Consultant: Endline Evaluation for Improvement of Land Governance for Refugees and Host Communities Project (Phase II) job at ZOA
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Vacancy title:
Consultant: Endline Evaluation for Improvement of Land Governance for Refugees and Host Communities Project (Phase II)

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

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Deadline of this Job:
Wednesday, December 20 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Terego, East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, December 12 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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1. Background information
1.1 Introduction
ZOA with funding from GIZ has implemented a fifteen-month land rights project which will come to an end on the 31st January 2024. This project builds on achievements during Phase I that was implemented from September 2020 to November 2022. Both Phase I & II targeted communities of West Nile, Terego district, Uriama sub-county. Phase I was implemented as a pilot project for land rights in the refugee context and contributes to the GIZ RELAPU (Responsible Land Policy in Uganda) programme which is part of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy and belongs to the special initiative One World No Hunger (SEWOH) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Phase I was affected by delays related to COVID-19 and hence Phase II was proposed and approved to continue the work in Uriama subcounty, to further raise awareness about land rights among the different communities, and follow-up on the use of the tenancy agreement between host and refugee communities.

Therefore, implementation of “Improvement of land Governance for refugee & host community” covers a period of 41 months (September 2020 to February 2024). The endline evaluation will cover both phase I and II of project implementation.

It is against this background that ZOA seeks consultancy services to conduct an endline evaluation aimed at measuring the impact the Improvement of Land Governance for Refugees and Host Communities Project has had and to provide an update on general performance indicators for the whole implementation period. The consultant should also provide a distinction between Phase I and II by assessing the effectiveness and sustainability of strategies adopted at each phase of the project using the OECD DAC criteria.

1.2. Project deliverables
Overall objective:
Access to land as a key prerequisite for poverty and hunger reduction in rural areas has improved for certain population groups, especially women and marginalized groups, in selected partner countries.

1.2.1. Outcome: Improved access to land for host communities and refugees in Terego District, West Nile Outputs:
• ✓ Strengthened institutional framework and processes for inclusive land governance in Terego district.
• ✓ Strengthened community-based formal/informal mechanisms for land conflict prevention and resolution.
• ✓ Increased land use security among refugees and host community Commented [A'LZN1]: This seems a duplication from the next output which seems complete. So I think you can delete this one.

2. Purpose of the endline Evaluation
Overall, the purpose of this evaluation is to assess the extent to which the project has attained the outlined objectives and identify key learnings to inform similar interventions in the future. Specifically, the evaluation aims to:
• ➢ Assess the extent/level to which the project has improved access to land security for host and refugee households in Uriama sub-county through provision of CCO, promotion of alternative dispute resolution, and access to land registration information.
• ➢ Determine the strength of the institutional framework and processes for inclusive land governance in Uriama sub-county.
• ➢ Evaluate the effectiveness of community-based formal/informal mechanisms for land conflict prevention and resolution within project intervention areas.
• ➢ Evaluate the impact of land security approaches systems adopted/promoted by the project in Uriama sub-county.
• ➢ Assess the involvement or participation of civil society bodies in the formulation and implementation of responsible land policy.

2.1.1. Evaluation questions Impact and Effectiveness questions:
• ➢ To what extent has the project improved access to land for among host communities and refugee household?
• ➢ To what extent has the project caused an increase in land utilization after issuance of certificate of customary ownership and tenancy agreements? Inclusive land rights governance:
• ➢ What is the level of strength of institutional frameworks (DLB, ALC and customary leaders among others) in promotion of inclusive land governance in Uriama sub-county?
• ➢ How effective is the process on inclusive land governance in Uriama sub-county? Conflict prevention, resolution, and mediation:
• ➢ How effective are the community based formal & informal mechanism for prevention of land related conflicts?
• ➢ How effective is the use of Alternative Dispute Mechanism (ADM) is in the resolution of land conflicts? Participation of civil society organization in land governance
• ➢ To what extent has the intervention involved civil society organization in land rights governance?
• ➢ How effective is the contribution of civil society organizations in promotion of equitable rights to land?

• ➢ Propose recommendations for future similar programming.
• ➢ Document lessons learned to inform stakeholders and policy makers.
• ➢ Cost efficiency in budget use.

3. Methodological approach to the endline evaluation
The consultant will develop a comprehensive evaluation methodology based on the OECD DAC evaluation criteria, and this will be confirmed and refined by the ZOA team during the inception phase. Triangulation of techniques is preferred with focus on:

Desk Review and Context Analysis: Carefully analyse existing data and information from secondary sources including laws and policies on land rights, programme documents, project databases periodic project reports, past evaluations among other documents.

Quantitative Primary Data Collection: consultant is expected to design tools fit to support the endline data collection.

Qualitative Primary Data Collection: through interviews, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and other participatory methods (triangulation of techniques is encouraged). This should cover both direct and indirect beneficiaries of the land rights governance project in Uriama subcounty.

Costs Analysis: to answer the questions related to efficiency, the consultant is required to provide a detailed analysis of the cost drivers associated with the project.

4. Timeframe and deliverables
The consultant will summarize the endline evaluation work plan according to the table below. The final report of the endline evaluation shall be submitted to ZOA Uganda Country office not later than 23rd February 2024.
• ToR advert 6th - 20th Dec 2023 by ZOA HR dept.
• Selection and Contracting 2nd - 5th Jan 2024 by ZOA HR dept.
• Document review & Inception report submitted 8th - 12th Jan 2024 by consultant.
• Inception Meeting & discussion 15th Jan 2024 by Consultant.
• Incorporate feedback into the inception and re-submit 17th Jan 2024 by Consultant.
• Training of research assistants and field data collection 18th - 27th Jan 2024 by Consultant & ZOA.
• Report writing & Submission of 1st draft report 29th Jan - 15th Feb 2024 by Consultant.
• Review 1st draft report & shared it back with the Consultant 18th Feb 2024 by ZOA Project team.
• Validation meeting 20th Feb 2024 by Consultant & ZOA.
• Submission of final evaluation report 23rd Feb 2024 by Consultant & ZOA.

