Communication Specialist job at Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (“INVITE”)
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Vacancy title:
Communication Specialist

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Social Services & Nonprofit ]

Jobs at:

Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (“INVITE”)

Deadline of this Job:
Tuesday, May 07 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala, East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, April 22 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (“INVITE”)
Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (“INVITE”) jobs in Uganda

1. Background:
The Government of the Republic of Uganda (GoU) received financing from the World Bank to implement the Investment for Industrial Transformation and Employment (INVITE) project. The Project is complemented and supported by other development partners, including the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, through a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) Grant.

The Project Development Objective is to mitigate the effect of COVID-19 on private sector investment and employment and to support new economic opportunities, including refugee and hosting communities.

The Project comprises four components and is being implemented jointly by the Bank of Uganda (BoU) and Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU). The Project Components include Component 1: Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 with a focus on the Manufacturing and Exporting Sectors Driving Economic Transformation, including Refugee and Hosting Districts; Component 2: Creating New Product and Transformative Assets including in Refugee and Host Districts; Component 3: Enhancing Capabilities in Public Institutions and Private Firms; and Component 4: Implementation Support, Monitoring, and Evaluation.

More details on the project can be found at the World Bank webpage of the project (

BoU is implementing component 1.1, Component 1.2, Component 1.3, Component 2.1, Component 2.2 and Component 4b.

Component 1.1 will support loans that have been restructured under the Bank of Uganda COVID-19 response approach, primarily in the manufacturing and exporting sectors by covering part of the added financial cost due to the restructuring, qualifying MSMEs who received an extension of the amortization period on their loans will reduce the MSMEs incremental cost or debt servicing liability. The cost for this rebate will be shared with PFIs to ensure that PFIs.

Component 1.2 will target micro firms, including in RHDs, to enable them to restart or continue their operations as critical units in funding links between producers and aggregators, processors, and distributors. The majority of the micro firms to be targeted will be female owned firms that have been particularly affected. The window will provide a line of credit to Micro Finance Deposit-taking institutions (MFDs), MFIs and SACCOs regulated by the Bank of Uganda and the Uganda Micro Finance Regulatory Authority (UMRA) and in compliance with the project’s eligibility requirements.

Component 1.3 (receivables financing) seeks to provide finance to MSMEs based on security in the form of their receivables. Buyers, which are usually larger formal enterprises, normally pay their invoices with a delay of up to three months, thereby negatively affecting the liquidity of often small, informal enterprise suppliers.

Component 2.1 will target MSMEs with a focus on manufacturing and export supply chains, by setting up a Credit Guarantee Facility (CGF) to share the risks associated with new lending on a proposed 50/50 basis with PFIs and guarantee will be available to those in tier I, II and III institutions that meet the Window’s eligibility requirements.

Component 2.2 will provide long-term financing in the form of subordinated/convertible long-term local currency loans. This instrument targets key economic assets, private and public sponsored projects. It will be available to finance critical projects led by the public sector or the private sector, such as grain storage facilities or collection centers, cold storage, laboratories, SME Centers, industry and manufacturing hubs, etc.

Component 4b will support the establishment of operations systems in the BoU, including the legal advice to set up the INVITE Trust, the environmental and social systems, a management information system, the technical and financial design, risk management framework and the operational support for the financing of components 1 and 2.

BoU under INVITE seeks to engage services of an Environmental Specialist (ES) to be part of the Bank of Uganda/INVITE trust Project Implementation Team (PIT).

2. Job Purpose:
The CS will manage project communications by technically supporting the PIU in ensuring timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of project information. The PCM shall ensure timely and regular information dissemination and sharing of information to stakeholders on Project implementation issues and ensure effective stakeholder participation and support.

3. Key Result Areas:
• Developing and implementation of the INVITE Communication Strategy;
• Assessing information needs of key Stakeholders as well as public relations
• Monitoring and evaluation of Communication Strategy
• Promotion of positive culture and image of the project
• Coordinate preparation of information to update the INVITE Website
• Development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials and multimedia productions for Social Media
• Development of a communication Procurement Plan, Work Plan and Budget
• Any other duties assigned from time to time.

4. Specific Duties and Responsibilities:
• Refine/develop and supervise the implementation of the INVITE Communication Strategy in line with the Project Development Objective;
• Assess information needs of the stakeholders and prepare targeted messages on Project issues
• Coordinate the development and production of IEC materials in liaison with the various project staff and stakeholders to ensure quality and timely dissemination.
• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the communication strategy
• Liaise with print/electronic media on promotion of the Project activities.
• Work with traditional media groups to disseminate Project messages.
• Promote a positive culture and image of the Project and market the Project for greater visibility and access of the target population
• Review the information on the Project website and provide content development support and ensure website promotion on a regular basis
• Organize media events such as press conferences, talk-shows, interviews of key Project staff and stakeholders on public and private media.
• Supervise the development of printed, multimedia and/or web-based publications (case studies, research reports, project updates, newsletters etc.) and provide quality control in line with the Project corporate identity standards
• Generate specific outputs (deliverables) as determined from time to time in the respective projected work plans for each quarter.
• Perform any other related duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time.

5. Qualifications and Experience:
5.1 Academic Qualification: Applicants should possess:
(i) A honors’ degree from a reputable institution in any of the following areas: Mass Communication, Journalism, Development Communication, and Media Studies.
(ii) Post-graduate qualification in: Mass Communication, Journalism, Development Communication, Strategic communication, Media Studies, Marketing, Public Relations, Business Administration and Project Management will be an added advantage.

5.2 Experience:
At least eight (6) years of professional experience in communication at a senior position in a project, public or private organizations, international agencies or other credible/ reputable institutions.

5.3 Other Required Skills and Competencies:
• Experience in communication and media relations, media campaigns and promotional material development
• Experience in using a wide range of communication tools in print, broad casting, electronic and traditional media as well as public relations
• Experience in working with grass roots communities, private sector based marketing and promotions, non-governmental organizations, multilateral and bilateral development agencies and government.
• Excellent communication skills (verbal and written)
• High level of honesty, integrity and versatility
• Should be able to work with minimum supervision and deliver under pressure

6. Reporting:
The CS will report to the Project Coordinator-INVITE for overall supervision and day to day technical matters under the contract.

7. Duty Station:
The CS will be deployed on a full time basis and the duty station shall be the INVITE-PIU Office in Kampala.

8. Facilities to Be Provided by The Employer:
The Employer shall provide office space, with connectivity to internet, printer and access to other office amenities during the term of his contract.

9. Duration of Services:
The CS will be appointed on a contractual basis for an initial period of three (3) years with a possibility of renewal based on performance, business need and budget availability.

Deadline: 07/05/2024

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 72

Level of Education:
Postgraduate Degree

Job application procedure
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Job Info
Job Category: Communications/ Public Relations jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Tuesday, May 07 2024
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 22-04-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 22-04-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-04-2077
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