Director Fish Quality Assuarance, Trade and Marketing job at Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization
468 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Director Fish Quality Assuarance, Trade and Marketing

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Professional Services , Category: Advertising & Marketing ]

Jobs at:

Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization

Deadline of this Job:
Thursday, December 07 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Jinja, East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, November 23 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization jobs in Uganda


(Ref: LVFO/HR/2023/01)

Purpose of the Job
Coordinates and conducts reviews, evaluates and synthesizes data, reports and information regarding implementation of Fish Quality Assurance, Trade and Marketing to enable follow up on implementation of the interventions under considerations.

Duties and responsibilities
• Oversee Fish quality assurance, trade and marketing program and projects;
• Coordinate harmonization and training on fish quality procedures, laws and regulations to ensure compliance;
• Develop comprehensive strategies to update and develop market information relating to fish;
• Develop framework for harmonization of fisheries trade policies, regulations and legislations, strategies, standards, guidelines, plans as well as traceability and certification mechanisms;
• Develop frameworks for improved traceability and certification of fish and fishery products;
• Assist in building capacity of competent authorities in the Partner States for accredited certification and compliance with regional and international fish import and export requirements;
• Strengthen capacity of the Partner States in fisheries and aquaculture improvement programs for enhanced trade in seafood and fish products in the region;
• Conduct analysis of fisheries trade corridors at regional and international levels;
• Facilitate the development of coordinated positions of LVFO in fora of international standard setting organizations;
• Coordinate and support Fisheries Research and Fisheries Management institutions in improving post-harvest fish handling methods and techniques including preservation methods, handling and processing techniques, labeling, distributing and storage;
• Promote adherence to guidelines on post-harvest handling by all investors in the region;
• Coordinate the marketing of fish and fishery products, and organize joint promotion activities in the region;
• Promote the harmonization of post-harvest management standard operating procedures in the region;
• Institutional strengthening of fish trade information networks in the region;
• Review and update data and information regarding markets and trade of fish and fishery products;
• Evaluate and identify needs for strengthening performance of Competent Authorities, fish inspectors in official controls and strengthening capacity of private sector to comply to required standards;
• Review and package data and information for sensitization on matters of fish quality assurance, marketing and trade;
• Synthesize and update data and information on investments in fish handling, processing, marketing and trade;
• Analyze consumer trends and preferences to guide value chain-based product development and marketing initiatives;
• Engage and build partnerships with regional and international collaborators to mobilize resources to support implementation of fish quality assurance, trade and marketing program;
• Prepare quarterly and annual reports on activities conducted; and
• Reports to and performs any other duties as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Qualification and working experience
A Master’s Degree in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Economics, Agricultural Economics, Resource Economics, Marketing and Trade in Agricultural Products, Quality Assurance, Fish Post-Harvest losses management and Value addition. PhD in a related field with specialization in fish and fisheries products quality assurance, post-harvest technologies will be an added advantage.

Working experience
• At least 15 (Fifteen) years’ proven experience in fish quality assurance, marketing and trade or closely related field in the region with two (2) of the years having been at senior level.
• At least 5 years' experience in donor-funded marketing or trade related project in fisheries products or agricultural commodities
• Sound knowledge on challenges and trade issues in fisheries and aquaculture in the region
• Proven experience in fish post-harvest technology and value addition
• Proven knowledge on international trade and marketing issues in fish and fishery products
• Knowledge of regional and international instruments, strategies, frameworks, guidelines, tools etc. for agricultural commodity trade facilitation etc.
• Demonstrated experience in dealing with senior government officials and international development partners
• Sound knowledge on roles of regional organizations (RECs, RFBs/RFMOs etc.)

2. Desired key competencies
• Ability to understand and articulate issues related to fish quality, fish trade, marketing, post-harvest and value addition;
• Track record of scientific publications in the areas of interest;
• Excellent interpersonal skills; planning, organization and coordination/control skills;
• Technical proposal writing and grant application skills;
• Computer and report writing skills;
• Proven experience in a leadership role within the fishing industry, with a focus on quality assurance, trade, and marketing;
• Good networking skills and ability to maintain positive and constructive dialogue and relationships with key institutions in the region;
• Self-starter with the ability to strategically plan own work; and
• Very good written and oral knowledge of English.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 180

Level of Education:
Associate Degree

Job application procedure

Interested and Qualified? Click here to apply

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Job Info
Job Category: Marketing jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, December 07 2023 
Duty Station: Jinja
Posted: 23-11-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 23-11-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 23-11-2067
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