Consultant- End of Project Evaluation for Emergency Protection, SRHR, and Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in Lamwo District, Uganda Tendering at Lutheran World Federation
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Consultant- End of Project Evaluation for Emergency Protection, SRHR, and Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in Lamwo District, Uganda Tendering at Lutheran World Federation

The Assignment
Lutheran World Federation Uganda, on behalf of CLWR Project partners is seeking to hire the services of a company/firm/organization with competence to support documentation collaboration and learning (Emergency Protection, SRHR and Livelihoods) of the project outcomes for global dissemination. The consultant will build the capacity of staff to identify and document success stories and enable learning by doing documentation of the project outcomes through a write-shop approach.
Solid, clear, and justifiable findings, lessons, conclusions, and recommendations should be the major considerations of the end-line evaluation process. Recommendations should be action-oriented and based on the objective judgment of the evaluation team. It is for this purpose that LWF is seeking the services of a consultant to undertake this end-of-project evaluation in Lamwo district.

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Ultimate Outcome: Reduced suffering, increased and maintained human dignity, and lives saved among South Sudanese Refugees and host communities in Lamwo District, Uganda
Indicator 1.1: % of HH who report some or significant improvement in living conditions
Indicator 1.2: % of HH who rely on negative coping mechanisms to purchase basic items in the past 12 months

Intermediate Outcomes
Protection 1100 Improved utilization of gender-responsive protection and SGBV response services among South Sudanese refugees and host community members, particularly women and girls, in Lamwo District, Uganda
Indicator 1: % people reporting SGBV/protection violations that receive appropriate legal, medical, or psychosocial support services
Indicator 2: % of beneficiaries demonstrating positive attitudes towards ending SGBV (SRHR KPI: SGBV #2)
Indicator 3: # of people who experienced, or are at risk, any form of SGBV that have received related services in the past 12 months (SRHR KPI: SGBV #1)
Indicator 4: % of beneficiaries reporting project assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, and participatory manner.

SRHR 1200: Improved utilization of SRHR services among South Sudanese refugees and host community members, including men, women, and youth, in Lamwo District, Uganda
Indicator 1: #/% of target beneficiaries who utilized SRHR services in the past 12 months
Indicator 2: # of women delivering babies in health facilities monthly over the past 12 months
Indicator 3: % of targeted youth who accessed SRHR information/ services at an existing youth centre over the past 12 months

Livelihoods 1300: Improved economic self-reliance among South Sudanese refugees and host community members, particularly women, in Lamwo District, Uganda, Uganda
Indicator 1: % of beneficiaries who received cash grants and were able to maintain or grow their business for 8 months post-grant
Indicator 2: % of target beneficiaries who report sufficient resources for meeting basic needs
Indicator 3: % of targeted beneficiaries who report increased income and self-reliance

Immediate Outcomes.
Protection: Increased access to and provision of gender-responsive protection facilities and services among South Sudanese refugees and host communities, particularly women and girls
Indicator 1: Average level of satisfaction (1-5 scale) among SGBV survivors about the quality and appropriateness of response services.
Indicator 2: % of GBV survivors and women at risk accessing available protection services through LWF
Indicator 3: # of women and girls accessing women’s safe spaces
Protection: Improved understanding of SGBV issues and protection mechanisms among South Sudanese refugees and host community women, men, girls, and boys

Indicator 1: % of target beneficiaries who can correctly explain the SGBV referral pathway
Indicator 2: % of target beneficiaries who can identify what constitutes SGBV (9/11 cases correctly identified)

SRHR: Increased provision of SRHR services among existing health facilities and other duty bearers in targeted refugee and host communities
Indicator 1: % of target beneficiaries who report being “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with SRHR services
Indicator 2: % of targeted health facilities providing comprehensive SRHR services

SRHR: Improved awareness of SRHR issues and available services among refugee and host communities, particularly female and male youth
Indicator 1: % of target beneficiaries who display a good understanding of SRHR (score of 10+ on SRHR index)

Livelihood: Increased equitable participation in income-generating activities and household resource management among at-risk refugee and host community members to prevent negative coping mechanisms
Indicator1: % of targeted women who feel empowered to participate in household decision-making
Indicator 1310.2: % of target beneficiaries engaging in income-generating activities

Specific Objectives of the Evaluation Assignment
In more specific terms, the evaluation is intended:
• To assess the relevance of the project in addressing the Protection, SRH, and livelihoods needs of the target beneficiaries. It is important to highlight that Protection is the key component of the project and crosscutting the other two (SRH and livelihoods)
• To ascertain the appropriateness of project design including methods in project delivery
• To assess the effectiveness of the project (extent of attainment of set targets and objectives realization) as well as identifying factors/causes for why the project did not achieve targets/objectives if any
• To assess the efficiency of the project (in working towards the realization of set targets and objectives) as well as the enabling and limiting factors
• To assess the impact of the project, stating as well the enabling and limiting factors
• To examine relevance, appropriateness, and impact on target beneficiaries taking into consideration their age, gender, and unique vulnerability (persons with specific needs, persons with disabilities, etc.)
• To ascertain the sustainability of project outcomes, stating as well the enabling and limiting factors
• To share key learnings concerning each of the aspects above
• Assess the extent to which utilization of gender-responsive protection and SGBV response services among refugees and host community members in targeted communities has improved
• To give recommendations with respect to each of the aspects above
• It is these specific objectives that constitute the tasks for this undertaking.

