Consultancy for documentation of PATH Uganda's policy advocacy project success stories job at PATH
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy for documentation of PATH Uganda's policy advocacy project success stories

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

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Deadline of this Job:
31 May 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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PATH jobs in Uganda

Job Description
Consultancy categories:

LOT 1: Production of 2 short documentary films
LOT 2: Photography
LOT 3 (PART A): Production of case studies on PATH’s APP project work in Uganda
LOT 3 (PART B): Production of a well-designed story book with photographs depicting policy advocacy processes, outcomes and impact


PATH has been implementing the Advocacy and Public Policy project in Uganda since 2017, initially focusing mainly on immunization policy and financing, and later expanding the advocacy scope to include primary health care (PHC), reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, adolescent, and ageing health (RMNCAAH) and medical oxygen. This advocacy journey has been characterized by remarkable policy advocacy achievements, notwithstanding lessons and challenges especially those related to the COVID-19 pandemic that made the advocacy environment volatile for PATH and its collaborating partners.

In 2023, the APP project in Uganda will be transitioning the biggest part of its advocacy scope to local partners, while maintaining focus on regional advocacy and supporting other PATH programs and projects to grow their advocacy components and portfolios. A smooth transition of this advocacy scope to local partners has been laid out in a transition plan. The year 2023 will, hence, focus on consolidating partnerships and collaboration with local partners, including existing CSO coalitions and networks. It is hoped that these will continue applying PATH’s proven advocacy approaches and tactics, while maintaining the vision of working towards transformative health policies and better budgets that will contribute to the attainment of Universal Health Coverage in Uganda.

Against this background, PATH has planned a structured documentation exercise in the second quarter of the year 2023. The exercise will aim to tell PATH’s advocacy story by capturing its experiences, successes and learnings while implementing policy advocacy in Uganda. The exercise will also capture approaches and models that worked well in delivering successful advocacy results for the last couple of years.

• The planned documentation exercise will aim to achieve the following key objectives;
• To document PATH's experiences, successes and learnings while implementing policy advocacy for PHC, Immunization, RMNCAH and medical oxygen at country level
• To spotlight PATH’s unique advocacy approaches and tactics that have been key in influencing policy at national and sub-national level
• To support learning on policy advocacy within the CSO fraternity and among key decision makers through dissemination of communication products that underscore elements for effective policy advocacy
• To demonstrate PATH’s policy advocacy impact at health facility and household level with regard to PHC, Immunization, RMNCAH and medical oxygen

Illustrative products/outputs:

This documentation exercise will be multi-faceted and targeted to produce a variety of communication products. Products will include;

Type of resource
Case studies on priority thematic areas (what was the focus, the successes, factors for success, spotlight on specific advocacy achievements, approaches/tactics)

Target number of products per thematic area

• PHC 1
• Immunization 1
• Medical oxygen 1
• CSO capacity strengthening 1
• PATH advocacy approach 1
• Theme-based short films (max 5 minutes)

Target number of products per thematic area
• PHC 1
• Immunization 1
• Medical oxygen 1
• CSO capacity strengthening 1
• PATH advocacy approach 1

A storybook highlighting key advocacy stories and moments (with photographs) that cut across different themes
• Target number of products per thematic area
• PHC 1
• Immunization 1
• Medical oxygen 1
• CSO capacity strengthening 1
• PATH advocacy approach 1

Dissemination platforms
• End of year (2023) hybrid learning event
• APP resource webpage on org
• Advocacy for Better Health resource webpage managed by PATH
• Social media (Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn) including selected local media outlets
• Stakeholder engagements (CSO, decision-makers, media)
• Strategic events (meetings, conferences, etc.)
• Peer-reviewed journals inclined to health advocacy

Expected outcomes:

Learning and replication of PATH’s advocacy approach to benefit CSO partners in Uganda and other geographies.
Increased appreciation of PATH’s technical capacity in implementing policy advocacy in Uganda.
Appreciation of PATH’s approach to providing technical assistance to Government/Ministry of Health and CSOs in the area of policy advocacy and advocacy capacity strengthening.

Target audiences for the communication products
• Decision makers in government (technical and political)
• Civil society organizations
• Media
• Private sector partners
• Development partners/donors
• International NGOs
• Healthcare providers

Required Experience

• Specific Tasks and Responsibilities for the consultants

Production of 2 short documentary films

The overall objective is to produce two documentary films (maximum 5 minutes) on i) PHC/Immunization/RMNCAH/Medical Oxygen and ii) CSO capacity strengthening and PATH’s advocacy approach. The films will lay emphasis on key policy advocacy outcomes/successes and the unique tactics and approaches used to achieve the outcomes under these thematic areas.

Scope of Work
• Develop the documentary film’s overall concept and scenario.
• Develop a documentary script and storyboard for the film.
• Interview selected interviewees for the film who will include key decision makers and technical staff at the Ministry of Health, Parliament, as well as Civil Society partners, health care providers and community members.
• Perform appropriate filming of the video interviews with major stakeholders as stated in iii) above.
• Present draft documentary films to PATH for review and comments.
• Address comments and provide final versions in soft copy, with light versions of the same for sharing on social media.

Expected deliverable
Two documentary films each not exceeding 5 minutes on each of the agreed on thematic areas
Raw video footage of all interviews taken
End of assignment report using a standard template

Qualification and expertise

• Outstanding videography skills and experience spanning over five years;
• Experience working in remote areas of Uganda with sensitivity to different cultural contexts;
• Ownership or possession of HD video equipment
• Demonstrable experience and production of short films and videos made for the purposes of communicating advocacy and social accountability program impacts, community perspectives and policy changes; and
• Experience interacting with and filming high profile audiences including government bureaucrats, decision makers/legislators and senior leaders of partner organizations.

Note: Consultants are required to submit along their Expression Of Interest (EOI), samples of film documentaries of similar lengths they have produced before, as proof of the desired competencies.


The overall objective is to produce high quality photographs that will accompany and enhance the advocacy stories that will be captured and packaged in a storybook on i) PHC/Immunization/RMNCAH/Medical Oxygen and ii) CSO capacity strengthening and PATH’s advocacy approach.

Scope of Work

• Capture high resolution images of APP project stakeholders in action during advocacy engagements, interviews and other scenarios in service delivery that enhance advocacy stories including community members accessing health services.
• Caption each photograph with specific details such as the location taken, name of the person (for portraits), activity and any other relevant information following PATH’s photography standards and guidelines.
• Provide PATH with at least 100 high quality photographs on various thematic areas that depict different advocacy scenarios, in an agreeable file sharing format (such as flash drives and cloud-based platforms). Note: PATH will retain all copyrights to the photographs taken.

Expected deliverables
• At least 100 high quality photographs reflecting PATH’s APP advocacy interventions and impact across various thematic areas highlighted in this TOR.
• A collection of unedited photographs on google drive or other acceptable file sharing format.
• Signed consent forms for all photographed subjects giving permission to PATH to utilize the pictures for development communication.
• End of assignment report using a standard template

Qualification and expertise
• Five years progressive experience as a professional photographer
• Experience taking photographs for development work especially with international organizations
• Possession of high-resolution photography equipment.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months:

Level of Education:

Job application procedure

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 May 2023
Duty Station: KAMPALA
Posted: 17-05-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-05-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-05-2067
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