Consultancy - Mid Term Evaluation job at Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany
779 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Consultancy - Mid Term Evaluation

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany

Deadline of this Job:
23 January 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany jobs in Uganda

Consultancy - Mid Term Evaluation
Brief Overview of VSF Germany

VSF Germany is an International Non-Governmental Organization, providing humanitarian assistance and development aid to agro-pastoral and pastoralists and vulnerable communities in areas where livestock is of importance. In the Horn of Africa region, VSF Germany has been implementing programs in South Sudan, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia since 1998. Effective from January 2019, VSF Germany has expanded its program scope to Uganda. VSF Germany programs focus on Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, Natural Resources Management, Peacebuilding, Water and Sanitation, Protection and Response to Disasters and Emergencies. Each country program is managed through the country offices and country teams. Country programs are coordinated and facilitated from the Regional Office Nairobi (RON). The organization is a registered charity in Germany with its headquarters in Berlin.
Brief Overview of the Project
VSF Germany is a member of a research for development consortium, led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) that has received funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to implement the Boosting Uganda’s Investment in Livestock Development (BUILD) under the Framework of investment package for improving animal health in Africa. Uganda is chosen as a key focus country in the sub-Saharan Africa on the account that around 70% of all households keep at least one kind of livestock (inclusive of poultry). Livestock production is however limited by pathogens including parasites that cause losses due to diseases or death of animals, threatening food security, balanced diets as well as the livelihoods of animal keepers. Zoonotic diseases also threaten the health of producers but also processors and consumers. Widespread use of antibiotics to manage animal health conditions and poor hygiene and safety of animal sourced foods also pose a threat to human health due to Antimicrobial Resistance.
The goal of project is to contribute to improved health of food producing animals and as a consequence, improve the health of those people who work in the production and processing of animal sourced food. Key target beneficiaries will be women and men small ruminant livestock producers, private animal health service providers, students, training institutions, the Government of Uganda, and livestock traders, butchers and meat vendors.

Project components
The investment package with overall goal of increased farm incomes and food security of livestock farmers and meat handlers in Uganda is divided into four different components which form the basis of a holistic approach to improve animal health, and there are medium and long term plans to achieve the project purpose of Increased Livestock Production and Food Safety Management. The four thematic components include:
1. Support ongoing campaigns to eradicate trans-boundary disease (e.g., Peste des Petits Ruminants also known as PPR or Small ruminant plague)
2. Control of zoonotic diseases with focus on Rift Valley fever (RVF)
3. Control of antimicrobial resistance (AMR); and
4. Improved Veterinary Public Health (e.g., food safety and occupational health).
Implementation of the four components contribute to achieving of the desired project outcomes namely:
1. Result 1: Improved Livestock Health & Surveillance System
2. Result 2: Enhanced human and institutional capacity in Livestock health management and knowledge products (Animal health practitioners, farmers, and Meat Handlers) to diagnose and report animal (incl. poultry and pork) related issues.
Result 3: Improved animal husbandry and food safety practices - AMR control (for animals and people who work in the production and processing of animal sourced food)
Project Theory of Change
If BUILD project interventions of strengthening institutional and human capacity of researchers, veterinary professionals, producers, and meat handlers are implemented, they will increase surveillance and systematic control of livestock diseases and reduce antimicrobial resistance in humans. This will result in improved animal health management and surveillance, improved animal husbandry and food safety practices, which will then increase livestock production and food safety management, and ultimately contribute to improved farm incomes and food security among targeted livestock producers and meat handlers in Uganda.
Rationale for the evaluation
This project aims at increasing the farm incomes and food security of livestock farmers and meat handlers in Uganda by ensuring increased Livestock Production and Food Safety Management. VSF Germany in conjunction with MAAIF led by ILRI has been implementing this project since January 2019. The project is scheduled to end by November 2023. The evaluation will be conducted to review the project performance against the planned deliverables for the period covering January 2019 to December 2022. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation will enhance learning for the BUILD team in Uganda and among other key stakeholders, and help guide the project team in adjusting the project’s approach and scope for implementation during the project’s remaining period.
Reporting Lines and Collaboration
The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the VSF Germany Technical Project Manager but under direct supervision of the Technical Project Manager of VSF Germany in Uganda.

