Disaster Risk Reduction & Environment Officer job at Oxfam Novib
889 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Disaster Risk Reduction & Environment Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Oxfam Novib

Deadline of this Job:
12 October 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Oxfam Novib jobs in Uganda

Disaster Risk Reduction & Environment Officer
Department Purpose

To work with others to find lasting solutions to extreme inequality and injustice through locally led humanitarian actions.
Team Purpose
To promote more resilient humanitarian, local and national actors who appropriately and sustainably integrate risk management and advocate for effective preparedness and response to particular needs of women, men, children and other socially excluded, marginalized and vulnerable groups in crisis situations.

Job Purpose
Oxfam and the partners JESE and CSBAG, with support from EUTF, are going to implement a disaster risk reduction capacity building project in Kyegegwa and Isingiro. The project will be strengthening resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities of refugees and host communities through improved natural resources management, disaster risk mitigation and early warning. The post holder will implement the project with a strong focus on natural resource management and restoration. S/He will support capacity gaps assessment and strengthening of relevant departments within DLG and sub counties and communities, lead environmental protection and restoration activities, as well as contribute to proposal development, monitoring and review. This position supports Oxfam’s leadership and investment in the key areas of integrating DRR into development and emergency response activities and measuring the impact of DRR initiatives.

Job Responsibilities
• Ensure effective and efficient implementation of the EUTF project activities related with natural resources management within the targeted timeframe and agreed objectives
• Lead community mobilisation process and design, planning, and implementation of Environmental protection interventions from DRR perspective.
• Provide technical support in implementation of natural resource management activities such as construction and promotion of energy saving stoves, catchment restoration, forest restoration intervention that are context specific with focus on consumption and market.
• Build synergy between WASH, DRR and Peace.
• With the support of the DRM coordinator, develop detailed work plan in line with EUTFs project’s objectives and expected outcomes.
• Coordinate with relevant District Local Government departments, subcounty and community to undertake a joint land use and vulnerability assessments and planning of comprehensive environmental restoration activities in a disaster-prone local context.
• Explore the gap analysis and identify capacity development needs related to DRR of district local government agencies, local community structures and other relevant stakeholders
• Lead organizing capacity building initiatives for target communities and partner organisation on sustainable land use management and afforestation.
• With the support from DRM coordinator, work closely with local government officials in advocating for support for natural resource management initiatives and its scaling up.
• Engage in programme monitoring, evaluation and learning as per operational plan and in line with donor as well as Oxfam’s standards
Coordination and Representation .
• Represent Oxfam to external partners (inter-agency coordination meetings, UN, corporate or private donors, government representatives) contributing to disaster readiness and emergency preparedness at district, subcounty and settlement levels
• Build and maintain relevant strong relationships with government, UN, and INGO actors for strategic and programmatic purposes
• Enhance complementarity with other sectors as much as possible including WASH, resilience and livelihoods, and gender and protection
• Represent Oxfam at key humanitarian forums and networks including the CRRF (as advised) and others as assigned
Management and Reporting
• Submit periodic progress reports on livelihoods in line with the log frame with the focus on success, challenges and impact generated by the activities and project
• Support preparation of annual and quarterly budget planning as relevant to DRM
• Ensures financial regulations and procurement procedures are strictly adhered to
• Initiate procurements within assigned areas of responsibility
• Support documentation of best practices and lessons learnt for sharing
• Prepare quarterly, annual and other reports as required
• Be eager to and require others to adhere to Oxfam’s principles and values (click here) as well as the promotion of gender justice and women’s rights (click here).
• Understanding of and commitment to adhere to equity, diversity, gender, child safety and staff health and wellbeing principles.

Job Requirements

• Bachelor’s degree holder, preferable in the related field of environment and natural resource management, Disaster risk management, or environmental science .
• Be conversant with international and national humanitarian policy guidelines and standards including the SENDAI Framework, the Core Humanitarian Standard, the SPHERE minimum standards, National Disaster Management Policy.
• At least 3 to 4 years’ work experience and knowledge on implementation of DRR and Environment interventions in a disaster/conflict context
• Proven experience in Community mobilisation and advocacy work
• Proven experience in capacity strengthening to community or/and local organisation on DRR and Environment
• Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences and gender issues, as well as the commitment to equal opportunities.
• Ability to demonstrate an openness and willingness to learn about the application of gender/gender mainstreaming, women’s rights, and diversity for all aspects of development work.
• Good interpersonal and presentation skills, diplomacy and together with the capacity to remain calm under pressure and not lose sight of priorities.
• Familiarity of conflict sensitive approaches and application of Do No Harm Methodologies
• Commitment to Oxfam’s safeguarding policies to ensure all people who come into contact with Oxfam are as safe as possible.
• Ability to think creatively, work in a team, and perform under challenging circumstances is crucial
• Excellent facilitation and communication skill.
• Good understanding and practical experience in application of equity issues (Gender and diversity)
• Good computer skills for MS office
Key Behavioral Competencies (based on Oxfam’s Leadership Model)
Competencies Description
Influencing We have the ability to engage with diverse stakeholders in a way that leads to increased impact for the organization We spot opportunities to influence effectively and where there are no opportunities we have the ability to create them in a respectful and impactful manner.
Relationship Building We understand the importance of building relationship, within and outside the organization. We have the ability to engage with traditional and non-traditional stakeholders in ways that lead to increased impact for the organization.
Listening We are good listeners who can see where deeper levels of thoughts and tacit assumptions differ. Our messages to others are clear and consider different preferences.
Mutual Accountability We can explain our decisions and how we have taken them based on our organizational values. We are ready to be held to account for what we do and how we behave, as we are also holding others to account in a consistent manner.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 October 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 29-09-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-09-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-09-2065
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