Country Project Coordinator job at Aga Khan Foundation
729 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Country Project Coordinator

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

Jobs at:

Aga Khan Foundation

Deadline of this Job:
22 March 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, March 08, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Aga Khan Foundation jobs in Uganda


Project background
Advancing Gender Equality through Civil Society (AGECS) is a Sub-Project of AKF and Global Affairs Canada’s Foundations for Empowerment and Education (F4EE) initiative. F4EE is active in five countries (Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Uganda) and will improve education systems at the pre-primary and primary levels, strengthening women’s empowerment and gender equality.
AKF seeks an experienced and dynamic Country Project Coordinator under the AGECS project who will also serve as Focal Point for Civil Society works in Uganda. The position will be responsible for providing leadership in planning and coordinating the effective implementation of the Country AGECS Sub-Projects and their implementing partners to ensure the project is implemented on time, on budget, and achieves its objectives while remaining compliant with all donor requirements. The Country Project Coordinator will work closely with the Country Gender Focal Point, the MERL Coordinator, and the Finance Manager to ensure that the project is compliant and achieves its intended results.

Specifically, the Country Project Coordinator will:
1. Provide comprehensive capacity development process of AKF civil society organizations (CSOs) through institutional strengthening tools and platforms, and provide specific technical training, mentoring, and coaching.
2. Ensure efficient and effective grant management of the AGECS Sub-Projects.
3. Be responsible and accountable for all Country AGECS Sub-Projects’ reporting and donor compliance requirements.
4. Be responsible for quality project implementation and reporting, including delivering project activities on time and within budget.
5. Preparation and submission of project work plans, activity reports, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual narrative reports.
6. Coordinate quarterly and annual review meetings with implementing partners.
7. Coordinate, liaise and collaborate with key local stakeholders during the implementation of the projects.
8. Ensure integration of gender equality considerations and social inclusion in all project design, implementation, and management aspects.
9. Build relationships and maintain coordinated communications with AKF’s Country Program Team and the F4EE Regional Team, and other local partners.
10. Analyze field performance with monitoring and evaluation benchmarks and recommend and implement procedural changes to improve operations to meet objectives.
11. Provide technical support and coordination of the AGECS sub-projects, including civil society strengthening activities during implementation in collaboration with the Country Gender Equality Coordinator, Country M&E Coordinator, Country Manager, AGECS Regional Project Manager, and Regional Civil Society Technical Advisor.
12. Distill gender equality-related lessons learned from program implementation and ensure these are documented, shared, and used in subsequent adjustments to program implementation.
13. Identify, document, and share learning.
14. Promote the culture of sharing lessons learnt and networking on gender equality across the F4EE/AGECS teams and implementing partners.
15. Coordinate with / support the Country M&E Advisor to:
16. Develop, review, and finalize Sub-Projects’ M&E plans, including the selection of appropriate indicators.
17. Ensure all data collection processes adhere to robust ethical standards, including AKF’s Safeguarding Policy and all relevant national research and ethics standards.
18. Provide technical and operational oversight of Country M&E-based consultancies, learning components, and policy engagement to elevate visibility and learnings from the program approach.
19. Coordinate with / support the Country Finance focal point to:
20. Coordinate with the Country’s financial focal Point on reporting, forecasting and compliance.
21. Work closely with the procurement focal point to ensure project purchases are made on time and as per donor regulations.

The requirements
Required Qualifications, Experience, and Competencies

1. A bachelor’s degree in development studies, preferably social sciences, especially gender studies.
2. Minimum five (5) years of project management experience
3. Proven experience in working through and strengthening civil society.
4. Good analytical, organizational, convening, interpersonal, negotiation,
5. Good problem-solving skills in a cross-cultural context.
6. Demonstrated capacity in written and verbal skills in English with the ability to write high-quality reports for donor projects and analytical briefs;
7. Ability to work well in teams, particularly across multiple geographies;
8. Good in public speaking and presentations in local community and partner meetings, training, and workshops.
9. Capacity to work independently, take initiative, and manage various activities simultaneously while meeting strict reporting deadlines and keeping colleagues and senior managers well informed;
10. Ability to facilitate collaborative and participatory processes with partners and stakeholders;
11. The ability to work in local languages relevant to the Country is an asset.
12. Strong understanding of monitoring and evaluation methodologies and logical frameworks;
13. Demonstrated ability to remotely work, lead and motivate a diverse team of partners.
14. Strong familiarity with online and digital technologies, including proficiency with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and other valuable presentation platforms;

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

Interested and Qualified, Click here to Apply 

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 22 March 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 08-03-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-03-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-03-2066
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