Documenting the Impact of Generation Food Uganda Program job at Rikolto
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357 Days Ago
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TOR: Food Safety
1.0 About Rikolto
Rikolto is an international network organisation with more than 40 years of experience in partnering with farmer organisations and food chain stakeholders across Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. The question that guides our work is: What will we eat tomorrow? How can we guarantee that future generations retain access to affordable quality food, knowing that climate change, low prices and poverty are forcing more and more farmers from the land? Rikolto firmly believes that small scale farmers, who produce 70% of our food worldwide, are a big part of the solution. The Good Food For Cities programme is one of the global initiatives that aims to support city-regions in implementing policies and practices that contribute to more sustainable, fair and healthy food systems. Working in 16 cities across 4 continents, Rikolto adopts a food systems approach that strives to deliver co-benefits in the areas of human health, regenerative and low-carbon food systems and a fair share for all actors in the food chain, including smallholder farmers. More specifically, the GF4C programme aspires to build local coalitions of businesses, consumers, local authorities and other food system actors working together to transform urban food environments for improved consumption of healthy, sustainable and nutritious food by all citizens, regardless of their level of income.

2.0 Description of the Assignment
Uganda’s agriculture sector plays a critical role in providing occupation to many Ugandan youth. Even using the stricter employment definition, thus excluding subsistence agriculture, the sector absorbs 54%of the 18 to 30-year-olds compared to 31%for those aged 31 to 64, followed by manufacturing (mostly agro-processing), wholesale and retail trade and other services (MGLSD, 2018). Outside agriculture, youth mostly work as welders, crafts makers, brickmakers, tailoring, fishmongers, butchers, food and beverage vendors, street vendors, boda (motorcycle taxi) riders and carpenters. This reflects the limited structured transformation of the economy and the low capacity of the private sector to generate gainful and decent jobs. Young people often lack the necessary skills to start their own agribusiness such as business planning, financial management, accounting, strategic planning, and linkages with other chain actors. They struggle to access critical resources for their potential business, including capital, knowledge, land and a network. Furthermore, young people often lack exposure to successful businesses and entrepreneurs, preventing them from learning from more experienced peers. They have a need for coaching, mentoring and feedback on their business plans and ideas. Equal opportunities are needed for both young women and men. (Food Smart City Gulu - Exploring the relevance and potential of implementing an FSC programme in the Gulu area, Rikolto 2021). FAO (2019) highlights that Uganda’s overall policy framework is conducive to decent rural youth employment promotion. Multiple youth-targeted initiatives are in place, some of which specific to agriculture. Most of youth programmes target youth aged 18 to 30, providing vocational and business training, access to loans and entrepreneurship support. Some are nationwide, while others are focused on specific regions. For those programmes providing loans, training is usually a prerequisite for youth applicants (usually outsourced to partner institutions). Based on existing reports, common challenges identified across the different programmes include inadequate funding and delays in the disbursement of funds, short project cycles, weak group dynamics, and graduation issues: youth beneficiaries apparently have not yet started earning decent incomes from their investments and remain trapped in informal occupations. Through the two-year Generation Food Programme, SHONA and Rikolto partnership have explored opportunities through an array of tools e.g. adapted training, networking and funding to elevate the chance of developing a successful food business. All these tools inspire and support young entrepreneurs to impact local food environments with the goal of working towards decent work and safe and affordable food for all. This methodology was based on and incorporates learnings from previously organized Generation Food programmes in and outside of East Africa, including the 2020 Arusha program supported by DOEN Foundation. Ensuring a sustainable and fair food system in Mbale and Gulu called for a move away from business as usual. We believed that young people are in the right position to create new and innovative solutions that help in ensuring safe and affordable food for consumers in the cities of Mbale and Gulu – designing ecological packaging materials, re-using food waste, delivering safe and healthy food to restaurants and/or consumers, becoming a famous chef, developing a mobile press installation for soya beans, developing digital solutions or any other innovative business idea that we cannot even think of today! The possibilities to contribute to a sustainable food system are diverse. However, investing in innovative business ideas can be risky and the youth need support to manage those risks and navigate the journey of becoming a social entrepreneur.

3.0 Objective of the Assignment
The objective of the assignment is to document lessons learned and emerging good practices on the whole Generation Food Program in the two cities (Mbale & Gulu). The consultant is also expected to document two case studies of successful entrepreneurs in each city who have been supported through the project and share the lessons learned with Rikolto’s partners. This documentation is intended to contribute to the harvesting of lessons learned from the project and the final products will also be included in the documentation of the project’s model toolkit.

