CCM Ethics Officer job at Future Options
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941 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
CCM Ethics Officer

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Consulting , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Future Options

Deadline of this Job:
23 August 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, August 08, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Future Options jobs in Uganda

Knowledge, Skills & Competences
• Solid experience in building and developing partnerships in political environments and in mediating complex issues and deliverables at country, regional and international level.
• Solid understanding and experience of strategic, organizational, and management issues.
• Understanding of Global Fund processes and its funding model.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Working level of English (or French) as well as knowledge of the local language (particularly
• the most common language used by key population representatives) are a requirement for this role.
Technical skills
• Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, email, internet and websites.
• Robust understanding of Governance and Ethics matters.
• High degree of organization, initiative, political awareness and knowledge of public
• health issues.
• Strong inter-personal skills and proven ability to communicate and interact diplomatically
• with high-level officials from the government, NGOs, UN agencies, the private sector
• and in-country PSEA network members.
• Strong writing, presentation and communication skills.
• Previous experience and/or background with government or private sector desirable.

Objective 1 related to Values and Principles driven actions & behaviors
• Monitoring CCM activities and deliberations to ensure the respect of the Values and Principles included in the CCM Code of Conduct
• Ensuring ethics considerations are embedded in decision-making processes
• Providing advice, ongoing guidance and support to all CCM members, CCM Leadership, Executive Committee and CCM Secretariat
• Ensuring all members are trained and aware of their role and responsibilities with training sessions and regular communications
• Tracking the completion of the CCM Code of Conduct e-learning modules by all CCM members
• Acting as custodian and mediator of ethical and governance matters to protect the integrity of the CCM as a whole, and resolving issues as they arise.
Objective 2 related to Conflict of Interest (CoI) management
• Ensuring all members have updated CoI Declarations on record
• Pre-screening meetings agendas against CoI declarations; identifying perceived, potential or actual CoI and informing the CCM Chair Supporting the CCM Chair with managing and mitigating identified CoI before, during and after meetings
• Ensuring the appropriate documentation including CoI declarations, meeting minutes and the management of these documents.
Objective 3 related to Policies & Procedures
• Ensuring the adoption and implementation of the Code of Conduct by the CCM as a body, by all CCM members and for new members going forward, and documenting the adoption
• Ensuring existing governance documents are periodically reviewed and revised as needed and endorsed by the CCM (by-laws, CoI procedures and declaration forms) and that they reflect the CCM Code of Conduct.
Objective 4 related to Accountability in case of alleged or reported breaches
• Ensuring CCM Code of Conduct breaches are appropriately and timely reported, addressed and documented
• Promoting and supporting compliance with the Whistle-blowing Policy (Duty to Speak Out)
• Supporting the response to potential ethical misconduct, including advising on investigations
• Initiating or supporting actions taken to prevent, manage and sanction CCM Code of Conduct breaches.
Objective 5 related to PSEAH
• Supporting the CCM in its shared responsibility for preventing and responding to SEAH, child protection, and related abuse of power in the context of Global Fund programs
• Supporting fund recipients in the execution of their PSEAH obligations and overseeing their ongoing adherence to the PSEAH requirements in the Code of Conduct for Recipients
• Serving as the in-country point of contact for the Global Fund on matters of PSEAH and coordinating the PSEAH Focal Points at the Principal Recipient level
• Acting as a “safe space” for in-person reporting of SEAH allegations and ensuring that the same exists across implementers
• Where available, joining and participating actively in any in-country PSEA networks 1
• Maintaining up-to-date referral pathways for victim/survivor support referrals
• Liaising on victim/survivor support with the Global Fund’s Victim Advocate and In-Country Support Coordinator
• Providing expertise on PSEAH to the CCM, including support and guidance to the CCM leadership
• Organizing an annual PSEAH training for CCM members, with the support of the in-country PSEA network and the Global Fund

• Advanced degree in public health, ethics, law, public administration, business administration, or related field.
Details of experience
• Experience working in program planning and management, and/or equivalent experience.
• Experience working in PSEAH or a related field, or in the prevention of/response to issues of misconduct.
• At least 5 years of professional experience (international or national) working in planning or management in the humanitarian sector or public health or disease program management.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 60

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
Interested candidates who meet the requirements should send their details to:  not later than 23rd August 2022

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 23 August 2022
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 08-08-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 08-08-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 09-08-2065
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