Consultant for End line evaluation for the food security through climate resilience and gender equality ugj4 project at Self Help Africa (SHA)
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Consultant for End line evaluation for the food security through climate resilience and gender equality ugj4 project at Self Help Africa (SHA)

Jobs 2023Tenders, Uganda. Q-2970

Self Help Africa (SHA) is an international NGO dedicated to the vision of an economically thriving and resilient rural Africa. We have 50 years of experience working with smallholder farmers, farmer associations, cooperatives and agribusinesses across Africa to help farmers grow and sell more food, improve diets, diversify incomes and make their livelihoods more sustainable and resilient to external shocks. SHA also builds awareness of issues affecting smallholders and represent their interests at policy and institutional level.

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Learn more about Self Help Africa (SHA)

Self Help Africa (SHA) in Uganda

Self Help Africa received funding from Irish Aid to implement a 2-year project focused on reducing hunger and malnutrition as well as promoting gender equality among 1,560 smallholder households in the districts of Kapelebyong, Katakwi, Amuria, Kalaki and Kaberamaido in Teso Sub Region, Northeast Uganda.  This ‘Food Security through Climate Resilience and Gender Equality project’ operates through grassroots adaptation of climate resilient approaches to food production, advocacy on the Right to Food, strengthening market linkages, diversification of income sources and adoption of a joint husband/wife household planning approach. Self Help Africa Uganda urgently seeks to recruit a suitable Consultant to undertake the following task.


Under the overall supervision of the Regional Programme Manager and the MEL Advisor, the Consultant will conduct an end of project evaluation to understand the differences from the starting point established at the baseline evaluation to obtain an objective, critical, readable, and transparent analysis of the status of all indicators in the 5 project target districts. This will lay a critical foundation for measuring change, understanding the project’s contribution to achieving this change, and drawing lessons learnt as well as best practices for future direction and project development. Key areas of responsibilities include:

    Write an inception report with detailed study tools.

    Present, to the relevant stakeholders, the preliminary findings during the validation workshop.

    Write a final report (1 CD with the report, an electronic copy and 4 hard copies).

The Terms of Reference and other related documents can be downloaded here

    Q-2970 Terms of Reference

    Q-2970 Advert

    SHA Conflict of Interest Policy

    SHA Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy

    SHA Terms and Conditions

    SHA Code of Conduct

    SHA Child Protection Policy

Submission Procedure

Qualified Consultants should send completed documentation by E-mail as follows: – Please type “Consultant / Endline evaluation for the UGJ4 Project”- [your Consultant(s)/Consultancy firm name]” in the subject line of the e-mail.

The closing date for receiving the documentation is not later than Close of Business on Tuesday 27th June 2023

Please do not send certificates at this stage. Due to the anticipated high volume of applications, kindly note that only short-listed applications will be contacted.

Self Help Africa is an equal opportunities employer

Self Help Africa is completely against fraud, bribery and corruption. Self Help Africa does not ask for money for bids. If approached for money or other favours, or if you have any suspicions of attempted fraud, bribery or corruption please report this immediately by email to or Web Please provide as much detail as possible with any reports.

OUR POLICY:  Self Help Africa does not ask for or accept money for bids.  If approached for money or other favours, or if you have any suspicions of attempted fraud, bribery or corruption while tendering please contact us, to make a confidential report visit  Please provide as much detail as possible with any reports.  Further information on Confidential Reporting is available here.

Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 27 June 2023
Duty Station: Lusaka
Posted: 26-06-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 26-06-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 26-06-2066
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