Tasks and responsibilities
• To conduct and implement the entire mid-term evaluation: The evaluation will be carried out in a participatory manner to ensure the involvement of key stakeholders in particular BUILD project partners in all phases of the evaluation, including preparation, field visits, report preparation and dissemination. The evaluation will be carried out between 25th January 2023 and 25th March 2023, with a final report being available by 05th March 2023. The following methods will be used as a minimum to collect information:
1. Desk review: Review and analysis of documents related to the project, including: Project documents-Project proposal, logical framework, workplan and budget, LoA between MAAIF and ILRI, M&E plan and Indicator tracker (Bi-monthly Information Reporting Note), etc; Periodic Progress Reports submitted to the donor: inception report, Baseline reports, Quarterly reports and interim report, Project outputs: activity reports, trainings assessment, stakeholder meeting minutes; Any relevant documents such as IEC materials used, publication etc. The desk review will allow the evaluator to make initial findings that in turn may point to additional or fine-tuned questions.
2. Field visits and interviews: A first list of interviewees including but not limited to BUILD fellows, component leads will be handed to the evaluator before starting the evaluation. The evaluator will undertake group/individual discussions with: VSF project staff in Uganda; virtual interviews with Regional office Nairobi (Head of programs and M&E manager); Experts (Consultants, trainers); ILRI team; ILRI component leads, MAAIF component leads, District focal teams. The evaluator may also participate in the project activities (workshops, coordination meetings, training, etc.), to gain more understanding of the project. Field visits to the different project participants.

Main outputs
The main outputs of the evaluation will be comprised of:
1. An inception report, to be submitted one week after the beginning of the evaluation, explaining the methodology, work programme and timetable for the evaluation.
2. Refined evaluation questions: Upon review of the available documents and an initial discussion, the evaluator will develop a detailed analytical framework of questions and sub-questions, based on the evaluation questions defined in this ToRs, and consistent with Results-Based monitoring framework.
3. Evaluation report: The main evaluation report should be concise and not exceed 25 pages, excluding annexes (supporting data and details can be included in annexes).
4. A Power-Point presentation with the preliminary findings and recommendations to be presented to VSF Germany and key stakeholder group.
All draft and final outputs, including supporting documents, analytical reports and raw data should be provided in electronic version compatible with WORD for windows. Ownership of the data from the evaluation rests jointly with VSF Germany and ILRI. The copyright of the evaluation report will rest exclusively with VSF Germany. Key stakeholders can make appropriate use of the evaluation report in line with the original purpose and with appropriate acknowledgement.

Essential Requirements
1. At least 7 years of experience in evaluating international cooperation projects, with lead consultant having qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation.
2. Experience evaluating projects focusing on animal health is an added advantage.
3. Experience in evaluating BMZ-funded projects is an advantage.
4. Preferably experience working on research-based projects with multiple partners.
5. Experience in collaborating with government officials, Germany agencies, and other international institutions.
6. Fluent English and good writing skills (the report should be in English).

Required document
• Interested candidates should submit:
• A technical offer including:
• An understanding of the issues at stake of the study and the Terms of Reference (ToR): development of problems and formulation of questions which the offer will aim to answer
• Methodology and proposed tools
• The timetable showing the details for the completion of each of the evaluation phases. The proposed schedule should include time for briefing and debriefing on the BUILD team
• The proposed team
• A financial offer including of a detailed budget in columns (fees, other costs)
• Resumes of each of the proposed team members and cover letter
• Evidence of previous similar works undertaken by consultant or consultancy team
• At least 2 reference letters from reputable organisational clients

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Applications should be emailed to , with subject as BUILD Mid-term evaluation – Uganda by the 23rd of January 2023.
If you do not receive a response by the 05th February 2023, please consider that your application has not been shortlisted.

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Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 23 January 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 17-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 17-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 17-01-2065
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