Consultancy services for endline evaluation of the Alamime Project job at Makerere University School of Public Health
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy services for endline evaluation of the Alamime Project

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Education, and Training , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Makerere University School of Public Health

Deadline of this Job:
15 May 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, May 04, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Makerere University School of Public Health jobs in Uganda

Vacancy Details

The Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) in collaboration with schools of Public Health and National Malaria Programs in 6 high burden Malaria countries (Uganda, Tanzania, Nigeria, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger and Burkina Faso), with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is implementing the African Leadership and Management training for impact in Malaria Eradication (ALAMIME) program. The program aims to train malaria program managers and policy makers to increase their analytical and problem-solving skills, informed leadership abilities and implementation of evidence-based policies and approaches that adapt to the changing malaria landscape to support the transition from malaria control to elimination. Alongside individual capacity building, the program aims to establish a forum within Ministry of Health dedicated to malaria eradication which will bring together stakeholders supporting malaria eradication as well as alumni of the ALAMIME program to drive Malaria eradication efforts in the country. The program has been running since August 2021 and will end in August 2023.

The ALAMIME project is a two-year capacity building project hosted by Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) – Uganda as the lead institution and coordinator for the English-speaking countries, supported by the University of Kinshasa, School of Public Health (KSPH) – Democratic Republic of Congo as co-lead and coordinator for the French speaking countries. Each year, the project runs a six-month course followed by a three-month practicum. It was anticipated that 100 participants would be trained per year from six countries. Each country was expected to develop short courses consisting of specific topics or modules tailored to country specific needs, managerial level needs and regional needs. At the end of two years, each country will be expected to have a malaria eradication hub which will bring together the alumni as a community of practice so that they can share support and experiences in the eradication process. The six universities will also be expected at the end of two years to be having a course on leadership and management for malaria eradication. The participants were to sensitize the teams they are working with on malaria eradication topics that are relevant to their needs. The participants were to generate a case study, practicum reports, participate in technical working groups and Alumni platforms

Program specific Objectives
• To Train a critical number of people in leadership and management and data use for malaria eradication in the 6 countries.
• To establish a forum for engaging personnel in malaria eradication as a community of practice/scientific hub and Alumni platforms in the 6 countries.
• To establish short courses in Leadership and Management for eradication of malaria in University curricula in the 6 countries.

ALAMIME stakeholders
• The direct beneficiaries of the ALAMIME program include malaria focal persons at National and subnational level. We have also worked with National Malaria control program managers from the six countries.

Other available information
• Relevant Key project documents such as Project description, M and E framework, Baseline and Midterm review reports will be provided to the successful applicants.

The consultancy
• Makerere University school of Public Health seeks to recruit a consultant to conduct a project end line evaluation across the 6 consortium countries.

Purpose of the Evaluation
The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess the performance of the project against its objectives, outcomes and indicator targets, at individual, country and regional level. This will also capture project achievements, challenges and best practices to inform future similar programming.

The evaluation will look at the following areas: Project management; project activities and implementation. It will address the results achieved, the partnerships established, sustainability, and capacity building.

Specific objectives of the end line Evaluation
• To assess the project performance on training a critical mass of people in leadership and management and data use for malaria eradication in the 6 countries
• To evaluate the project performance on implementing communities of practice and Alumni Platforms across the 6 countries.
• To assess the progress made in establishing short courses in Leadership and Management for eradication of malaria in University curricula in the 6 countries.
• To document project achievements, challenges, best practices and key recommendations to inform future similar programming
• To examine the project sustainability efforts and strategies.
• The main users of this evaluation will be the Project team, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as main funder of the Project as well as other stakeholder interested in similar initiatives.

Key Guiding evaluation questions

• To what extent did the Project achieve its overall objectives and goals?
• What and how much progress has been made towards achieving the overall outputs and outcomes of the project?
• To what extent were the results (impacts, outcomes and outputs) achieved?
• Were the inputs and strategies realistic, appropriate and adequate to achieve the results?
• Was the project relevant to the identified needs?

