Associate Area Coordinators job at Evidence Action
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1085 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Associate Area Coordinators

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

Evidence Action

Deadline of this Job:
31 March 2022  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Iganga , East Africa

Date Posted: Thursday, March 17, 2022 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Evidence Action jobs in Uganda

Reporting to the Area coordinator, the Associate coordinator position is a key field management role for Dispensers for Safe Water Program (DSW). An Associate Coordinator is part of the DSW program management team and plays an important role in leading program management at the field level. The Associate Coordinator leads field teams to deliver the various activities and outputs of DSW to beneficiary communities.

Duties and responsibilities
• Associate Coordinator is the deputy to the Area Coordinator in managing the dispenser program and field office.
• Conduct stakeholder meetings at district/county, sub county levels to ensure buy-in of local stakeholders into the DSW program.
• Manage a team of Lead Officers and CSAs through good supervision, mentorship & coaching to deliver high quality community engagements.
• Lead the field teams in the execution of DSW activities such as dispenser reinstallations, chlorine delivery and dispenser maintenances among others.
• Manage field finance expenses prudently with proper accountability and transparency in line with the finance policy.
• Develop weekly work plans, budgets and reports for field activities and ensure execution of the planned activities in line with the agreed upon targets.
• Support field teams on field data administration for various activities through smart phone technology.
• Ensure high adoption of DSW in their locations through managing all the drivers of adoption, which include community knowledge, dispenser functionality, promoter engagement, and non-empty rates.
• Take delegated responsibilities in logistical and field operation planning, supervision and reporting.
• Other duties and responsibilities as delegated by the Area Coordinator.
• Key performance Indicators
• Program management: Consistent growth of the dispenser adoption rates through regular chlorine supply and dispenser hardware functionality.
• People management: Maintain effective supervision and team leadership for maximum program outcome and contribution towards achieving the organizational vision and mission.
• Data management: Good program data management for program performance reports.
• Program cost management: Maintain/improve cost effectiveness of DSW program by closely checking on and controlling the operational costs; e.g. logistical costs- (motorbike maintenance, field transport costs).
• Program Finance management: Ensure sufficient funds available for field activities and office expenses
• Budget management: Ensure that activity implementation is maintained within the budget
• Financial Accountability: Ensure that all funds are utilized for their intended purpose and accounted for within the times stated in the financial policy.

• Minimum Degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, International development or equivalent.
• Good language skills in English and local language spoken in the operational location both spoken and written
• 2 years’ experience in management of community-development project activities with an NGO, community based organization or social enterprise.
• Required Competencies and Attributes
• Excellent communication skills and good public relations.
• High-level discipline and good character while engaging with the community and their leaders, program teams and managers.
• Community service attitude/ Passion to work in a rural community setting.
• High level of integrity and stewardship.
• Embraces teamwork, aspires, and supports the ideals of working in a teamwork environment as a team champion.
• Consistent above average performance for the last 1-2 years for DSW program.
• Motorcycle riding skills/experience with a valid driving license.
• Good computer skills, data entry and management skills
• Positive attitude to work and to develop in a fast paced work environment

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 24

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure
To apply follow this link 

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Job Info
Job Category: NGO - Non Government Organisation jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 31 March 2022
Duty Station: Iganga
Posted: 17-03-2022
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-03-2022
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 18-03-2066
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