Contractor - Community Engagement Officer job at International Justice Mission
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Vacancy title:
Contractor - Community Engagement Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

International Justice Mission

Deadline of this Job:
18 January 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Nakapiripirit , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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International Justice Mission jobs in Uganda

Contractor - Community Engagement Officer
Contract Type: Short term
Contract Duration: 9months
Reporting to: Project Coordinator – Karamoja Region
Location: Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Napak.
No of Positions: Three (3), One per location
1.0 Background
International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international human rights organization that works to ensure that all, especially the most vulnerable, have proper and appropriate access to justice. IJM has been delivering ground-breaking partnerships with justice sector actors and governments globally for over 20 years, offering collaborative casework, mentoring and system reform to ensure that justice systems work for all, especially the vulnerable and marginalized.
IJM has been operating in Uganda for over 15 years and brings a deep understanding of access to justice in Uganda. Through its programming across Uganda, IJM has worked closely with survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual violence against children (SVAC), and land theft (LRV) to offer psycho-social, economic, educational, and healthcare support and assist them in securing access to justice. IJM also partners with JLOS, local government, cultural and religious leaders and communities partnering with Uganda Police on investigations and arrests, with Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutions on sanctioning and prosecutions and working sustainably to build the capacity of justice service provision.
IJM is regulated by the NGO Board. It operates in partnership with JLOS under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Chief Justice of Uganda in 2017 with a specific focus on tackling Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children across Uganda.
The Government of Ireland project with IJM is a multi-year project that aims to strengthen protection mechanisms within the justice sector and local community structures as a way of ending violence against women and girls (VAWG).
As part of the project, International Justice Mission will work in 5 districts in the Karamoja region through its mentoring and collaborative casework model to improve survivor and community knowledge of justice essential services, strengthen and improve the coordination of services, incorporate survivor voice, empower survivors, and strengthen accountability of justice services to communities. IJM will use this innovative, evidence-based model to implement 3 specific objectives on the project. These include: -
• Objective 1: Equipping local leaders and communities to support VAWG survivors,
• Objective 2: Strengthening the Capacity of Justice Essential Service Providers
• Objective 3: Engaging and Empowering Survivors
3.0 Purpose
Through the Irish Aid project, IJM will work with different Stakeholders that include JLOS institutions, Civil Society Organisations, Health Service providers, Community leaders and Survivors to respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Uganda by bolstering protection mechanisms within the justice sector and local community structures for Women, girls, and communities at risk of VAWG.
3.1 Scope of Work
The Community engagement officer will among other responsibilities be the main liaison between IJM and the community in the project districts.
1. The officer will be at the forefront of contributing to and implementing engagement plans and strategies for community engagement in fulfillment of the project goals and objectives
2. The officer will develop and maintain positive working relationship between the IJM team and various stakeholders in the community and the district.
3. Lead the planning for and development of activities designed to equip local leaders and communities to support VAWG survivors.
4. Lead the formation of survivor groups within communities
5. Curate learnings from engagement with the community to support alignment of IJM programs and activities to effectively respond to VAWC.
6. Lead the engagement with Local leaders to empower them be effective first responders to protect women and children against violence
3.1.1 Overview of the role
• Ensure appropriate consultation of community stakeholders before the implementation of activities and feedback concerns, suggestions to the project for them to be considered.
• Ensure that the community level dialogue is inclusive by supporting the mapping of key stakeholders in the districts.
• Integrate Community engagement into IJM strategies, operational frameworks, policies, and plans, setting out how community engagement activities and approaches will be implemented in the context of Karamoja.
• Ensure programme staff have a full understanding of the communities they are working with, including the community dynamics, culture, and power relations between different groups.
• Develop strong and open relationships with key community stakeholders and establish community committees or representatives if needed, ensuring they fairly represent the full cross-section of the community, including men, women, boys, girls, and vulnerable groups.
• Based on community feedback and assessment data, identify, and utilise the best communication approaches to provide communities with relevant and actionable interventions for the mitigation and response to VAWG in the region.
• Produce and disseminate internal and external reports, evaluations, brochures, case studies and web stories that demonstrate the impact of Community Engagement, promote it to new audiences, and raise the profile of IJMs operations in Karamoja.
• Support programmes and operations to adopt innovative approaches and evidence-based advocacy to better understand and engage with communities in Karamoja on VAWG and behaviour change issues.
• Carry out regular checks as part of monitoring to ensure behaviour and social change approaches are appropriate and are having an impact on communities and adapted as and when needed.
• Support the Knowledge and Awareness community outreach campaigns (IEC Materials, Door to door campaigns, use of megaphones, Radio Talk shows, Billboards, Community Drives using PA System, Community Drama groups, Community Radios) which seek to address prevalent VAWG issues in the community.
4.0 Competencies:
This role will facilitate dialogue between the stakeholders and the project, promotion of trust and confidence between the communities and the project in the following aspects: -
• Professional and able to communicate clearly, with clients, communities, and staff.
• Must be able to read, write, and speak fluent English.
• Knowledge of Nga’karimojong and other locally spoken languages is a requirement.
• Must reside in either Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Napak.
• Prior work experience in a non-governmental organization (NGO), or government agency implementing related interventions.
• Excellent organizational and analytical skills.
• Demonstrated proficiency with using Microsoft Office Suite.
• Ability to analyse and interpret data, identify errors, and prepare reports.
• Exercises judgment within defined procedures and practices to determine appropriate action with the goals and objectives of the project in mind.
4.0 Education
• The ideal candidate for the Community Engagement Officer job must hold a bachelor’s degree or its Equivalent in Community psychology, Adult & Community Education, Development Studies, Social Work, communications, Social Sciences or Related Field.
• At least two to three years of community engagement work and technical assistance experience in addressing issues of Gender Based Violence.
• Has sensitivity to cultural diversity and understanding of the political, contextual, and ethical issues in assigned areas.
6.0 Location
• To be based in either Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Napak with frequent travel outside the district including to IJM offices
• To be embedded in the offices of a stakeholder at the district level
7.0 Deliverables
• Participate in the formulation and the implementation of a stakeholder engagement strategy at community level in duty location.
• Maintain an up-to-date database of all stakeholders IJM is working with and coordinate all activities at the duty station.
• Prepare quality activity and monthly reports to be submitted to the coordinator.
• Take part in the risk management for Irish Aid project for issues related to stakeholders’ acceptance of the project and reporting activities in the district.
• Participate in the monitoring and evaluation of the engagement and stakeholder’s acceptance level for the project.
8.0 Types of Supervision provided
The Contract staff Community engagement officers will among other responsibilities be the main liaison between IJM and the community in Moroto. The officers will be at the forefront of contributing to and implementing engagement plans and strategies for community engagement in fulfillment of the project goals and objectives. In addition, the officer will develop and maintain positive working relationship between the IJM team and various stakeholders in the community and the district

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Interested candidates should email their Application, CV, and statement of faith to Applications should reach us not later than 5:00pm on 16th January 2022.
Only Shortlisted Candidates will be contacted
What is a statement of faith? A statement of faith should describe your Christian faith and how you see it as relevant to your involvement with IJM. The statement can either be incorporated into the cover letter or submitted as a separate document and should include, at a minimum, a description of your spiritual disciplines (prayer, study, etc.) and your current fellowship or place of worship.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 18 January 2023
Duty Station: Nakapiripirit
Posted: 11-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 11-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 11-01-2065
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