• Describe the management processes and their appropriateness in supporting delivery
• Was the project effective in delivering desired/planned results?
• To what extent did the Project’s M&E mechanism contribute in meeting project results?
• How effective were the strategies and tools (used in the implementation of the project?
• How effective has the project been in responding to the needs of the beneficiaries, and what results were achieved?


• What are the positive and negative, intended and unintended, changes produced by the project?
• Have these changes contributed to National Malaria Elimination programs?
• What real difference has the project made to the target group and beneficiaries?

• What is the likelihood of continuation and sustainability of project outcomes and benefits after completion of the project?
• What factors are likely to affect the sustainability of project outcomes and how?
• Describe key factors that will require attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of Project outcomes and the potential for replication of the approach?
• What are the main lessons that have emerged?
• What are the recommendations for similar support in future?

• The assignment shall be performed through desk reviews and interviews with implementers and beneficiaries where necessary and deemed appropriate by the consultant in consultation with the project team leadership

Scope of work
The consultant and his/her team are expected to liaise with teams in Makerere University School of public health (MaKSPH), Uganda and the University of Kinshasa, School of Public Health (KSPH), DRC to undertake the following tasks:
• Develop an inception report detailing the consultant’s understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology including data collection tools, deliverables, timelines and budget.
• Conduct a desk review of project documents including the Monitoring and Evaluation plan, reports and other relevant documents to assess performance against set targets.
• Conduct interviews with the Alumni, country coordinators, National Malaria program personnel and regional organizations representative such as WHO.
• Prepare a draft report and share with secretariat
• Develop a final report incorporating feedback provided
• Prepare a power point presentation of the key findings
• Develop a brief detailing project successes, lessons learnt and challenges.
• Submit all the questionnaires and data sets (raw data) used in analysis.
• Submit final report
• The Consultant will also be required to visit at least three project countries.

The Concept Note

• Inception Report outlining the preferred methodology and justification for selection of the methodology, schedules, data collection tools, names and particulars of the consulting team members
• Presentation to stakeholders on the methodologies and plan
• Presentation to stakeholders on the draft report
• A final report synthesizing the findings of reviews, interviews and inputs from stakeholders
• Presentation to stakeholders of the final report
• Power point presentation

A brief
• Management of the evaluation

• The ALAMIME Program lead will be the Evaluation Manager and will be closely supported by the Training Director and Coordinator.

Expected Profile of the lead Consultant
• The lead consultant should be an experienced senior researcher with a qualification of at least a Master’s degree in health related field, business, management and Leadership.
• The consultant should have a minimum of 15 years of professional experience, research, and policy analysis/support and advocacy.
• Demonstrable experience (with prior experience) in evaluation of capacity building projects.
• Proven experience of evaluating multi country projects, both in the Anglophone and Francophone countries.
• Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation is an added advantage.

Duration and Location of the Evaluation

• The Project evaluation is expected to take a maximum of 40 days, with expected start date 1st June 2023. The evaluation will be conducted in 6 countries: Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania, DRC, Burkina Faso and Niger

Proposal Evaluation and award Criteria
• MakSPH will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on the following criteria:
• Technical proposal (elaborating understanding of TORs and proposed methodology) (40%)
• Financial proposal (appropriate budget which demonstrates value for money) (20%)
• Proposed personnel for the assignment (experience of consultant and team in conducting evaluation of similar projects (40%)

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure

Interested Independent Individuals/Firms (Consultants) who meet the above requirements should submit a technical and financial proposal and CVs of the team as ONE PDF FILE to  indicating ENDLINE EVALUATION in the email Subject.

The applications should be addressed to: The Dean, Makerere University School of Public Health.

Deadline for submission is 15th May 2023 at 5:00pm.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 15 May 2023
Duty Station: KAMPALA
Posted: 04-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 04-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 04-05-2067
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