Consultancy Service to Training in Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region job at Nile Basin Intitative (NBI)
538 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy Service to Training in Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Professional Services , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Nile Basin Intitative (NBI)

Deadline of this Job:
Friday, September 22 2023 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Entebbe, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, September 15 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Nile Basin Intitative (NBI) jobs in Uganda

Project Title: Enhancing conjunctive management of surface and groundwater resources in selected trans-boundary aquifers: case study for selected shared groundwater bodies in the Nile basin.

Consultancy Title:
1. Design and Deliver a Five-Day Training Workshop in the Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region.

• Duration of the Contract: 15th – 30th September 2023 (Part time)
• Level of effort 15 man-working days (10 Days for the Preparation of the Training Materials + 5 days (one) Training Workshop & Preparation of Training
Satisfaction Report)

The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is a cooperative arrangement initiated and led by the Nile riparian countries to promote joint development, protection, and management of the common Nile Basin water resources. With the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Nile-SEC is currently implementing its first groundwater study project with the objective of enhancing knowledge and capacity for sustainable use and management of trans-boundary aquifers and aquifers of regional significance in the Nile Basin. The threats on trans-boundary aquifers are more severe because of lack of common groundwater information, governance, and management mechanisms. Monitoring both surface and groundwater is very important to understand the behavior of water resources towards various stresses including natural and socio economic. In this respect, NBI intends to employ the services of an Individual International Consultant to design and deliver a five-day training in the conjunctive use and monitoring of surface and groundwater in the Nile Basin region, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Assignment’. “The assignment “described in these terms of reference document, is funded jointly through NBI member states contributions, and Global Environment Facility through United Nations Development Program. This document presents the Terms of Reference for the Assignment. The Consultant shall be selected competitively based on Nile-SEC’s procurement procedures.

Consultancy/Assignment Objectives:

The overall objective of this assignment is to build capacity in conjunctive monitoring and use of surface and groundwater for planners, researchers, and policy makers in the Nile Basin. Specifically, regional technicians, academics, and senior planners at national, sub-regional and regional levels will be capacitated on key requisite techniques on conjunctive use and monitoring of surface and groundwater in the Nile Basin region. Regional decision makers will have increased their understanding and knowledge on the importance of groundwater monitoring and capacitated to develop and adopt recommendations emerging from the monitoring information related to surface/ groundwater conjunctive management for shared aquifers in the region. Regional decision makers will recognize groundwater as a potential recourse buffering climate change impacts when sustainably managed and will recognize the importance of awareness issues associated with groundwater monitoring for sustainable management. The Consultant will design training modules that will address Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region taking in consideration both technical and policy making aspects. This training will be designed to address challenges of regional decision makers, technicians& academics and assist with sector-specific training for policy makers, researchers, NGOs, and the private sector. The designed training should be tailored to aid the post-project sustainability and to support the use and protection of groundwater resources regionally.
Consultancy/Assignment Scope
• Based on the Shared Aquifer Diagnostic Analysis (SADA) Report, the Consultant will prepare training modules and conduct a (5 day) regional training in Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region.
• Prepare a training plan that aims to deliver the course in an effective and sustainable manner.
• Conduct training based on the syllabus and training modules.
• Prepare a training report including follow-up actions for retention and sustainability of the knowledge.

Assignment outputs

The consultant shall deliver: 

1.      An inception report for the assignment.

2.      A designed training module on the Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and

Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region taking into consideration both technical and policy aspects.

3.      A training plan.

4.      5-days regional training session

5.      Provide a detailed report on training satisfaction and evaluation proof. 


Table 1: Deliverables, Time schedule & Payment Percentage.


The deliverables of the consultant shall be as follows: -


Expected Deliverable

Approx. due date 

Payment percentage


Deliverable (1):

• Brief inception report describing methodology and phases of work including training materials outlines. 

20th Sept


Deliverable (2):

•      Prepare a designed training module on the Conjunctive Use & Monitoring of Surface and Groundwater in the Nile Basin Region taking into consideration both technical and policy aspects.

•      A training plan.

25th Sept


Draft report (3):

•        Conduct a 5-days regional training.

•        A detailed report on training satisfaction and evaluation proof. 

30th Sept.


Level of Effort

This assignment is expected to take a total of 15 man-working days (10 Days for the Preparation of the Training Materials + 5 days (one) Training Workshop & Preparation of Training Satisfaction Report). This includes input from any sub-consultants the consultant might need to engage to execute the assignment. The proposed payment schedule is given in Table 1.

Cost for work related travels for the consultant shall be separately paid by the Client as per prevailing regulations of NBI. All travels will have to be approved by the task manager and arrangements for the consultant shall be made by the client, according to UNDP and NBI rules and procedures.


The consultant shall report to the Groundwater Project Manager/ Technical Lead with oversight by Deputy Executive Director/Head of Basin-wide Program. The consultant shall work from his/her home venue and partly from the NBI secretariat where possible.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

For monitoring the progress of the production of the inventory report, the consultant will submit monthly reports that evaluate the progress of deliverables and the implementation of the different activities of the assignment.

Minimum qualifications and experience
The expert should meet the following academic qualifications and experience as a minimum:
a) Master’s degree or higher in Geology/hydrogeology, groundwater management, water Resources management with special focus on groundwater resources or any other closely related field.
b) Minimum 10 years of demonstrable experience in the groundwater management/ monitoring training area for transboundary aquifers, or related fields.
c) Proven experience in groundwater management/ monitoring training. At least two similar trainings were conducted in the last five years.
d) Previous experience of working in the Nile Basin or will be an added advantage.
e) Previous experience related to managing or researching transboundary aquifers is an advantage.
f) Strong writing and communication skills.
g) Fluency in English is required (knowledge of French is an advantage but not required).

Interested applicants should submit the following documents:
• An updated current CV, contact details of at least three referees and a cover letter setting out how the applicant meets the selection criteria, and a proposed approach and methodology)
• Letter of application confirming availability and Interest in the assignment

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 120

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
Interested applicants are advised to submit applications electronically. Application/cover letter indicating the title of the assignment accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae should be sent to latest September 22, 2023, not later than 5:00 pm (Local time in Entebbe, Uganda)

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Friday, September 22 2023
Duty Station: Entebbe
Posted: 15-09-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 15-09-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 15-09-2077
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