Consultant to support the development of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for WASH, Kampala, Uganda, (09 Months) job at UNICEF
370 Days Ago
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Background and Purpose
To prepare for, and address climate change risks, Countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) created the process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) to enable their governments to identify their medium and long-term adaptation needs, and to develop and implement measures to address those needs. The primary objectives are to reduce vulnerability to climate change by building adaptive capacity and resilience, and to facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation into development planning at all levels.

The NAP serves as the overall plan of action for climate change adaptation for a country, embracing all other relevant national plans, and sectoral strategies and plans at various national and sub-national levels and where relevant, regional, and trans-boundary plans. It serves as the national policy instrument for coordinating and driving actions of all actors and stakeholders in pursuit of adaptation objectives and outcomes.

The preparation and implementation of NAPs is based on the UNFCCC guidelines available at A draft NAP outline is contained in the annex, to be adapted for each country as appropriate. Funding for the preparation and implementation of NAPs is provided through the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other sources. Technical support is provided by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), other constituted bodies under the Convention, United Nations and relevant organizations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, regional centres, and networks.

Most developing countries are actively carrying out measures related to NAPs. Several have prepared and submitted their first NAP, and many others are working towards completing. Countries are also accessing funding from the GCF and other sources to implement adaptation actions associated with the NAPs.

The Uganda government work on the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NAP is led by the Ministry of Water and Environment (MoWE), with the engagement of all other national actors and stakeholders through multi-stakeholder working teams and committees. However, as climate change adaptation is a need across different sectors, separate sectoral NAPs are considered necessary to guide the different actions required by each sector. In Uganda, so far, a sectoral NAP has only been prepared by the agriculture sector. MoWE plans to develop a NAP for Water, Sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) to guide adaptation actions for the water and environment sector in Uganda.

The consultant will provide technical assistance to MoWE and WASH stakeholders in the development of the NAP for WASH.
The NAP will serve as a strategic plan for adaptation for the country, in addition to several other uses. It will provide a summary of the assessment of impacts, vulnerability, and risk, in a structured way to facilitate regular update to the assessments as new and additional information is collected. It will also include a summary of costed adaptation priorities, results framework, Monitoring and Evaluation framework using multiple lenses (such as climate hazards, sectors, administrative levels, and scale), the criteria for ranking the priorities, and essential adaptation polices, projects and programmes for implementation.

Objective of the assignment
The Consultant will support the WASH sector in developing the NAP by performing the following tasks.
Desk review, methodology, National Adaption Plan outline and detailed inception report with workplan.
Prepare an inception report summarizing the objectives, scope, and outputs of the assignment, illustrate the relevant organization(s) and methodology for achievement of the outputs, including a workplan.
Develop the outline of the table of contents of the National Adaptation Plan.
Compile a stakeholder mapping and stakeholders’ engagement.
Prepare a power point presentation in English language, which shall be presented to the Steering Committee and technical Review Committee for approval.
Organize the launching of the NAP process.
Formulation of National Adaption Plan Content.
Prepare a summary of the assessment of impacts, vulnerability and risk at different levels and scale, and according to key climate hazards. (Current and projected)
Organize engagement meetings with key stakeholders and finalize vulnerability, exposure and climate WASH capacity profile for the country.
Organize engagement meetings with key stakeholders and finalize assessment of impacts of climate change, climate risk WASH profile for the country.
Organize engagement meetings and finalize climate change adaptation priorities and WASH considering key climate hazards,
Organize engagement meetings with key stakeholders and compile results framework for and costed climate change adaptation activities and M&E framework.
Identify opportunities for integrating climate change adaptation into national and national and subnational development planning.
Compilation of the National Adaptation Plan and Launch of NAP
Prepare draft NAP report.
Present draft NAP report to technical review committee
Present of the inception report to steering committee
Organize the launch of NAP including presentation of NAP.
To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

Education: Advanced university degree (master’s degree) in natural resources/environmental sciences, economics, Climate science, development studies or a related discipline is required.
Experience: At least 12 years of proven working experience in developing and supporting adaptation planning and technical aspects of vulnerability and climate risk assessment in developing countries. Excellent oral and written communication skills, especially in communicating with technical experts.
Experience working with government institutions, as well as, civil society/private organizations, indigenous peoples, ethnic minority groups and consultants.
Experience with project development and results-based management methodologies is highly desired.
Excellent analytical, writing, advocacy, presentation, and communications skills are required.

Language: Fluency in English (both oral and written) is required.
The consultant must have proven expertise in executing similar assignments.
The consultant is advised to enhance his capacity by identify and during the execution of the tasks seek support in areas with minimal expertise.
Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 13 March 2024
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 29-02-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 29-02-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 29-02-2068
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