Scope of Work
The Evaluation will be conducted in the Palabek Refugee settlement (in Lamwo) among the supported South Sudanese refugees and the surrounding host communities. Evaluation will cover all the zones where the project is implemented.

In the inception report, the Consultant will outline, in detail, the methodology that will be used for the Evaluation. The project’s existing M&E framework will be the foundation for all data collection. This framework stipulates the performance measurement indicators, information and data to be gathered, sources of information, survey tools, indicator calculation guides, and other guidance notes.
Data gathered through the Evaluation will be used in the final project report to GAC. This data will be presented alongside baseline data so that the project’s performance toward its stated outcomes can be assessed. It is essential that endline data can be directly compared to baseline data. This means that the same data collection methods, statistical methods, and analytical approaches must be used.
Where data is given as a percent, numeric values (numerator and denominator) should also be presented so that data can be verified. This can be done either within the document text, as a footnote, or in a separate document (for example, an Excel spreadsheet).
In addition to totals, separate (disaggregated) data must be presented for each indicator. At a minimum, data must be disaggregated by:
Gender (men, women, boys, and girls)
Age (0-4, 5-17, 18-49, 50+)
Community (refugee vs. host community)
Additional relevant disaggregation may be requested for certain indicators. At the inception stage, the LWF PMER unit will discuss the survey framework with the consultant to harmonize key expectations.
Both qualitative and quantitative techniques should be employed. Participant perceptions of the project are extremely important. Respectful consultation with project participants should be central to the methodology. The composition of focus groups, key informant interviews, and survey samples should be representative of the demographics of the target population and should ensure appropriate age and gender balance, as well as representation of both refugee and host communities and uniquely vulnerable people (PSNs/PWDs).

Expected Timelines and Deliverables:
• Within a 4-week consultancy period, the consultant is expected to complete the above-mentioned scope of work. The deliverables are as follows:
• An inception report, to be reviewed by LWF and CLWR, clearly outlining the Evaluation framework/design and implementation plan, assessment instruments, sampling methods, and all performance indicators to be assessed
• Desk review to obtain all required data and data collection techniques to facilitate indicator calculation. In particular, the Consultant should be intimately familiar with the baseline report and with the methodology used at the baseline.
• Coordination and facilitation of data collection in the field
• Data analysis and report writing
• Presentation of all raw data to LWF and CLWR for review
• Debrief discussions with LWF and CLWR to review findings and confirm that all indicators in the Performance Measurement Framework will be covered in the evaluation report
• Draft report for review and feedback from LWF and CLWR

Management and supervision of the assignment
LWF will select and engage a Consultant/Consultancy Firm and ensure that the consultancy complies with the Terms of Reference and the service agreement. The LWF M&E and Program Department will directly supervise this assignment to ensure quality control as well as ensure that the Consultant receives all necessary logistical support to produce the required deliverables.

Finalization of the evaluation report
Supervision and management
The consultant will be directly supervised by the LWF PMER Manager, supported by Grants Manager, Programme coordinator, and the Project Manager.

Structure of the Report.
The Endline Survey should contain the different elements including methodologies used, findings, recommendations, and with baseline benchmarks. All parts should be clearly distinguished from each other and of sufficient quality. The report should be structured as below;
Cover page
Table of contents
• An executive summary that can be used as a document in its own right. It should include the major findings of the Baseline and summarize conclusions and recommendations.
• Introduction
• Objectives of the Endline.
• Methodology and justification of the methods and techniques/tools used
• Results/ Findings A presentation of the findings (including unexpected, relevant findings)
• Analysis of Findings
• Conclusion, which will analyze the various research questions. Conclusions will have to be derived from findings and analysis thereof.
• Recommendations should be clearly related to conclusions but presented separately. Recommendations should be practical and guide the implementation of the project
• Annexes (tools, tables, data analyzed, photos).

Consultancy work proposal specifications.
• Proposals will be accepted from recognized consulting firms and individuals who wish to take on the task.
• The deadline for receipt of applications is 25<sup>th</sup> January 2023. The study is expected to commence in the first week of December.

Interested consultants for this assignment must include a detailed technical proposal and should include but not be limited to the components listed below;
• description of the assignment,
• approach and methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment,
• detailed implementation plan,
• organizational and personnel capacity including profile of key personnel (annex CVs) and
• experience with similar assignments (examples annexed).
• The financial proposal should include a summary of the costs to be incurred while undertaking the study and a detailed breakdown of each cost

Required skills and competences of the Consultant
• LWF-Uganda is looking for a consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications:
• Demonstrable expertise in refugee protection, livelihood, and SRHR operations, especially in Northern Uganda
• Track record in developing and conducting qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis
• Experience in managing evaluation/research exercises
• Ability to deliver agreed deliverables on time and within budget
• Previous experience working with communities using participatory approaches
• Strong quantitative data entry and analysis skills and experience using statistical analysis software
• Ability to respond to comments and questions from LWF and CLWR, as needed, in a timely, professional manner
• Ability to write high-quality, clear, concise reports in English
• Excellent and demonstrated understanding of ethical issues in research

Proposal Submission
Interested Individuals/ firm should submit both their technical proposal and financial proposal along with their Curriculum Vitae to;
The Chairperson Procurement Committee,
The Lutheran World Federation.
Plot 1401, Ggaba Road Nsambya
P.O. Box 5827, Kampala-Uganda
Tel: +256-393-264006/7/8

Interested and qualified? Click here to apply
Job Info
Job Category: Tenders in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25 January 2023
Duty Station: Lamwo
Posted: 18-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 18-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-01-2067
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