5. Budget
All costs related to the endline evaluation will be submitted to ZOA by the consultant in
form of financial proposal in response to this ToR. Payment will be issued in instalments
and final payment to the consultant will be made after the final evaluation report has been
approved by ZOA Uganda. The budget should cover costs for: professional fees, costs
related to field operations, research assistants, travel costs and transportation.

6. Division of Responsibilities
6.1. Roles and Responsibilities of the Consultant/consulting firm
• Submit the technical and financial proposal with clear proposed study methodologies and a workplan.
• Review documents and submit Inception report with detailed survey methodology and design and separate data collection tools (Interview, FGD, KII, and Observation)
• Develop a fieldwork schedule.
• Develop Quantitative data collection on Kobo toolbox and use own mobile apparatus as required.
• Hire, train, and manage enumerators (to be recommended by ZOA) for quantitative data collection.
• Administer and supervise data collection, data entry and analysis of quantitative surveys.
• Conduct qualitative data collection with experienced facilitators.
• Analyse both qualitative and quantitative data and report in a clear and accessible format.
• Provide regular progress updates to the ZOA project team (including the MEAL team and sector advisor)
• Provide all deliverables and final report to ZOA Uganda as per the agreed timeframe.
• The consultant will be required to adhere to ZOA policies and Code of Conduct.

Note: All Kobo collect tools designed for the endline evaluation shall be uploaded on ZOA Official Kobo account and shared with the consultant’s Kobo account

6.2. Roles and Responsibilities of ZOA Uganda
• To ensure that the consultant facilitates field data collectors.
• Share relevant documentation for the assignment in a timely manner.
• Mobilise evaluation participants when needed.
• Guidance and technical support as required throughout the survey process.
• Coordinates all phases/stages of the survey.
• Effect payments of the services as per the contract agreement
• Review and approve inception reports, tools, and other relevant documents/requirements.
• Review the draft report and provide feedback to the consultant.
• Approve all final deliverables and disbursement of payment to the services as per the contract agreement.

7. Resources
The evaluation will refer to all other project documents including but not limited to proposal, workplan, budget, activity reports, periodic reports, survey reports and other literature from similar interventions.

8. Expected Outputs/Deliverables
The Consultant should deliver the following:
1. Inception Report: This should include: a detailed evaluation methodology, data collection tools and techniques, work plan, team composition, proposed timeline, and a preliminary table of contents that outlines the structure of the final report
2. Draft Report: A draft report of the endline evaluation should highlight results from the data collected. The report should include a list of stakeholders interviewed, and graphical map showing data collection points (e.g., referenced to Kobo)
3. Dissemination meeting of findings: The consultant will present to project team and potentially other stakeholders on the survey findings and will address the feedback from the internal validation meeting.
4. Final Report: Covers all key aspects of the evaluation and shall be submitted to ZOA Uganda. The body of the final report is expected to be on not more than 30 pages and contents of the draft and final report are assumed to be the same.
5. Raw Data and Study Resources: The consultant shall annex all-relevant documents related to the assessment. He/she will also submit; 1) raw data and 2) cleaned data used for the analysis, 3) a 10-page summary report, 4) a 15-slide PowerPoint (PPT), and a detailed assessment report not exceeding 30 pages (Excluding preliminary pages).
6. PowerPoint Presentation: Slides summarising the findings to be shared with internal and external stakeholders in presentation format.
7. Report Brief: Four-page brief of the evaluation exercise and summary of findings. The consultant is accountable for the property rights of all primary data/information generated as a result of this evaluation.

All written documents will be submitted in English in Microsoft Word/Excel and PDF in soft
copy. The presentation should be submitted in Microsoft PowerPoint.

3. Consultancy Requirement
The lead consultant must be a senior expert in conducting and facilitating evaluations,
studies &/or surveys on large and complex programs, holding a minimum of a master's
degree in social science, Development studies, Economics, Rural Development, law or a
related subject and practical knowledge in conducting evaluations, surveys.
The consultant/consulting firm need to have the following key competencies,
experiences, and skills:
• A minimum of 10+ years’ experience in designing, implementing & managing baseline
• surveys on development programs. Experience on inclusive programming is an added value.
• Proven track record in leading survey teams and producing high quality survey reports.
• Proven knowledge and experience in MEAL.
• Experience on quantitative research and data analysis using statistical software
• (SPSS, Stata, and others).
• Experience in conducting qualitative surveys.
• Proven ability to collaborate with community and different stakeholders.
• Work experience with multinational NGOs and their working environment
• Excellent writing and presentation skills
• English and local languages are required.
• Experience in sign language is a plus.

4. Application Process and Requirement
The interested applicants on the consultancy services should adhere to the following
application process and requirements:
The proposal should not be more than ten pages, excluding the supporting
documents and will have the following contents:
• The capacity statement describing how they meet required qualifications and
• competencies including summary of similar studies previously conducted.
• Expression of interest describing how they understood the consultancy
• assignment.
• Description of methodology, sampling strategy, approach to primary data
• collection and plan for data analysis
• Evaluation review work plan
• Financial proposal that includes professional fees and all logistics expenses
• Team composition with their qualifications and roles in the survey (Annex the
• CVs of key team members)
• Minimum two samples of reports on surveys conducted that have been
produced by the applicant, in soft copies (this will be treated as confidential and
only used for the purposes of quality assurance)

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Wednesday, December 20 2023
Duty Station: Terego
Posted: 12-12-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-12-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-12-2077
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