create and communicate evidence of ‘What Works to Improve Learning Environments and Learning Outcomes’ for young children in ECD centres to inform policy and practice.
The project targets 21,750 children directly from 900 ECD Caregivers who benefit from the coaching, mentoring, and networking initiatives and 3,000 children from across the 20 ECD Centres.

3.Overall Objective and Scope of Work
The purpose of the baseline study is to help the programme to focus on achievement related to a set of expected outcomes; and to empower them to collaboratively measure progress towards them, as well as review them as needed and appropriate. Aligned with this purpose, the baseline study is designed to achieve the following specific objectives:
• To support a better understanding of the implementation contexts for the QRCEL Project at the onset of the project.
• To establish starting points or baselines for all indicators in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), suggesting revisions in their formulation if needed.
• To help validate the assumptions in the project’s Theory of Change (ToC) and define targets of the indicators in the project’s PMF.
• To provide recommendations for the development, updating and implementation of the results-based monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) plan for the project.

The Consultant will be responsible to design and lead the baseline study in close collaboration with MECP team. The selected consultant/s will be required to propose a detailed baseline methodology in coordination with the MECP. The baseline study should adopt a mixed methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve the baseline objectives. The study shall use different methods such as desk review, observation, survey(s), KIIs, FGDs to collect data from beneficiary groups e.g., students, parents, and communities, to add a diverse perspective to the baseline, triangulate results, and to encourage participation of different groups of stakeholders. While developing the methodology, the consultant will consider age, gender, and include gender analysis. It is expected that the survey will be conducted by taking into consideration ethical standards as per the AKF Safeguarding Guideline for Researchers and Data Collectors and Safeguarding Policy regarding the gathering of data from girls, boys, men, and women. The consultant will be responsible for data collection, data entry, data analysis and report writing.

4.Key deliverables for the Consultant
The main deliverables expected from the Evaluation Partner are:
• Inception report: including, Evaluation objectives and evaluation questions, Description of the methodology, data sources, and sampling considerations, Risk management plan, Work plan, Draft data collection tools, Ethical considerations, and evaluation team (List of enumerators plus their qualifications and experiences).
• Data Analysis: The consultant will develop data outputs and share with MECP/AKF for inputs prior to conducting data analysis.
• Draft baseline report. The Evaluation Partner will submit a draft report in Microsoft word version for inputs by MECPU, AKF & key stakeholders.
• Final baseline report. The Evaluation Partner will submit a final report in Microsoft word version having incorporated the inputs of MECPU and key stakeholders.
• Final raw dataset. The Evaluation Partner will submit an electronic copy of all raw datasets and the data analysis plan (in Microsoft Excel format).

5.Roles of MECPU
• Provide Consultant with relevant project documents.
• Meet agreed costs related to the Consultancy.
• Provide timely feedback to the Consultant.

6.Key competencies and qualifications
MECPU is seeking an experienced and committed partner with extensive knowledge of doing different Baseline studies and Endline evaluations to inform learning and project implementation. The partner should be an institution or organisation registered in Uganda that works with community and learning sites on various research portfolio including assessment. The partner should have human resources (the team with capacity and related expertise in Education or Early Childhood Development) to carry out this assignment. A minimum of a master’s degree in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Education, or other related field is desired for the Lead Consultant.

The partnership will be for 30 working days from the time of signing the contract.

The budget will be based on need to complete the deliverables but will not exceed the pre-approved budget under the Project approved budget.

Payment terms
Stage Proportion of payment
Upon signing of contract, delivery of inception report, workplan and approval of data collection tools. 40%
Approval of the final baseline report. 60%

9.Ethical Standards and Safeguarding
The baseline study must fully abide by AKF’s Safeguarding Manual, and all members of the Consultancy must sign AKF’s Safeguarding Statement of Commitment upon contracting. The design and implementation of the studies must be in line with the research ethical standards including protection of participants from potential research-related harms, confidentiality, informed consent, beneficence, and safeguarding principles to protect respondents from potential harms such as sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, and bullying. The consultant will seek approvals at district level to gain entry permission to the districts.

10.Eligibility and Application Criteria
Consultants meeting the above criteria are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal which should include:
• An understanding of the assignment based on the objectives.
• Proposed methodology and approaches that will be adopted. The capacity of the firm to deliver on the baseline evaluation.
• Proposed workplan with activities and timeline.
• Detailed budget
• Three referees for previous work done in the past 3years and their contact details.
• Contact details of the consultancy firm (email, telephone, and physical address)


The Madrasa Early Childhood Programme, an affiliate of the Aga Khan Foundation, was established in Mombasa in 1986 to improve access and quality of Early Childhood care and services in marginalized communities on the Coast of Kenya. Evidence-based success and growing interest across East Africa led to MECP being established in Zanzibar in 1990 and Uganda in 1993. Over the last 35 years, more than 8,000 teachers have graduated from MECP professional development courses and over 1 million children reached through the programming.

About AKF
The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), founded by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1967, is a member of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) (www.akdn.org), one of the world’s leading poverty solutions networks. AKDN’s integrated approach makes long-term investments, builds permanent institutions and cultivates an active civil society, impacting tens of millions of people annually in 30 countries. Alongside its sister AKDN agencies, AKF implements innovative, community-driven solutions that are based in decades of experience, learning and evaluation. In 2019, the broader AKDN and MOES signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) until 2024 to ensure effective collaboration in five areas of collaboration; i) ECD; ii) Teacher training and development; iii) School management; iv) Information and communication technology (ICT), and v) Curriculum development and broader policy engagement. AKF also has an MOU with Kampala Capital City Authority and Wakiso and Mukono District governments.

AKF and MECP continue to work in partnership with and through partners to improve the wellbeing of boys and girls aged 0-8 in the districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Mukono, Yumbe and Arua Districts.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
The bid should be submitted by email to akf.uganda@akdn.org by 15th November 2023 with the subject line title “MECPU Baseline Consultant”.

All materials for submission must be merged into one pdf file.
MECPU is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is Committed to Safeguarding and Promoting the Welfare of Children and Vulnerable Adults and Expects all Staff and Partners to Share this Commitment.

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, November 15 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 03-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 03-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 03-11-2077
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