Norvik Enterprises Limited
Norvik Enterprises Limited
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Norvik Enterprises Limited
Norvik Enterprises Ltd. Was incorporated in 1998 with a major motive being “to meet the increasing demand of drugs and their supply at affordable rates”.

Norvik Enterprises Ltd. Is now one of the leading Importers of pharmaceutical, Vaccines & medical sundries in Uganda. The company imports high quality pharmaceutical products from reputed manufacturers who meet the stringent regulatory approvals from advanced countries like, UK, USA, Europe, Asia, South Africa, and Australia.

The company has its own dispensing/retail, and wholesale outlet in the heart of the city of Kampala with a well-designed distribution network across the country.

The company has been recognized by various institutions for supply of bulk orders in the agreed period of time with ease.

The company boasts of a team of highly qualified sales personnel and delivery vans all in the interest of customer satisfaction.

We believe the right team can make all the difference. For this reason, team members are carefully matched with projects based on the unique project needs and requirements. This is our way of ensuring customer-focused service to the clients, partners and communities we serve.

To meet, the increasing demand of safe and efficacious drugs at affordable price

To improve quality of lives by providing contemporary and affordable medicines which are compliant to global quality standards

Teamwork & Leadership Quality & Excellence Integrity & Professionalism Innovation & Perseverance Passion & Purpose

No. Product Generic Name Pack Size
1 Amtas-5 Tab
Amlodipine- 5mg
2 x 2 x 7
2 Amtas-5 Tab
Amlodipine- 5mg
10 x 10
3 Amtas-10 Tab
Amlodipine- 10mg
2 x 2 x 7
4 Amtas-10 Tab
Amlodipine- 10mg
10 x 10
5 Carditas retard Tab
Nifedipine- 20mg
10 x 10
6 Carvetas-12.5mg
Carvedilol tab - 12.5mg
3 x 10
7 Carvetas-6.25mg
Carvedilol tab - 6.25mg
3 x 10
8 Clavix AS 75
Clopidogrel & Aspirin(75+75)mg
3 x 10
9 Enapril-10 Tab
10 x 10
10 Enapril-5 Tab
10 x 10

Apart from being major suppliers of pharmaceutical products and medical sundries to the ministry of health and NGOs.

Our 23 years of tireless service in Uganda has generated a large customer base that enjoys our products and services. Our customer base that we serve is grouped in to the following;

Government Organizations: We serve and distribute different products to various Government organizations in Uganda.
Non-Government Organizations: We also have Non-Government organizations that we distribute to and serve with the wide range of our products within the country.
Private Hospitals/Clinics: Our client base also includes hospitals and clinics. These vary in sizes and are usually assigned sales representatives to handle their needs.
Local Pharmacies: We also supply other local pharmacies and collaborate with them accordingly.
Licensed whole sale traders: We serve wholesale clients who purchase huge volumes/bulk quantities from our distribution premises and distribute in other market segments.
Retail Pharmacies/ buyers: We also have retail clients who purchase substantial quantities and sell to the final consumers.
Ministry of Health
National Medical stores
Joint Medical stores
Mulago National Referral Hospital
Major NGOs in medical related Field
All Pharmaceutical trading Companies
All major Hospitals and clinics Country wide.
We supply anti-cancer products & other lifesaving drugs to Ministry Of Health and Non-Governmental Organizations.

We remain committed to delivering cost-effective, reliable and sustainable healthcare supply chain management solutions to ensure that all patients have access to the highest quality medicines when and where they need them.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statement
Norvik Enterprises Limited has had a great hand in building a better world through its responsible effects of operations and in line with public expectations by giving back to the community.

Norvik Enterprises Ltd has engaged in several CRS activities like;

Promoting and funding the Cancer run to raise the money for the building of the cancer treatment centers around the country.
Promoting and funding of the sickle cell run to raise funds for the building of the specialty sickle cell Hospital in Uganda.
Promoting and funding of the Rotary projects to raise funds for the provision of the safe water access points to the less privileged people in the community.
Offering free public Consultations at national events and government corporate bodies like Uganda revenue authority
Various donations of medical and food items to the orphanages around Kampala as a way of giving back to those in need.
The above statement, explains our approach to promoting sustainability in the community and environment in which it operates.

With the years to come, we are looking for sustainable partnerships to reach out to the wider needy community that we can uplift medically and socially.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256414251067 / 414346670
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Address1: Plot 78/3-4, Bombo Road (Opp. Sure House) P. O. Box, 21034, Kampala - Uganda