2 Child Protection And Gender Based Violence Officers job at KRC Uganda
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Vacancy title:
2 Child Protection And Gender Based Violence Officers

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

KRC Uganda

Deadline of this Job:
Monday, March 25 2024 

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Uganda, East Africa

Date Posted: Friday, March 22 2024, Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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Job Description:
The officer will coach and mentor Child Protection and GBV Committees to: disseminate Child protection, and GBV messages in the communities; identification and triaging CP and GBV cases; undertake proper documentation, male referrals and taking responsibility of ensuring that all referrals are followed and closed in accordance with protection project case management process. S/he will also ensure GBV and CPC are supervised, coached and mentored and reports provided.

The officer will be coaching and mentoring of suicide, CPCs, GBV committees and community facilitators. Monthly meetings with the CPCs and GBV committees. S/he will triage all reported cases, and make internal referrals to counsellor or external referrals to other partners for relevant services. Document/ record cases and ensure each case has a file. S/he will conduct/coordinate case conferences and support OPM, CDO and probation officer to participate. S/he will conduct home and follow-up visits and coordinate with partners, community services department of district and OPM for case closure among others. S/he will participate in Protection and GBV working group meetings at settlement/district and provide reports.

The officer reports to the Team Leader, supervises Community Facilitator/volunteer-CP & GBV and CP and GBV committees. S/he will collaborate with other essential working relations include; Counsellor, OPM, UNHCR and other partners.

Qualifications and Experience:
• A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Development, Social Work or any other relevant related field.
• Experience on Case Management is a strong requirement
• Ability to write and speak English is a must.
• At least 3 years of field work experience, preferably with an (i)NGO in the area of child protection and GBV.
• Good understanding of development themes such as child rights, protection, gender, and SRH.
• Good understanding of dynamics in context, politics, and culture of the West Nile
• Willing to live in remote areas.
• Know how to ride a motorbike and in possession of a valid riding license is a MUST

• Coaching skills
• Strong facilitation
• Teamwork (team oriented)
• Strong social and communication skills
• Affinity with children
• Good observation skills
• Willingness to work and live in remote areas
• Creativity

Specific Job Roles
Effective delivery of the Child Protection and CP Case Management activities
• Organize and conduct trainings for Child Protection Committees
• Support CPCs in the identification of cases and ensure timely assessment and case plans
• Provide timely support to CP cases to access services
• Coordinate involving internal and external actors relevant protection partners to facilitate/support case conferences for Children at Rick (CAR) that required multi-agency support.
• Provide support to families fostering CAR
• Assess needs related to Core Relief Items (CRI) and ensure timely supplies are provided to CAR and child mothers at reception centers.
• Assess cases that are at high risk and support them with cash to access urgent support
• Support CPCs to conduct community awareness in their respective communities and ensure documentation on awareness is done appropriately.
• Conduct monthly supervision meetings for CPCs and provide feedback to enable them improve
• Effective delivery of the Gender-Based Violence activities
• Organize trainings for GBV committees at the Women and Girls Friendly Spaces (WGSS) and in zones.
• Support Facilitators (CP and GBV) to deliver sessions at the WGSS using the comic book approach
• Support GBV committees at zones to deliver for adolescent girls at the WGSS using the comic book approach.
• Identify cases through the GBV structures and make appropriate referrals to counselor or relevant service points.
• Conduct community barazas for community leaders four times a year in the respective settlement/zones.
• Support community GBV structures and trained community leaders to conduct awareness on GBV in communities.
• Report on all GBV work done using relevant project reporting tools
• Report on activities implemented and concerns identified
• Collect information and data from all activities for reporting
• Prepare and submit quality and timely reports using relevant project reporting tools

Safeguarding and Confidentiality
• Conduct safety audits to ensure spaces for sessions and community meetings are safe.
• Ensure that safeguarding and protection procedures are understood and adhered to.
• Report all safeguarding, GBV and protection concerns on time to facilitate timely management.
• Provide Psychological First Aid (PFA) to identified cases before referral
• Ensure all data of each CP and GBV case is securely kept and confidentiality maintained

Others Roles
• Attend GBV and Protection working group meetings and represent the organisation
• Responsible and accountable for assigned project assets and supplies during the project life span.
• Perform any other duties as assigned by partner in the fulfillment of the tasks.

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: 36

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

Application set will include the following;
A complete and signed application letter
A curriculum Vitae / Resume
Copies of academic Transcripts
Copies of National ID
Names, contact numbers and addresses of three (3) professional references
Closing Date: Sunday 25th March 2024 at 5:00pm

Applications in Hard copies should be submitted to any of the following addresses;
KRC Uganda Rhino Camp Contact Office: OPM Office; Contact Racheal
Inyogu 0782033570/0756495340
KRC Uganda, Yumbe Office: Contact Francis Opio 0773742208, Former NRC
office, Next to the main Market, Yumbe Town
KRC Uganda, Fort Portal Office, Plot 28, Mugurusi Road, HR 0782640552

Applications in soft copy should be submitted via Email address: humanresource@krcug.org 

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 25 March 2024
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 22-03-2024
No of Jobs: 2
Start Publishing: 22-03-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 22-03-2068
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