3.1 Specific tasks of this Assignment
The documentation of the lessons learned, and profiling of successful project entrepreneurs will be guided by the below questions albeit not exhaustive: Program Implementation:
a) To what extent has the Generation Food Programme supported the development of agri-businesses that deliver sustainable solutions for Mbale’s and Gulu’s most pressing food system challenges connecting the rural produce to the mainstream consumer?
b) To what extent has the programme enabled young people to become ambassadors of safe and sustainable food in their networks and amongst their peers and raise awareness of the importance of consuming safe & sustainable food?
c) How has the implementation methodology contributed to the success of targeted group of entrepreneurs in the two cities?
d) What were the key highlights of the young people that limited project beneficiaries to access finance/capital for their business ventures?
e) What are the financial practices of the beneficiaries? Are these informed from the financial training obtained during the training cycle under the Generation Food project?
f) What lessons/emerging practices can be seen from the structure and management practices of SHONA and RIKOLTO?
g) Does the accelerator have sufficient capability/strength to provide the necessary support to the target beneficiaries? Would they be able to support potential growth and expansion? h) What are the programmatic and policy recommendations to inform uptake of the GF-approach within the sector?
i) What was the analysis between the mentee and his/her mentor?
j) What are the drivers to the rate of uptake among the two cities?

Successful S4L entrepreneurs:
a) What KPI (key performance indicators) would you point out in the GF-project?
b) How has the GF-project model supported these successful entrepreneurs?
c) What are the success criteria that the entrepreneurs can attribute to their success journey and how much of it can be attributed to the learning from the GF-project model?
d) What kind of challenges do the entrepreneurs still face in their pathway towards business growth and self-reliance?
e) What additional support do entrepreneurs need to enable them to achieve greater business growth?

4.0 Methodology/Tasks
The tasks of the consultants would be as follows: Extensive literature review: Generation Food project documents: proposals, narrative reports, and other relevant published literature Focus Group Discussions (FGDs): Undertake field visit in the project location and conduct FGDs with GF project beneficiaries in Gulu and Mbale city Key informant interviews (KIIs): with GF project team, Rikolto management, SHONA, other partner agencies working on financial inclusion in the designated cities. Expected KIIs to range between 8 – 10 interviews max. Validation of the lessons learned brief and case studies: presentation of the draft knowledge products to GF-project team (1 – 2 online validation sessions).

5.0 Deliverables
a) An inception report/PowerPoint outlining the consultant’s understanding of the ToR, methodology, tools (interview questionnaires and KII guide), ethical considerations and workplan. This is to be submitted 2 days after signing of the contract.
b) 1 lessons learned brief (15-20 pages max.) with synthesis analysis of the emerging good practices; lessons learned on the Generation Food Program in Uganda for project beneficiaries through the SHONA approach. The brief should also have recommendations that can inform uptake of the GF-program for other partners within the sector.
c) 4 case studies of successful entrepreneurs detailing their journey of entrepreneurship, the challenges and successes that they have experienced and how the GP-project model has supported them toward success in entrepreneurship. The case studies will ensure to have a gender balance to include: a male/female entrepreneur from each city.

6.0 Duration of the Assignment This assignment shall take a total of 25 working days from the date of signing the contract.

7.0 Requirements
The service provider shall have the following expertise and qualification:
I. Master’s degree in international relations, Economics, Business Development, Political Science or Communications.
II. Minimum 6 – 10 years’ proven experience in documentation of programme learning, project management, report writing and project monitoring and evaluation.
III. Demonstrable experience and knowledge related to youth programs, project approaches on Vocational Skills Development (VSD), financial products, market systems development, livelihoods, self-reliance or durable solutions or Food Systems in Uganda. IV. Strong analytical and writing/documentation of lessons learned/adaptive learning skills with proven experience in producing high quality research, case studies, policy briefs with ability to present complex information in a simple and accessible manner.
V. Fluency in written and spoken English is required and flexibility to work either remotely or undertake field visit to the project location in Gulu and Mbale city in Uganda.

8.0 Proposal Submission
Applicants who meet the criteria can submit their applications electronically in PDF format, with subject line clearly indicated “Documentation of Lessons Learned and Case Studies - GF Project” via email by 22nd March 2024 at 1700 EAT to:
The proposal should contain the following:
 Technical proposal (max. 6 pages) outlining their motivation for the application, the methodological approach on how to conduct the assignment.
 A proposed activities schedule/work plan with a time frame.
 Financial proposal in Ugx detailing itemized fees, professional and administrative costs.  A copy of the CV of the lead consultant who will undertake the evaluation.
 Track record on similar assignments e.g. copies of similar evaluation reports conducted by the applicant.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 March 2024
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 13-03-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 13-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 13-03-2068
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