Chief Executive Officer job at Uganda Federation of Movie Industry
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765 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Chief Executive Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications , Category: Admin & Office ]

Jobs at:

Uganda Federation of Movie Industry

Deadline of this Job:
14 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Learn more about Uganda Federation of Movie Industry
Uganda Federation of Movie Industry jobs in Uganda


Uganda Federation of Movie Industry(UFMI) is a Collective Management Organisation(CMO) in Uganda representing its Members in the audiovisual sector of entertainment. UFMI seeks to recruit a competent and passionate person to fill the position of Chief Executive Officer. UFMI was licensed in 2011 to undertake activities under section 58 of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 2006. The Membership of the CMO is comprised of copyright and neighbouring rights holders in film works. The CMO is regulated and overseen by Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
JOB TITLE: Chief Executive Officer (1)
REPORTING TO: The Board of Directors of Uganda

Federation of Movie Industry

The Chief Executive Officer is charged with the responsibility of overall effective and efficient day-to-day management of the Organization in line with the Strategic and Operational Plans to ensure that the Organization effects its mandate under the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 2006.

1. Organizing the film fraternity and mobilise membership of UFMI.
2. Fostering harmony and understanding between UFMI members with the users of their works as is necessary for the protection of their economic rights.
3. Reviewing and formulating policies, procedures and practices for UFMI Operations.
4. Directing and supervising the administration of UFMI.
5. Developing a robust licensing, collecting and distribution regime.
6. Ensuring effective management and use of UFMI financial resources and assets.
7. Preparing and reporting of timely and accurate financial reports.
8. The Chief Executive Officer will ensure that all statutory compliances are made correctly and that all amounts due and the necessary returns are submitted by the due dates.
9. Giving prudent advice to the UFMI Board and members.
10. Preparing and analyzing on a quarterly basis the organization's business plans and budgets and provide periodical performance reports to the Board.
11. Coordinating external recommendations set forth. audit exercises and implementing
12. Develop partnerships with international stakeholders and gamer support for the organization.
13. Representing UFMI in business transactions and any other transactions authorized by the Board
14. Attending Board meetings and AGM in an advisory capacity and implementing the resolutions made.
15. Carry out such other duties as prescribed in the law or directed by the Board.

The ideal candidate should have the following skills and attributes;
1. Be of exemplary integrity and honesty
2. Have admirable customer care skills
3. Strong net-working and relationship management.
4. Have excellent financial analysis skills
5. Dynamic, creative and fast moving in implementing activities. Possess analytical and critical thinking skills
6. Be decisive and possess quick judgment skills Possess excellent business writing skills
7. Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills Be proactive and self-motivated
8. Have excellent report writing and presentation skills Be a team player
9. Commitment to continuous learning.

1. The ideal candidate should have a minimum of a University degree with Honours.
2. A bias towards law, Business Administration, Commerce, Statistics or any Administration related discipline from a reputable University will be highly considered.
3. A Master's degree preferably in administration is an added advantage. Should have at least 7 years work experience in administration or background of service in a related sector.
4. Should have demonstrable knowledge of the operations and regulations of CMOS.

Ability to prepare and maintain management accounts and financial statements for the organization including budget in accordance to IFRS and other accounting guidelines.
Able to manage the CMO Cash flows and cash flow forecast. Proficient in use of Microsoft office word and excel.

Education Requirement: No Requirements

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure

Applications should be sent by 14th February, 2023 to:
Physical address: The National Culture Forum,
Second Floor, Room 10,
National Theatre, Plot 2,3 and 6 Dewinton Street, Kampala.


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Job Info
Job Category: Administrative jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 14 February 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 31-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 31-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-01-2066
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